1980 - 2000

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  1980 - 2000


 Photo courtesy Lieut. Robert Wilson

Photo courtesy Officer Kenneth M. Schiminger

Officer Frederick I. Schiminger 

Officer Robert Ross (AKA Barney)

Officer Robert Ross ( Barney Fife) 
 Cross Street footman

Photo courtesy Agent Robert Jud

Police Commissioner Frank J. Bataglia (center) Officer Mike Arminger (left) who passed away LOD and Detective Robert Jud (right)


Officer Steve Histon 1980's


Photo courtesy Sgt. Nick Nixon
Photo courtesy Agent Robert Jud

College recognition ceremony August 14, 1981

From left to right Sergeant Alan Woods ( Legal Advisor's Office), Agent John Betso (Western District), Lieutenant Joseph Chrisiansen (Northwest District), Agent Tom Douglas (Traffic), Agent Robert Jud (IID),Agent Larry Hornstein (Tactical), Criminalist Bob Sroka 

 (Laboratory Division)


Colonel Dick Francis

March 3, 1982

Marion Wiczulis 1982 1
Courtesy Joe Wiczulis

In 1982 Officer Marion Wiczulis, Traffic Enforcement, works an unmarked cruiser. The Traffic car was the only one to have white wall tires and red lights, which were approved by Colonel Dick Francis at the time.

Marion Wiczulis 1982 2
Courtesy Joe Wiczulis
Photo courtesy Deputy Commissioner William Rochford

Police Union Meeting 1983

Deputy Commissioner William Rochford, seated at the first chair left side.

Photo courtesy Officer Don DeWar

Officer Don DeWar after graduation with his Mom & Dad

Don joined the department after 4 years in the Military but left the department after one year to continue his college education which he had begun while serving in the department and graduated with a degree in Criminal Justice. He reentered the US Army Reserve and retired after almost 37 years. He ran in 2006 for Baltimore City Council 1st District and lost by a very slim margin and hopes to run again. A real success story for one of our very own.

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Officer Juan Rodriguez early 1980's Dogde Aspen 

Photo courtesy Lt. Robert Wilson

1983 - Lt. Wilson  Snow Storm in Baltimore followed by looting and activation of National Guard

Photo courtesy Det. Lou Trimper

Det. Lou Trimper with Govenor William Donald Schaefer July 11, 1993

Officer W.Hackley photo
Photo Courtesy Sgt. William Gordon

Kevin Lenahan, Bill Gordon, Tim Longo

(Below) Jeff Rosen, Tim Longo, Bill Gordon

Photo Courtesy Sgt. William Gordon
Photo Courtesy Sgt. William Gordon

Marty Beauchamp, Bill & Barb Gordon


Photo Courtesy Sgt. William Gordon

Sergeant William Gordon in the lobby museum of the Headquarters Building

(Below) Sergeant William Gordon in Washington DC durring Police Week 1998

Photo Courtesy Sgt. William Gordon
Photo Courtesy Sgt. William Gordon

Baltimore Police Deputy Commissioner

Mike Zotos is pictured in the center 

Courtesy Officer Paul Williams

Officer Paul Williams receiving his Certificate of

Retirement, along with his beautiful wife Mary,

Colonel Leon Tomlin and Lt. Tim Longo. October 21,1996


Civil War Wedding

This maybe an 1860’s wedding party but look closely at the girl in the white dress and the guy standing next to her with the white beard.. The Bride is Teddi Bittenger, supervisor of the B of I unit and the Groom is Major Robert DiStefano.

The wedding party:

Seated in front row, L to R: #1 Blue Dress - Sharon Woolridge, wife

of Al; #2 Red Dress - Sheila Crochetti, wife of Rus; #3 Teal Dress -

Pat Ortega, wife of Julio; # 4 Floral Skirt, white blouse, Imogene

Yaste, wife of Pastor Yaste.

Standing, L to R: # 1 Al Woolridge, retired as a Sergeant to supervise the

Printrak System; #2 Freda Waters Birchett, supervisor of the mainframe

computer for the BPD, wife of Officer Tom Birchett and dear friend of Teddi and Maid of Honor. #3 Officer Tom Birchett, a dear friend and Best Man

#4 Rus Crochetti, a civilian BCPD supervisor; #5 Teddi; #6 Major Robert DiStefano; #7 BPD Detective Julio Ortega; # 8 Major DiStefano’s son's and then girlfriend, "Star", Pastor Dixon Yaste, he and his dear wife are both departed.


Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiStefano

April 20. 1996


Major DiStefano was married in the Old South Mountain Inn in

Boonsboro, it served as a field hospital during the battle of South Mountain, just before the Battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam.  Major DiStefano is the gentleman with the white beard, and his best man Officer Tom Birchett is second from the left, all except the man in red are BCPD cops.  The minister is wearing the red of a Confederate Lieutenant of Artillery, he is also wearing the collar insignia of a chaplain, they served double duty in the Confederate Army.  Behind them, across the road, is the Dahlgren Chapel, Dahlgren was an admiral in the Union Navy during the Civil War, and he invented the Dahlgren Gun, and was named: "The Father of Naval Ordnance."   Major DiStefano is dressed in an authentic reproduction uniform of Confederate General James "Old Pete" Longstreet.

Left to Right : Sergeant Al Woolridge, Officer Tom Birchett, Russ Crochetti, Major Robert DiStefano, Officer Julio Ortega, Pastor Yaste


Major Robert and Teddi DiStefano, Lieutenant William and Betty Stone.

Lt. Stone was dressed as Matthew Brady for the occasion!

Officer John DiStefano.JPG.w300h323

Officer John DiStefano

Officer W.Hackley photo

Honor Guard in Washington D.C. for POLICE WEEK1998

Police Officer Ron Starr, member of the Baltimore Police Honor Guard,
Posing with the restored 1968 Chevrolet Police Car
During a ceremony at the Baltimore Police Memorial June 2004




Detective Jeff Hidy: ‘God’s in the miracle business’

Jeff Hidy, a detective with the Baltimore City Police Department headquarters security, has battled three different cancers in the last year and a half. “I’m here because I’ve laid things in the Lord’s hands,” Hidy said .

BALTIMORE - Detective Jeff Hidy breathes deeply from the one and one-third lungs he has remaining and declares this “a blessed day.” He utters the phrase at every opportunity from a mouth that never loses its delighted grin. Blessed day, indeed. For Hidy, every day on earth feels like a bonus.

The lung cancer? “It’s like I had a cold,” he says.

The brain tumor they found 30 days later? “Big as a fist,” he says. “Want to see the scar?”

The pain in his leg that turned out, six months ago, to be bone cancer?

“I wouldn’t worry about it,” the first doctor told him.

By this time, owing to history, Hidy had learned a certain cautionary skepticism. He’d worry, all right. Two years ago, when he had a soft, annoying cough that wouldn’t go away, the doctor told him, “Jeff, I guarantee you don’t have lung cancer.”

“Just the same,” said Hidy, “I’d like to get a chest X-ray.”

The X-rays said the doctor was wrong.

“It doesn’t look good,” the doctor said.

“Trust in God; he’ll take care of it,” Hidy said.

A month later, when he was getting chemotherapy for the lung, he told a doctor, “I feel a little spacey. Something’s not right. The cancer couldn’t be in my brain, too, could it?”

“No,” said this doctor. “But why don’t we get an MRI, just to make sure?”

They operated on Hidy’s brain the next day and removed a tumor the size of a small fist.

“See the scar?” says Hidy. He takes off his uniform cap and displays an 18-inch scar quite visible amid a recovering sprinkle of hair.

“Spot balding,” Hidy says. “My wife calls me Spalding. Like the tennis ball, yeah.”

A 15-year veteran of the Baltimore City Police Department who lives with his wife, Karen, in Middle River, Hidy utters every syllable with sheer joy. He beat the lung cancer, and he beat the brain tumor, and he’ll beat the bone cancer, too, he says.

“A blessed day,” he declares again. “All credit to the Lord. He just keeps carrying me. Satan gave me the tumors, but the Lord carries me through. Plus, I give some credit to the doctors, too.”

He is an upbeat man in a profession that can play decidedly downbeat. The cops see the worst of human nature, and deal with it. Sometimes, it’s all about approach.

“I’ve always been blessed,” Hidy, 50, was saying the other day. He sat in the lobby of police headquarters, near the base of the Jones Falls Expressway, and greeted almost all police employees walking past by their first names.

“In 10 years on the street,” he said, “I never had to shoot at anyone, never had to use my nightstick, never even used Mace. My partner used to say, ‘If Jeff locks somebody up, there shouldn’t even be a trial.’ I treated people the way I’d want them to treat my mother. And I got respect 95 percent of the time.”

Then there was that other 5 percent.

“Well, one time a woman came at me with a knife,” Hidy remembers. “I was responding to a domestic call. She came down the stairs at me with a steak knife. She could have hurt me. I didn’t want to shoot her. She just needed to be calmed down, and I just talked calmly and said I’d try to help her. I was really happy that I could.

“See, every threat level’s different. Anyone’s a liar who says they’re not scared out there. But, as a police [officer], you work your way through your fears. One time this girl hit me with a flashlight. It was Christmas. She was scared, and she went right into a corner and huddled in fear.

“I told her, ‘Listen, my Christmas present to you is, I’m not going to arrest you. But I want you to go to a hospital for help.’ And we got her treatment. That was a blessed day, a very blessed day.”

The phrase tumbles out of him reflexively. He is a deeply religious man at a highly vulnerable time of his life, and this is his comfort.

“I tell people,” he says, “ ‘If the Lord could look out for a bonehead like me, imagine what he’ll do for you.’ I tell this to people all the time. Don’t be scared.”

It is a fact that not everyone who prays gets healed. Hidy’s a man of faith, but he’s not blind.

“But God’s in the miracle business,” he says.

Hidy feels he’s been the recipient of two miracles so far: in his lung and his brain. Now, on his off days from work, he’s getting chemotherapy for the bone cancer. The smile never leaves his face, nor the phrase from his lips: a blessed day, he says.

It’s a blessing just to be around such optimism, and such a man.



Courtesy Major Robert DiStefano

Colonel Dick Francis, Major Gill Karner, Captain Robert DiStefano


Officer Vince Cole








1985 Assigned to Tactical Section 


Captain Garry D'Addario 

Photo courtesy Lieut. Robert Oros
Photo courtesy Lieut. Robert Oros
Courtesy Det Ken Driscoll

Sgt. Sonny Dickson

Photo courtesy Lieut. Doug Baumgarten

Officer Doug Baumgarten  1989

Rodriquez 01
Photo courtesy Lt. Juan Rodriquez & Sgt. Linda Rodriquez

Juan Rodriguez and Linda Rodriquez
The first husband and wife promoted to the Rank of Sergeant on the same day
in the history of the Baltimore City Police Department. June 8, 1994.

(below) Their certificates of promotion to Sergeant

Rodriquez 02

Photo courtesy Officer Bill Edgar

Officer Bill Edgar with the Baltimore Raven's Cheerleaders

Photo courtesy Officer Bill Edgar

Officer Bill Edgar with the Super Bowl Trophy

Photo courtesy Officer Bill Edgar

Officer Bill Edgar with Mick Jagger

Photo courtesy Officer Bill Edgar

Officer Bill Edgar with Hulk Hogan and  Randy Savage

Photo courtesy Officer Bill Edgar

Officer Bill Edgar with President George W. Bush

Photo courtesy Officer Bill Edgar

Officer Bill Edgar with Jay Leno

Photo courtesy Officer Bill Edgar

Officer Bill Edgar & Chris Rock



Officer Larry Fasano and Officer John Doesburgh

Officer W.Hackley photo

 Sergeant Fred Roussey (now Lieutenant) and his wife Charlene with Police Commissioner Edward Norris, at the wreath laying National Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial, Washington, DC.

Lost their son "Jamie" LODD March 8, 2000




Officer Alan Keitz



Officer Edward Doyle-Gillespie

Courtesy Officer James McCartin

Officer James McCartin

Courtesy Officer James McCartin

 Officer James McCartin

Courtesy Officer James McCartin
Courtesy Officer James McCartin

Officer James McCartin with the Emerald Society's van


Officer Larry Fasano


Lieutenant Johnny Paradise


Lieutenant J. Russell

Served 1979-2005

Officer Roan Everett

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Copies of: Your Baltimore Police Department Class Photo, Pictures of our Officers, Vehicles, Equipment, Newspaper Articles relating to our department and or officers, Old Departmental Newsletters, Lookouts, Wanted Posters, and or Brochures. Information on Deceased Officers and anything that may help Preserve the History and Proud Traditions of this agency. Please contact Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll.

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How to Dispose of Old Police Items

Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department. Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter @BaltoPoliceHist or like us on Facebook or mail pics to 8138 Dundalk Ave. Baltimore Md. 21222


Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll