1826 - Western District History - The Western District was first located at Green St between Baltimore St, and Belvidere St. Used from 1826 until 1876 when they moved to their new location, Pine Street, (still stands today and is used by the Maryland University Police) Baltimore Police used it from 1876 until 1958/9 when they built their new station house at 1034 N Mount St, which is the current site of the Western District.
Western District
1826 - Western District History - The Western District was first located at Green St between Baltimore St, and Belvidere St. Used from 1826 until 1876 when they moved to their new location, Pine Street, (still stands today and is used by the Maryland University Police) Baltimore Police used it from 1876 until 1958/9 when they built their new station house at 1034 N Mount St, which is the current site of the Western District.
The Officers with the Shotguns are P/O Larry Lorenzo and P/O Ken Patrick - The Sun reports - Members of the Police Department's new shotgun squad, and a canine Officer Mitch Paris leave the vacant House of the Good Shepherd on Franklin Street after an unsuccessful search for trespasser who fired a shot at Patrolman Scott Garrity. The unit is expected to cut down on the increased number of gun assaults on police officers throughout the city. This unit was also put together to help prevent bank robberies by doing bank checks while armed with Shotguns and wearing bulletproof vests. Normally they would run around in plain clothes on day shift for 30 days (Squad-A) while the other Squad, "B" would be in uniform taking calls on the 4x12 in that "expanded area" known as "Sector 6" Central. Every month they'd switch. Each district had their own squad/unit made up of District Operations Officers. One day, the powers above, felt that they had to do something about the bank holdups that were occurring downtown and came up with the idea of having the Daytime Operations guys: "Squad-A" stay in uniform and carry shotguns while parading around doing random "Bank Checks". We were tagged as "The Shotgun Squad".. who's basic job was to put a 'show of force' on the street to serve as a deterrent to would-be bank robbers. Squad A (day shift Ops) got to do that for most of the spring and summer as I recall; leaving Squad B to do their uniform thing on 4x12 taking calls. Some say the "The Shotgun Squad" was thought to be an effective "PR" too in certain respects...

Western District
Fallen Officers
1844 - 19 June 1844 - We lost our Brother Night Watchman Alexander McIntosh WD
1858 - 22 September, 1858 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Benjamin Benton WD
1858 - 5 November, 1858 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Robert M. Rigdon WD
1870 - 5 July, 1870 - We lost our Brother Police Officer James Murphy WD
1871 - 12 January, 1871 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Charles J Walsh WD
1872 - 18 August 1872 - We lost our Brother Police Officer John Christopher WD
1873 - 12 January 1873 - We lost our Brother Patrolman John H. Dames WD
1873 - 12 January 1873 - We lost our Brother Patrolman James T. Harvey WD
1899 - 29 August, 1899 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Alonzo B. Bishop WD
1905 - 26 January 1905 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Mathew Boone WD
1915 - 25 December 1915 - We lost our Brother Sergeant Paul Meeks WD
1923 - We lost our Brother Police Officer John Edward Swift WD
1929 - 26 July 1929 - We lost our Brother Patrolman James M. Moore WD
1930 - 7 May 1930 - We lost our Brother Patrolman Robert L. Osborne WD
1937 - 17 November 1937 - We lost our Brother Capt. Charles A. Kahler WD
1964 - 6 February 1964 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Claude J. Profili WD
1965 - 20 January 1965 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Charles R. Ernest WD
1965 - 22 July 1965 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Robert Henry Kuhn WD
1971 - 12 June 1971 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Carl Peterson, Jr. WD
1976 - 16 April 1976 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Jimmy Dale Halcomb WD
1981 - 20 July 1981 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Ronald L. Tracey WD
1992 - 21 September 1992 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Ira Neil Weiner WD
2000 - 8 March, 2000 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Jamie Allen Roussey WD
2002 - 22 August, 2002 - We lost our Sister Police Officer Crystal Deneen Sheffield WD
2009 - 14 Dec 2009 - We lost our Brother Officer Robert W. Peregoy
May they Rest In Peace

Western District Renovation
Photo Obtained from Gino Inocentes

Western District Renovation 2017

Western District Renovation 2017

Western District Renovation 2017

Western District Renovation 2017

Western District Renovation 2017

Timothy Crowther

Western District Renovation 2017

Western District Renovation 2017

Western District Renovation 2017

Courtesy Robert M. Cassell
William H. Cassell, Captain of Police
The Police Board of 1867 appointed Mr. W. H. Cassell, Captain of the (Western) district.
"He was an old and efficient policeman having been Captain of Police under earlier regimes.
After a few months, Captain Cassell resigned'"

The Western District borders five districts (Southern, Central, Northwestern, Northern, Southwestern) and is comprised of several historic neighborhoods, such as Sandtown/Winchester, Poppleton, Penn-North and Druid Hill. The Western District was also once home to Edgar Allen Poe and is where the Poe Homes are now located.
Bridgeview - Greenlawn, Coppin Heights, Easterwood, Evergreen Lawn, Franklin Square, Harlem Park, Lexington, Midtown - Edmondson, Mondawmin, Mosher, Panway - Braddish Avenue, Parkview - Woodbrook, Penn North, Penrose/Fayette Street Outreach, Poppleton, Rosemont Homeowners, Sandtown - Winchester
The Western District borders five districts (Southern, Central, Northwestern, Northern, Southwestern) and is comprised of several historic neighborhoods, such as Sandtown/Winchester, Poppleton, Penn-North and Druid Hill. The Western District was also once home to Edgar Allen Poe and is where the Poe Homes are now located

Courtesy William Davis
Western District from about 1959 until just after the 1968 riots. He was promoted to Sgt and spent the rest at the Southern until his retirement in 1996

Courtesy William Davis

Courtesy William Davis

Courtesy William Davis

Courtesy William Davis

Ken uses eBay Snipe program EZSniper to try to win auction for the site and museum click the logo above of click HERE

Copies of: Your Baltimore Police Department Class Photo, Pictures of our Officers, Vehicles, Equipment, Newspaper Articles relating to our department and or officers, Old Departmental Newsletters, Lookouts, Wanted Posters, and or Brochures. Information on Deceased Officers and anything that may help Preserve the History and Proud Traditions of this agency. Please contact Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll.
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How to Dispose of Old Police Items
Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department.
Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter @BaltoPoliceHist or like us on Facebook or mail pics to 8138 Dundalk Ave. Baltimore Md. 21222
Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll