Calvin McCleese
Calvin McCleese
On 5 March 1989 – Retired Officer Calvin McCleese would die effecting an arrest in his neighborhood - For years the toll bridge at the end of Dundalk Ave in Baltimore County was closed, it sat unused and inoperable. Even longer than that it was under the watchful eye of one of our Department’s finest; Southeast District’s Officer Calvin McCleese lived on the corner of Dundalk Ave and Bullneck Rd. just across the street from the bridge and Watersedge Park, the ladies and gentlemen that collected tolls were safe from anyone trying to bring them harm. Even though its location is in the county, like his family, and his post, Officer McCleese protected his neighborhood. He had two sons Michael, and Jeff that would also grow up to be Police.
Calvin McCleese worked his entire career with the Baltimore Police Department all in the same area since his joining in 1957. He started out in Eastern District's Southeast Substation until 1958/59 when Southeast Station House on Eastern Ave. opened. The kind of police Calvin was; on 22 Jan 1970, while patrolling in Highland town, he grew suspicious of a car parked around the corner from The Chesapeake Federal Savings and Loan. Officer McCleese approached the car just as the car’s tag number was broadcast over his radio in a report about a bank robbery at The Chesapeake S&L. Officer McCleese pulled his handgun and single-handedly captured the two men in the car, one of which was armed with a sawed-off shotgun. But that was 1970, and that was the way Officer McCleese worked.
He retired from the department in 1985 and went on to be the typical retired police… He still looked out for his family and his neighborhood… until this day in 1989 when a vehicle being operated by a drunk driver either not knowing the bridge was closed, or just plain lost control, but it hit the bridge embankments, had an accident and his car burst into flames… Retired Officer McCleese ran to the driver’s aid, after breaking the windows and getting the driver out, the driver woke up. Fearing he would be arrested for DWI, and an out of state warrant he decided he would fight the man that just came to his aid and saved his life. Having just fought his way into a burning car, and getting a man out, then realizing the man was drunk, Officer McCleese wasn’t about to just let him go. So he fought back, subduing the individual until Baltimore County Police would show up on scene, laying on top of him pinning him down when police arrived and took over the arrest. Officer McCleese had had a heart attack which he would succumb to on scene. Officer McCleese had held on for as long as he could. His last action in his life was to first save a life, and then to effect an arrest of a drunk driver and wanted fugitive.
Those that knew him, knew how much he loved being a Baltimore Police Officer, the pride he had in wearing our badge, and while he had already been retired for a few years, he died on this day in 1989 doing what he loved best… serving his community. BTW, one of the ladies P/O McCleese was intent on guarding at that toll booth was his wife, Rebecca McCleese the mother of his two sons.
May he never be forgotten as "His service "Honored" the City of Baltimore and the Police Department" God bless and RIP

Santa played by Officer Calvin McCleese

Courtesy Jeff McCleese
Santa played by Officer Calvin McCleese

Santa played by Officer Calvin McCleese

Santa played by Officer Calvin McCleese

Santa played by Officer Calvin McCleese with Joseph Avara

Santa played by Officer Calvin McCleese

Santa played by Officer Calvin McCleese
Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese

Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese
Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleese Courtesy Jeff McCleese
His father Calvin McCleeseJeff his brother and his father
Courtesy Jeff McCleese
Courtesy Jeff McCleese

Courtesy Jeff McCleese
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Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department.
Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at
Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll