Baltimore Police CID - Criminal Investigation Division - There was a time when before arriving to the scene of the crime a detective knew what happened, and who did it. Then we started getting better detectives, guys and gals that worked a scene, talked to witnesses, neighbors, those arrested in the area, and anyone they could get information. Like anything, we had good and we had bad, Thank God, we had many many more good, than we had bad.
Baltimore Police CID
Criminal Investigation Division

Photo courtesy W. M. Hackley
CID Detective Bureau sign that was posted in the old Headquarters building in the 1940's A Good Detective knows everything about a crime almost on sight and sometimes on the way to the crime scene or as they are getting out of their car. A Great Detective takes their time, asks questions, talks to witnesses, victims, and suspects after walking the crime scene and all before making any determinations about the crime.
Lt Detective Philip M. Germack
“Old Familiar Faces” No Asset in This Case
30 April 1942
That the “Old Familiar Faces” is a liability and seven asset in the special headquarter squad was demonstrated yesterday as Capt. Joseph H. Itzel, of the central district, announced the transfer of for detectives whose faces have become too well known to the underworld. Sgt. Philip Germack, patrolman William Stone, Ellis Gilmore and Owen Smallwood – and added that the change was made as a matter of policy to help the plainclothes men fight criminals without being detected. The four men, who have been in the special headquarter squad since it was organized in 1938 to fight gambling and other vices, have been commended each year at the annual exercise for their good work according to the captain. (These officers were in this unit for four or five years meeting they were commended for or five times for their hard work”
Lt Detective Philip M. Germack
Police Seize 18,000 Tickets
6 January 1947
Alleged Sweepstakes Papers Found During Search
Seizure of $45,000 worth of alleged sweepstakes tickets on the 1947 running of the Preakness was revealed in central police court yesterday. Detective Lieut. Frank Schmidt testified that the tickets were confiscated during the investigation of the larceny of $4793 worth of liquor from a warehouse at three E. Mt. Royal Avenue which resulted in the arrest of seven men. One of the men was held for grand jury action on the charge of operating or permitting the sweepstakes to be operated.
Held for Grand Jury
All seven were held for grand jury action on the liquor charges by magistrate Elmer Hammer. All the accused are Negroes. Detective Sgt. Philip Germack testified that 18,000 tickets priced at $2.50 each were found in the home of Bernard J. Corbin – 34 – of the 1500 block of North for an Avenue. In addition to the gambling charge, Corbin was charged with receiving $452 worth of stolen liquor. When the tickets were found, Sgt. Germack testified, Corbin told police that he had not distributed any of them because he was waiting for a final decision from his lawyer as to their legality.
"Win $25,000"
The tickets were introduced as evidence by described by police witnesses as being “finally engraved” in green ink on white paper. The ticket according to police testimony, promised to pay $10,000 to the holder of the ticket on Preakness winner; 5000 for the second horse; three cents thousand for the third horse and 2000 for the fourth horse. Holders of tickets on any horse entered in the Preakness, regardless of scratches, would be paid consolation prizes of $250.
Price on Each Ticket
drawing would be held in May 1947, five days prior to the running of the race. The ticket said, the price of $2.50 and the serial number was printed on each ticket, police testified. Alan Merrill assistant state’s attorney, directed the questioning of witnesses. According to the testimony, Corbin told police after his arrest that it was planned to use all of the funds for charitable purposes and he intended to purchase a house in his neighborhood which would be converted into a Negro recreation center. He said the tickets had been printed in Miami Florida
Held in Bail
Corbin was held in $10,000 bail on the sweepstakes charge and in 1500 bail on the charge receiving stolen goods the others Howard Sullivan was held on 1500 bail John Landen was held on $2500 bail James Talley was held on $1000 bail Alan Harris was held at one $1500 bail George Mick Lauder was held on $1500 bail Ira Codman was held on $2000 bail all of the accused except London pled not guilty
Owned by Nightclubs
The liquor taken from the warehouse was the property of either the spot or trolls loyal bar both of which establishments used the place for storage. James Atwell manager of the spot testified that he missed the liquor from the warehouse on December 31 and called in the detectives. A Warner manager of the Charles Royal testified that he had employed Landen as a porter about five months ago and that Landen had access to the warehouse. Lieut. Smith then took the stand and testified that after questioning Landen admitted participating in the larcenies and subsequent investigation led to the arrest of the other six men. A number of cases of liquor were recovered at various places in the city, according to detectives who said some of it was found in Corbin's club basement. None of the defendants testified
Please take a moment to reflect on a Hero, a Lieutenant, a Friend, a great person.
Died in The Line of Duty, protecting his men...and doing a job he loved so much
“He was a passionate and dedicated police officer who gave of himself every day on the job, not because he had to, but because he loved doing it” “Owen’s watch is not over. It never ended. It continues on in the many lives of those he touched.”
City Hall & Police Headquarters
Baltimore City Police Detectives and Sergeant circa 1905
W.M.Hackley Photograph
Photo courtesy Mike Kearney
Detective William Kearney (above and below) escorts a prisoner 1960s
Photo courtesy Mike Kearney
Detective William Kearney
Police Commissioner Donald D. Pomerleau (center) presenting awards to members of the CID. Detective Sergeant William Kearney is back row 2nd officer from left 196os

Photo courtesy Mike Kearney
Police Commissioner Donald D. Pomerleau congratulates members of the CID. Detective Sergeant William Kearney is in the light color jacket with the gold tie. 1970s
Photo courtesy Mike Kearney Police Commissioner Frank J. Battaglia congratulates member of the CID. Detective Sergeant William Kearney is pictured second detective in from the right. 1970's
Photo courtesy Detective Raymond Wilson Court room sketch artist rendition of Detective Raymond E. Wilson testifying at a murder trial on April 19, 1976
Courtesy of Detective Ray Wilson
Early 4th. issue DETECTIVE badge with applied numbers.
Issued to Detective Raymond Wilson CID
Photo courtesy Detective Raymond WilsonPhoto courtesy Agent Robert Jud Concentration On Drug Enforcement
Oct.28 ~ "500 Club" ~ Dec. 22, 1979

Detective George Klein, Edward Glacken, Special Agent Andrew Manning FBI, Detective Broderic Kinkead received a Unit Citation December 5, 1980
Photo Courtesy Agent Robert Jud
Commissioner Frank J. Battaglia awarding Captain Joseph Newman and CID Narcotics a "UNIT CITATION AWARD" in 1982 Below: Members of the CID, Crimes Against Persons Section, Homicide Unit, having been awarded the Departmental Unit Citation, for outstanding performance in the investigations and solutions of Homicide, Suicide,
Kidnapping, and other major crimes in 1983 Presented August,1984.
Photo Courtesy Sergeant Bernie Wehedge Detective Ed “Unk” Mullins CID Check Squad was one of the sharper dressers ...when he worked the Greenmount & North Ave. area in Central District, his uniform was neat as a pin...we had to furnish our own shirts in those days and Ed had some real sharp shirts....his nickname was “Unk” maybe as in uncle.....??
Courtesy Sergeant Bernie Wehedge Detective John Clark Auto Squad
Courtesy Lt. Tom Douglas Detective Douglas with a recovered stolen motorcycle at City Yard. (Below) Police Commissioner D.D. Pomerleau congratulates Detective Tom Douglas
Courtesy Lt. Tom Douglas
Police Commissioner Donald D. Pomerleau and Lieut. Thomas Douglas
Officer Fahlteich Honored
The Baltimore Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution recently presented their Law Enforcement Medal of Honor to a Baltimore Police Officer from the Southwestern District. The organization's membership includes a number of prominent leaders in the community. It presents the Law Enforcement Medal of Honor to that officer who, in their judgment, has excelled in his service to the community. The Sons of the American Revolution's Law Enforcement Medal of Honor is unique in that it is approved and recognized by the Congress of the United States of America as a civil award by proclamation instituted in 1945. The organization presented it's Medal of Honor to Police Officer Richard C. Fahlteich, a four year veteran of the Department. Officer Fahlteich was honored at a luncheon held on September 30, 1978 in Baltimore County. The keynote speaker at the affair was retired Judge Wilson K. Barnes of the Maryland Court of Appeals who is also the past National President of the Sons of the American Revolution. Officer Fahlteich was honored because he "has been found to be aggressive, fair, and genuinely concerned about the citizens and their interactions with police." Officer Fahlteich displayed his aggressiveness in the spring of 1978 when he observed a person fitting the description of a hold-up suspect who quickly turned a corner. The Officer stepped around the corner and was immediately confronted by the suspect pointing a sawed-off rifle at him. Without hesitation, Officer Fahlteich kicked the weapon from the hands of the suspect and took him into custody. As a result of this action, Officer Fahlteich was awarded the Bronze Star. Last winter Officer Fahlteich arrived on the scene of an apparent suicide attempt in which a man jumped from a bridge more than 100 feet into the water below. Although the air temperature was only 19 degrees, the Officer jumped into the water, reached the seriously injured victim, and applied first aid until they were both removed from the icy water by emergency equipment. In these and other instances the "determination, coolness, courage and professionalism displayed under split second condition . .. . coupled with the knowledge that a citizen could be in mortal danger, reflects great credit on Officer Fahlteich." Following the luncheon, Officer Fahlteich was awarded a United States Savings Bond, the Law Enforcement Medal of Honor. and a plaque commemorating the event. Attending the ceremony also were Officer Fahlteich's wife, Helen, and Captain Elmer R. Turner, Southwestern District.
All the Officers and Agents working the "CHINA WHITE" case 1992
During 1991 and 1992, the Baltimore Police Department headed one of the largest investigations, involving drugs and murder, ever accomplished in the history of the State and Federal Judicial system

US Attorney Brent Gurney, Detective Curtis Stewart, Detective William Burley IV, Lieutenant Frederick Koch, Sergeant Joseph Peters, Detective Mike Warnick, Detective Joe Gourding
Detective Arthur Vidler, Sergeant Joseph Lovett, Detective Robert Birney, Detective Leo Smith
In what was determined the largest drug seizure in Maryland history, 2,400 pounds of cocaine. February 27, 1997 Detective Terry Hipkins, Detective Captain Michael Anrew, Detective Major Eugene T. Yeager, Detective Sergeant James C. Cappuccino, Detective Arthur Brummer, Detective John Morcomb
New Sketch Technology In Baltimore, police are using a new combination of technology and art to track down robbers, resulting in the arrests of several suspects in a recent rash of robberies. "We can turn around an hour after the robbery and have the flyer and be taking it right back to out to the area, which has happened in these recent cases," said Lt. Sandy Joyce of the Baltimore City Police Department. Police said that even without surveillance cameras, they are currently better able to produce artist's sketches. Police said that one sketch that was produced based on the description provided by a robbery victim contained so much detail that detectives remembered it when they were questioning a suspect about a different robbery. "They compared the composite of the person, who they didn't know, with the person they were questioning and realized it was him," Joyce said. The robbery unit's sketch artist is currently being trained by the FBI to produce even better sketches. Police said that in the last month, they've closed 80 commercial robberies and currently hold a robbery clearance rate more than twice as high as other cities of Baltimore size.
In the mid 90's we started using a program called E-Fit it took us from the first sketch above, to the second sketch, now E-fit has come a long way into producing a photo that looks almost like a photograph. I was trained in this, and than brought back to be trained to teach others, and while we used it we were able to come up with drawings that were incredible when compared to the actual subject. I used t once to have a suspect help build a composite of his partner in a couple burglaries, when the pic was done we were able to find the actual suspect through mug shots. It was a great program then and is an even better program now
"Policeman's Bar"
Four retired policemen are walking down the street when they turn a corner and see a sign that says "Policeman's Bar" over the doorway of an establishment that doesn't look all that well kept up. They look at each other and go in. Once inside they realize they could “judge the book by its cover.” The bar is a real dump with sawdust on the floor and a bunch of mismatched tables and chairs. The old bartender says, “Come on in boys and let me pour one for you! What'll it be, gentlemen?” There seems to be a fully stocked bar with lots of high end booze. The men all ask for a martini and in short time the bartender serves up 4 iced martinis and says, "That'll be 40 cents for the round, please." The four ex-cops stare at the bartender for a moment then look at each other. They can't believe their good luck. They pay the 40 cents, finish their drinks and order another round. Again, four excellent martinis are produced with the bartender again saying, "That'll be 40 cents, please." They pay the 40 cents but their curiosity is more than they can stand. They've each had two martinis and so far they've spent less than a dollar. Finally one of the men says, "How can you afford to serve martinis as good as these for a dime a piece?" The bartender replies, "No doubt you've noticed the décor in here and the outside of the place ain't nothin' to write home about. I don't waste money on that stuff. But, here's my story. I'm a retired sheriff's deputy and I always wanted to own a bar. Last year I hit the lottery for $45 million and decided to open this place for real cops. Every drink costs a dime. Wine, liquor, beer; all the same." "Wow. That's quite a story." says one of the men. As the four of them sipped their martinis they couldn't help but notice three guys at the other end of the bar who didn't have a drink in front of them and hadn't ordered anything the whole time they were there. One man finished his martini and, gestured at the three at the end of the bar without drinks and asked the bartender, "What's with them?" The bartender said, "Oh, those are retired Baltimore City police detectives; they're waiting for happy hour. Drinks are half price then."
Copies of: Your Baltimore Police Department Class Photo, Pictures of our Officers, Vehicles, Equipment, Newspaper Articles relating to our department and or officers, Old Departmental Newsletters, Lookouts, Wanted Posters, and or Brochures. Information on Deceased Officers and anything that may help Preserve the History and Proud Traditions of this agency. Please contact Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll.
How to Dispose of Old Police Items
Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department.
Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at
Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll