Safe Driving Award
Safe Driving awards, given out in 5 year intervals for having no non-preventable accidents.
Safe Driving Award

5 Year

10 Year

15 Year

20 Year
Safe Driving Awards were presented to encourage safe driving, they were at one time given out every year that an officer went without having an accident. Then they stopped giving them out, apparently there came a time when they felt it might be a good idea to bring them back, but they did with a slight change, instead of every year, they started giving them out in five year blocks, a 5, a 10, a 15, 20 and 25 year on was made, above is a 5 year pin, the 10 year on has a silver star in it's center, followed by he 15 with 2 stars, 20 with 3 stars and 25 with 4 stars
Copies of: Your Baltimore Police Department Class Photo, Pictures of our Officers, Vehicles, Equipment, Newspaper Articles relating to our department and or officers, Old Departmental Newsletters, Lookouts, Wanted Posters, and or Brochures. Information on Deceased Officers and anything that may help Preserve the History and Proud Traditions of this agency. Please contact Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll.
How to Dispose of Old Police Items
Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department.
Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at
Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll