Edward Mattson

Sergeant Ed Mattson

Ed Mattson saw Baltimore's 1968 riots in person, and he watched the recent Freddie Gray riots on TV. He's still struggling to understand both.


He's canoed the Amazon from Peru to Brazil, wrestled a 20-foot anaconda, sumited mountains, and jumped out of planes. But there's one thing retired Baltimore police sergeant Ed Mattson hasn't done.

"I can never truly say I had a black friend. Even today."

Mattson sits and speaks at the kitchen table of the suburban Baltimore home that he and his wife have filled with 19th century children's books and antique oil paintings. His blazer hangs over a chair, an award on its lapel for his service during Baltimore's 1968 riots. As the Freddie Gray case and its aftermath have captured worldwide attention over the past several weeks, and the U.S. Justice Department has launched an investigation into Mattson's former department—the one that gave him that award and several others—Mattson has had much on his mind.

Recently, while grocery shopping, Mattson overheard a woman discussing the Freddie Gray riots. "She said, 'You know, I was never racist or anti-black, but I am now,'" Mattson says. "And I thought: WowThis."

"I'll be truthful with you," he says, "I know guys that—is racist the right word? Or they just don't understand other people? I think the bulk of [officers] are honest, hardworking men that just go to work and do a job. I'm sure they don't go and say, 'Now today we're gonna go out and beat up a black guy.' I know this doesn't happen."

Thousands of protesters, in Baltimore and beyond, see the situation differently.

"I know guys that—is racist the right word? Or they just don't understand other people?"

Mattson grew up in East Baltimore, born into a family of Italian factory workers. In the late '40s and early '50s, Mattson remembers, "Baltimore was like Mayberry." Everyone he knew lived in row homes, and the community had a small town feel. Policemen would threaten to tell your father on you, and kids intent on mischief would follow the lamplighter on his rounds through the neighborhood, turning off the gaslights he'd lit one by one. Both Mattson's grandfather and great-grandfather had been bootleggers and owned speakeasies during Prohibition. He came of age in an all-white neighborhood, graduated from an all-white high school, and served in a nearly all-white Marine Corps.

"We thought life for everybody was good," Mattson says. "It was America, man. The war's over, prosperity's here! But then came Lyndon Baines Johnson with his Great Society, where he wanted to help the downtrodden. When you're young, you don't see downtrodden." But after his stint in the Marines, Mattson came home to Baltimore, and started working as police officer—a white beat cop in primarily black neighborhoods.

"And I realized there were downtrodden people, there were people who didn't rise up," he says. "And I just used to look at it and say, 'Why is it like that?'"

Walking his beat in the early 1960s, Mattson says he did not perceive racial tension. Mostly, his job meant taking care of "humbles" (minor crimes, like loitering), and caring for people as he found them. He did see more of "the seamier side of life" than he'd noticed in his own neighborhood (more drug use, more public drunkenness), and he wondered why the black middle class seemed so small, compared to the white communities he knew.

"You went out on house calls, and there'd be two or three babies who have no milk," he says. "And you'd take it out of your money, out of your pocket, and buy them milk and bread. All the cops I knew did that."

Baltimore, 1968.
Baltimore, 1968.
Getty Images

But by the late '60s, the country was rapidly changing, and Mattson underwent riot training.

After Martin Luther King Jr. was shot, Baltimore exploded. By the third night of rioting, Mattson says, the police were under attack with everything from bullets to Molotov cocktails. "The firemen would come, and they would shoot at the firemen," he says. "And I thought: I could understand shooting at the police. I could really fathom that. But I couldn't understand [attacking] the firemen or the ambulance service, cause they are there strictly to help.

"It was just constant, it never ended: morning, noon, and night," he says. "All the food stores were burnt out. All the liquor stores were burnt out, the clothing stores. There's whole blocks of it that are gone. It looks like Berlin after we bombed it in World War II."

Of Mattson's nearly two decades on the force, those days meant the most to him.

"I saw incredible acts of heroism by guys I worked with—pulling people out of burning buildings, saving lives," he says. "The Baltimore Police saved Baltimore in 1968, there's no doubt about it. The Guard didn't do very much, State Police didn't. The Army came in; they didn't do it. We did it."

After the riots, Mattson went back to his old beat. But his daily foot patrol led him through a different Baltimore.

"People started hatin' each other," he says. "It was like a cloud hung over the city. It just seemed like the friendliness was gone—the trust—on both sides. I couldn't understand how they could burn our city down. And I guess they couldn't understand how I couldn't understand how they could burn our city down."

Last month's violence hit a much narrower swath of Baltimore, and community organizing within those neighborhoods has drawn broad support. Cleanup efforts have spanned racial and economic divides, and social media has helped to democratize protest and storytelling. Last week, CVS corporate announced plans to rebuild its burnt-out and looted locations.

Police form a line near Baltimore's Mondawmin Mall on April 27, 2015.
Police form a line near Baltimore's Mondawmin Mall on April 27, 2015.
Brendan Smialowski/AFPGetty Images

Mattson says the recent riots are an example of what he thinks has gone wrong with policing since his time on the force. He and his wife watched as Mondawmin Mall was looted on live TV. "There were no police officers there," he says. "I said to my wife, 'Why aren't the cops responding to this?' And then we found out why: Cause they were told to stand down. In our day, that would've never happened."

But some things haven't changed. That video of Gray's arrest, where he's dragged to the wagon? "That's just normal," Mattson says. "Typical arrest. People fight you in battle, or resist you—you gotta strong-arm em." He also recognizes State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby's description of what investigators believe happened to Freddie Gray in the van as "bouncing."

"Should they have seat belted him in?" Mattson asks. "Probably. Should they have restrained him more? Probably. Should they have took him to the hospital? I'm sure they should have. But it didn't happen, and so you got this.

"And poor Freddie Gray's going to be made a martyr. But Freddie Gray's not exactly a martyr, you know? He's dead, is what he is. And you feel sorry for him. But also, I feel sorry for the other eight guys that got killed [in Baltimore] last week by gunfire, not by police officers."

Mattson spent his career on one side of the system. So he knows that system is flawed.

"Everybody's guilty 'til proven innocent, you know that; it ain't the reverse of that," Mattson says. "I tell my grandsons: 'Do not get involved in the criminal justice system. It's an oxymoron. There's no such thing as 'criminal justice.' Once you get your foot in, your whole body goes in. You're involved forever."

More than half a century after Mattson tried to keep the peace in his smoldering city, he has an idea as to why it burned, both in 1968, and again this spring. It comes down to one thing, really.

"They feel like they're left out of society. You want to make somebody mad? Ignore 'em. And that's what we've done."

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Copies of: Your Baltimore Police Department Class Photo, Pictures of our Officers, Vehicles, Equipment, Newspaper Articles relating to our department and or officers, Old Departmental Newsletters, Lookouts, Wanted Posters, and or Brochures. Information on Deceased Officers and anything that may help Preserve the History and Proud Traditions of this agency. Please contact Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll.

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Devider color with motto


How to Dispose of Old Police Items

If you come into possession of Police items from an Estate or Death of a Police Officer Family Member and do not know how to properly dispose of these items please contact: Retired Detective Ken Driscoll - Please dispose of POLICE Items: Badges, Guns, Uniforms, Documents, PROPERLY so they won’t be used IMPROPERLY.

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Sector Map

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Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department.

Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter @BaltoPoliceHist or like us on Facebook or mail pics to 8138 Dundalk Ave. Baltimore Md. 21222


Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll


Sgt. Lee Rodgers

50Photo Courtesy of Mark Rodgers
Sgt Lee Rodgers

36Photo Courtesy of Mark Rodgers

32Photo Courtesy of Mark Rodgers

34Photo Courtesy of Mark Rodgers

33Photo Courtesy of Mark Rodgers

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 Devider color with motto 

Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department.

Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter @BaltoPoliceHist or like us on Facebook or mail pics to 8138 Dundalk Ave. Baltimore Md. 21222

Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll

- Traffic Lights



Traffic lights got their start with man operated Police Officer Posted Semaphore Devices, initially using what was known as the, "Go Go - Stop Stop" system, which was a Semaphore system of sorts, a pole with two intersecting signs, when turned one way it would say Go - Go and turned 90 degree to change it to saying Stop - Stop. Later they added a railroad lantern with Green and Red lenses to match with the Go Go - Stop Stop. There was also some debate as to whether we needed a two color or three color system, NYPD chiefs of police argued for a simple two color system, while Baltimore Police Commissioner Charles D. Gaither felt without a third color to warn traffic that Red was coming, we would end up with cars that were turning left stranded in intersections, likewise pedestrians left standing in the middle of a crosswalk. So he argued for and gained the support of Triple A to have an Amber light between the Green and Red light so as to give pedestrians and left turning vehicles fair warning. These colors would play an important role in another lighting system Commissioner Gaither was working on at the time, and that was his Police Call Box Recall Light System. Using spare nautical lighting, for the Recall Lights, his options were limited to Red, Green, White and Amber and Blue. He initially had Green and Red but feared from a distance an officer might mistake it for a traffic light, Not to mention around this same time, the automatic traffic light was being introduces, and in Baltimore like DC these lights were placed on the corner. To drivers new to this system, distinguishing between a traffic light, and a police Recall Light was often confusing. So while there were some Green and Red recall lights in the initial testing most of the red and green lenses were replaced relatively quickly. For a short time they used some blue lenses, but ran into issues of cost, at the time the Cobalt used to make blue glass was expensive and as such Blue was also eliminated. White, or Clear glass as it would have been was not even considered (though in a pinch would have been used with a colored bulb) They felt clear with a white bulb might blend in too much with street lights. So the color finally settled on was Amber. One might think it would provide the same issues found with Red and Green, except the Amber used was more of a Tan/Brown color whereas the Amber used on Traffic lights was as it is today most often described as Yellow. Over the years we had some Red lights from early in the program, and some Blue, but most commonly found is the Amber lens. Some old news articles wrote of the Green light, but in our research we found they were very early on and most if not all were replaced before the 1930s Anyway this page is more geared toward the traffic light and how it got its start here in Baltimore. 

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The Evening Sun Thu Jan 27 1916 72

Baltimore's First Semaphore & The Traffic Officers that Worked Them

1915 18 April 1915 - Patrolman William E. Hartley demonstrated his new traffic signal out at the intersection of Park Heights and Belvedere Avenues where it was met with the expectations of the Police department. The patrolman's device was described as follows. The signal was painted red on two sides, with the word "STOP" in bold white letters. When the sign is reversed, traffic is open and when the red side is displayed traffic is closed. The signal saves the officer operating it the trouble of blowing of a whistle, or raising his hands to keep traffic moving.

1916  – 26 January 1916 - The Police Board ordered 25 semaphores for street crossing - A further step in regulating street traffic by the police department was taken yesterday [26 Jan 1916] when a new semaphore [Baltimore's first] was stationed at Howard and Lexington Streets to guide vehicles. This system was first used and tested by Patrolman Thomas Oursler of Baltimore's Traffic Division and witnessed by Marshal Carter, Deputy Marshal House, President of Police Board of commissioners Daniel Ammidon, and several members of Baltimore's Safety First Federation. This is the original system which was composed of two large green signs with the words "GO" and two intersecting red signs that read "STOP." It was operated via a pole inside of a pole that was stopped by a small handle, allowing the officer a way of turning that handle to change the indication for intersecting traffic to have in their view either the green "GO" signs or the red "STOP" signs. These were later surrounded by a white metal drum that the patrolman could stand inside of making him more visible to traffic. Eventually, they would include an umbrella to both keep the patrolman dry on rainy days and cool on hot sunny days by providing him with some shade. Sitting on top of this Semaphore was a four-way railroad lantern converted for traffic use with the addition of two red lenses and two green lenses so that in low light dusk and dawn drivers could more easily read the Stop and Go signs and follow the traffic patterns directed by the patrolmen that worked these Semaphores.

Howard and Lexington Streets were the first to be added in that January of 1916 and one of the last removed in late May early June of 1920 by Col. Chas Gaither, who went back to the whistle and point control that we see being used today. The public at the time thought the Semaphores were safer and argued to get them back. For pedestrian safety Traffic Officers were instructed to stop cars four feet behind the building line to allow room for pedestrians to more safely cross the streets.

1920  – 7 June 1920 not long after Gaither ordered the removal of the Semaphores the Commissioner was forced to go back on his ideas and as such he ordered two of the Semaphores to be returned, those units were located at the intersections of Light and Redwood, and Light and Pratt Streets. Gaither said he had not changed his mind about the Semaphores, but in checking the locations, he felt there was sufficient room between the corners of the intersections for traffic to move through without interference from the Semaphores.

19216 May 1921 - First Electric Traffic Signal installed in the city at the Mall Crossing in Druid Hill Park. It was installed in place of the old manually operated Go-Go signals, and was first operated by Baltimore Park Police Officer R. W. Wilson on 6 May 1921

1922 – 18 July 1922 – Traffic Officers will be allowed to appear coatless on job while wearing attractive white Oxford Shirts. These officers will start wearing long sleeve white Oxford shirts with a low, turned-down collar and a black tie as they preside to direct traffic on their assigned street corners.

1925 – 6 June 1925 – General Charles Gaither issued an order, effective, 6 June 1925 all members of the Baltimore Police Department who are on duty between 8 A.M. and 4 P.M. may remove their coats provided they are wearing a white Oxford shirt, and a black tie. This privilege has been granted for the previous two years for department’s traffic officers.

1930  – 19 June 1930 Baltimore Police try a new system for regulating east and westbound traffic on Pratt Street independently; at the intersection of Light Street, was given a trial period to eliminate traffic jams, that were being reported by Inspector George Lurz. Pratt and Light Streets according to statistics compiled by the traffic division showed the location to be among the busiest in the city during daylight hours for vehicular traffic. At the time the control system was confusing by allowing east and westbound traffic to move simultaneously. Westbound traffic was making a left-hand turn onto Light Street interfering with eastbound traffic. So a 3-way Semaphore was being planned to control the traffic better using members of the Traffic Division that would be stationed in the tower at the intersection. The department believed this to be the answer to the problem at what was at the time described as a confusing intersection. The intersection was controlled by a single officer using the old hand controlled Semaphore which was designed with Red-STOP and Green-GO. What made this system a, "3-way system" is where other arrangements have Green-GO, Red-STOP, they added Amber-CAUTION. With its intent is to warn drivers on Green that they are approaching an intersection that is about to change to Red. These 3-way signals were placed on all four sides of the Semaphore Tower. The Red and Green Lights have been helpful, but the addition of the Amber Light has been the answer to a lot of problems throughout the city as it pertains to traffic patterns. This was especially true of confusing or busy intersections. So basically, what they were calling a "Three-Way System," was Baltimore's introduction of the Amber Light to the Red and Green Lights.

1935  – July of 1935 After learning of a system put into place in Hartford Connecticut, Baltimore's Traffic Division would add radio's to Semaphores at strategic locations throughout our city. With this they could receive up to the minute information on stolen cars [or tag plates] wanted people that could be coming their way. Even more helpful in the possible saving of Baltimore lives was how they arraigned to set things up so that we could share information with Baltimore City's Fire Department. When provided, information on active fires, our Traffic Officers could control traffic patterns thereby clearing intersections, making it easier for fire equipment to more quickly get to the scene of active fires, or medical emergency.

1951  – End of August 1951  the Enclosed Box/Booth style, and or Tower style Semaphores [seen in the attached 1951 photos] that were initially introduced in 1924 and last used in August of 1951. These Box/Booth style units came in the style that looked like a phone booth, or another version that had the box/booth affixed on top a tower.

1956 – 29 June 1956 – Casual But Official, Patrolman Donald Miller displayed the latest open-neck short-sleeve police shirts that would be worn for the remainder of the [1956] summer by Baltimore's officers. Police officials stressed that only a specific model Oxford shirt has been approved, thereby eliminating the danger of patrolmen selecting the more brightly colored type shirts of their liking.


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 A Semaphore with a Booth

The Evening Sun Thu Jan 27 1916 72 1

Gaither ordered two of the Semaphores that had been taken out of service to be returned. 

Downtown Traffic Policeman Charles and Pratt1921

Semaphore Booth with a Green and Red Railroad Lantern affixed to the top of the Semaphore above the Go--Go Stop-Stop Signs called that because to on coming traffic they either saw Go-Go or Stop-Stop atop the sign as they entered the intersection

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The Evening Sun Thu Aug 30 1951 72

The Evening Sun Thu Aug 30 1951 72First Electric Traffic Signal installed in Baltimore City at the Mall Crossing in Druid Hill Park. It was installed in place of the old manually operated Go-Go signals, and was first operated by Baltimore Park Police Officer R. W. Wilson on 6 May 1921

Traffic Control Traffic Control System

s l1600 1920 Semaphore

This was donated to us by a guy in Middleton, Idaho who appreciates the hard work our police do and where we have come from in history t be where we are today. Looking at the history of our traffic division, you have to admire what these guys have done to fine tune the system we have today, this photo shows, the umbrella we used to keep out police out of the weather, or even just to keep the sun off of them. But what we like best about this pic is the rear-view mirror used to allow our officers the ability to see where traffic is coming from behind him and in front of him, making the direction of these vehicles as safe as possible. Something we don't think about often is what was going on back then when it comes to transportation. this was taken sometime in the late teens early 20s a time when horse-drawn wagons were in use, gasoline engines, some electric cars, streetcars, horses etc. So they had a lot going on, and this man like an orchestra conductor directing a musical performance music, he was directing traffic and if you think of all that could go wrong, especially at a time when traffic lights were not in full use, and in fact, the Semaphore was really just getting started. The add-ons and extras like an umbrella and rear-view mirror show just how far we have come. We thank for the donor for caring about police and our history so much that they would donate an important part of history. 

Go Go Stop Stop rearview and Umbrellacrop

Close-up of the shot above shows a rear-view mirror for the Go-Go Stop-Stop traffic officer. The pic above shoes he also had an umbrella for the sun/rain and stood on a pallet to keep him off the street, he also has a drain not far off to the side of him so the pallet may have had a second purpose 

tdTraffic booth and Officers directing traffic at Liberty and Lexington Streets

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Traffic Lights, Intersections, Vehicles and Pedestrians Lead to Crosswalks

We would have a difficult time introducing the traffic light if we couldn't introduce the crosswalk. Baltimore started using our crosswalk system in 1914, intersections on Baltimore Street from the Fallsway to Howard Street, and on Howard from Baltimore Street to Franklin, would receive these thick white line telling pedestrian where they needed to be when crossing the streets in this part of town. The concept seen in Cleveland and Detroit could be seen first on these downtown streets, but before long they would be on nearly every major intersection in the city. The Goal was to save lives, as more and more cars came into the city and these cars were being made to go faster and faster, those on foot needed to earn to interact with these machines in a uniform, and safe manor.


Baltimore St and Charles St

15 November 1914


VINCENT FITZPATRICK The Sun (1837-1989); SN1

Walk the Straight and Narrow Path

What are those white lines painted on the street, stretching right across the asphalt, mean? Scores asked the men who were painting, hundreds have looked at them, stopped and wondered.

Thousands who walk through the business district of the city have noticed recently at the street intersections of Baltimore Street from the Fallsway to Howard Street, and on Howard from Baltimore Street to Franklin, these heavy white lines on all four sides of the intersecting streets. The lines extend from curb to curb, those on the north and south sides of the street running East and West, and those on the east and west sides of the streets running north and south.

One of the lines on each side runs coincident with the building line; the other with the curb between these lines all Baltimoreans who use Shanks’ mare as their mode of traveling must walk in the future. There is to be no “cutting catty-corner” at these intersections. Everyone must hew to the line or the policemen stationed at these crossings will know the reason why.

In Cleveland and Detroit.

In other words, Baltimore is about to inaugurate an arrangement in the way of handling the traffic situation that has been in vogue for some time in the number of large cities of the country.

Those who have visited Cleveland and Detroit have undergone the experience of being held up by the policeman at the crossing when they attempt to scoot diagonally from one corner of the street to another. They had to go around about way, and perhaps some of them have murmured at what they thought of as a useless and childish procedure. In some of these cities, the lines are not used, while in others there is quite an involved system of lines. Which it takes a little time to puzzle out. In all of these cities the adoption of either the line system or that used, for example, in Cleveland, where the police simply directed the way the Pedestrian shall go, has been rewarded with beneficial results in the saving of life and limb.

In Baltimore, in the last five years, the toll of life and limb exacted by streetcars, automobiles and other vehicles has been considerable. Perhaps 50 persons have been killed or died from their injuries. It is doubtful if, in all this list, there can be found a verdict given by a coroner’s jury in which the victim of the accident was not blamed to some extent for carelessness. In every instance, it seems to have been a case where the person who was killed steps to directly in the path of the automobile or the trolley car, and that the motorman or the chauffeur had no time to bring his car or automobile to a stop.

Often there have been no disinterested witnesses to the accident. The victim’s lips are sealed by death. The person who ran him down naturally testifies in his own defense. With conditions existing as they are in Baltimore today, it is a wonder that more persons are not killed or injured. There are always some few persons so careless and driving automobiles and other vehicles that they are a constant danger to pedestrians. As long as some men will not respect the rights of others and as long as many people are so careless of their own protection, the city must step to the defense of those who either cannot or will not take care of themselves.

The Way It Works

The layout of these lines is regarded as an important step toward the better handling of traffic. City engineer McKay is initiating the innovation. He will shortly write a letter to the board of police commissioners asking them to have the members of the Police Department cooperate with city authorities in seeing that the new plan is carried out.

When that system is put in force a person wishing to cross, say from the south-west side of Baltimore and Charles streets to the northeast corner of Baltimore and Charles streets, will have to walk east on the south side of Baltimore Street to the southeast corner of the intersecting streets and thence North to his objective point. There may be some persons who object on the grounds that this means a waste of time and energy. Doubtless, they will in the future see its good points.

When once the traffic patrolman gives the signal for persons moving east and west to move on every vehicle bound North and South must stop. When he gives the sign to those on their way north and south every vehicle moving east and west must stop every person moving along between the lines is absolutely protected. If, though some disobedience of the law of a driver should persist on his way and a person is cut down between the lines, the party guilty of the violation will have practically no defense and will probably have to face a lawsuit for damages.

The city engineering department intends to place these lines throughout most of the traffic-congested districts. It is the only continuation of the policy of the city officials that “life is not cheap.”

The Useful Traffic Squad

It will surprise some to learn that the money required for the protection of people from injury resulted from the traffic reaches into the thousands and the thousands of dollars more will be expended. Even at that, the safeguards for the pedestrians will not be enough, and those who of studied the question believe that the time is coming when a special yearly appropriation will be made for this purpose.

Until a decade or so ago this city had practically no traffic squad. Indeed when the idea was first breached the proposal met with more or less derision, and those who were appointed to this special work were referred to as members of “the beauty squad.” Baltimoreans have ceased to laugh at that squad. They know the work its members have done in saving aged men and women and children from death in those streets were “big business” and unmindful pleasure hustled and bustle along apparently careless of the rights of others. There are in the city today 39 members of the traffic squad, including three mounted policemen. Of sergeants Barry, and Zimmerman, with deputy Marshal house as the directing head. These men are stationed at all of the principal traffic corners downtown or at what some call the “automobile death traps”. These “traps” are at North and Charles streets, St. Paul and Chase streets and St. Paul Street and Mount Royal Avenue.

These patrolmen work from 7 o’clock in the morning until 7 o’clock at night. One half of the squad works on Saturday night from seven to 11 o’clock. The officers are not kept on duty on Sundays, except the one man who was stationed at Charles Street and North Avenue. This assignment is taken in turn, which means that each member of the squad has to work approximately one Sunday in every 39.

Many Warning Signs

More policeman for this work is needed and needed badly, officials say, but as there is no money appropriated the next best step is taken. Signs have been printed warning automobiles and others what they must do in order to conform to the traffic laws. Signs are fixed at dangerous places where it is impossible, because of lack of numbers, to station a patrolman. The signs cost eight dollars apiece, but they last many years. The patrolman must be paid $20 a week. Therefore, the signs are much more economical, though perhaps not so powerful in the way of restraint as the policeman.

To further the “safety first” Crusade, the officials of the United railways have placed posters in the trolley cars requesting passengers not only to be careful while getting on or off the cars but also warning them of the need of being watchful while crossing or walking in the street.

The automobile club of Marilyn now keeps on the streets and automobile caring large signs on its side warning pedestrians of the necessity of watching out for automobiles and other vehicles. This is sent out the only through the city, the automobile thus constituting a running lesson of advice.

Moving – Picture Lessons

Deputy Marshal House, who is intensely interested in the “safety first” movement, is greatly pleased with the results that have followed one method of campaigning in this matter. There are 200 moving picture houses in Baltimore. In these houses at least once a week warnings tell of the dangers that are to be met within the city from moving vehicles. They urge the readers to “stop, look and listen” before attempting to cross a street. They tell children of the dangers of stealing rides on the back of wagons, cars, etc. And these lessons produce an impression.

The police are always on the lookout to detect those who violate the traffic laws. In stables all over town, the traffic rules are posted. Thousands of little pamphlets, published at the city’s expense, containing the traffic rules and the penalties for violating them have been issued to chauffeurs, automobile owners, and drivers.

In the case of minor violations of the law by drivers of wagons, the rule that is generally followed is to take the name of the driver, if it is his first defense and the name of his employer. The employer is then notified that his employee as disregarded the law and he is asked to advise his men not to repeat the offense. If the offense is committed again the violators arrested and fined.

To “Park” Vehicles

Deputy Marshal House is striving to get the owners of the various business houses and big office buildings interested in a new plan of his. He wants them to purchase signs, to be used in front of their buildings, telling automobile list and drivers to “park” their vehicles within certain lines to be marked off in front of the buildings. This is to keep the entrances to the buildings clear.

There is one good thing that the deputy marshal believes will result from such a plan, and that is the expediting of the collection of the males. Because of the congestion in front of mailboxes, the post office employees have often been delayed a minute or more a box in the taking up of such mail. This means lost time and inconvenience to the businessmen and others in getting their mail.

The popularity of roller-skating brought about by the increase of smooth payments has given a new problem for the police to solve. Regulations had to be made and enforced, giving the children the right to use certain streets at certain hours for their fun. Some of the too – fond skaters had to be protected against automobiles and vice versa automobile us had to be protected against heedless skaters.

May Restore the Whistles

In the downtown section the traffic police for a long time he used the whistle system in the directing of traffic. One blow of the whistle meant the movement of traffic North and South; two blasts met the movement of traffic East and West. This system was discontinued, traffic being direct it now by the waiving of the hand. Part of the present system, according to Deputy Marshal House, has proved unsatisfactory and he has brought before the board of police commissioners a proposal to bring back the whistles again. It is said that many drivers, especially Negroes, who sometimes drive along half asleep, fail to notice the wave of the officer’s hand, and much confusion has resulted. The sharp whistle keeps a man awake and alert and wakes up the sleeping or the stupid.

There are f new traffic problems arising every day as the city grows. It is a big thing, the protection of the people – a job well worth what it costs. Over in Northeast Baltimore and down in the crowded sections of East Baltimore, hundreds of people have been injured more or less seriously, and some have lost their lives because the streets were not better guarded. Especially is where need for the protection of children and elderly persons, and down there, where they have never had any officers to look after pedestrians and hold teams and motorcars in check, traffic police are needed.

It’s a big problem, one that Baltimore has handled pretty well, with its limited force, in the past few years, but it’s planning to manage by a better and more comprehensive system in the future.

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Downtown Traffic Policeman Howard and Lexington 1920 In This Pic, We See The Semaphore Booth with a Green and Red Railroad Lantern Affixed to The Top Just Under the Signs and Lanterns, We Can See The Officer's Umbrella, In This Case, Keeping Him Out of The Hot Sun

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Nice Committee Calls Three Traffic Experts

Three traffic experts will appear before Governor Nice's automobile insurance committee at a meeting to be held at 8 P. M. Tuesday at the Emerson Hotel. They are:

Dr. S. S. Stineberg, Dean of the College of Engineering of the University of Maryland, who is conducting the traffic school there. John P. Rostmeyer, director of the Baltimore Safety Council. Preston D. Callum, chairman of the Baltimore Traffic Committee. The committee was named by the Governor shortly after the first of the Year to make a study of Automobile Insurance in the State and to make Recommendations to him and the next General Assembly.

Members of the committee are:

George W. Baulk, a chairman, and W. Harry Haller, of Frederick, representing

The insurance companies. John T. Shipway, of Flintstone; Jos. Eph S. Bigelow, of Annapolis, and J. Francis Rahlke, of Westminster, representing businessmen. Max Sokol, secretary, and Robert R. Carmen, representing the legal profession. The last Legislature passed a resolution calling for the appointment of the committee.

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1929 traffic system
 Baltimore's New Traffic Engineer


The Sun (1837-1987); Jun 20, 1937; pg. 78

Baltimore’s New Traffic Engineer

 Tomorrow Wallace L. Brown Starts Simplifying the Street Tangle

By Keith Wyatt

Tomorrow morning a new member of the Baltimore Police Department will walk into the police administration building and hang up his hat just long enough to orient himself and map his future course with his superiors and collaborators. Then, armed with the Lance of special training, he will go out to tilt with a formidable foe – Baltimore’s tangle traffic.

Nine months of intensive study with the nation’s best-known traffic experts have given Wallace L Perry of Braun, a former member of the engineering staff of the city’s Bureau of mechanical electrical service, with a degree of the traffic engineer. Sent to Harvard Bureau for street traffic’s research by the sun papers last fall, he has received instruction for men recognized as leaders in his young profession, which is filling a big gap between the civil engineering which builds streets and the police authority that enforces traffic laws on them.

Recently Mr. Braun came home for a few days holiday – a businessman’s holiday, during which most of his time was spent in cruising about the city, sizing up some of the problems he will be called upon to solve and planning some of the recommendations he will make to his superiors out of his store of knowledge.

He entertains no belief that Baltimore’s traffic snarls can be unraveled without some radical changes in the rules governing Streets parking and traffic at certain notoriously bad intersections, in true routes, in stop-go light controls and an accident investigation, and is naturally encouraged by the City Council’s recent steps towards cooperation with the police department.

But eager as he is to try his wings, the traffic engineer – to – appear to be imbued with a sense of caution that may stand him in good stead. Soberly he looks ahead at his new job and as to specific details Admits: “I don’t know just how I shall operate. So much depends on the full cooperation not only the entire police department but other city departments and civic organizations as well. It will take some months to develop a working plan whereby the city can begin to show a profit on the talents that have been given me.”

Nevertheless, Mr. Braun is not wholly lacking in the program. Subject to the approval of his superiors, his first efforts will be toward the organization and the establishment of a liaison between all groups primarily interested in the safe and expeditious movement of traffic. Beyond that, he hopes to apply much of his knowledge to the many conditions that govern traffic behavior. Already holding a degree in electrical engineering (bachelor of engineering, Johns Hopkins, 1926), he has added a full understanding of traffic signals and other control mechanisms. Grounded, too, in civil engineering, he now has gained a wider knowledge of the effects of Street plan, condition and arrangement on traffic movement. In addition to these things, he has assimilated a store of miscellaneous information, mostly hard bought by other cities that have made credible records in their attacks on the traffic problem.

“I would like to dispel any notion that I am coming in here to “run” traffic,” the engineer said, “I have just hired the help of a special sort. The traffic division knows more than I will ever know about the enforcement of traffic laws; the public works department was building streets before I was born. But I have learned a lot about those things that influence the rapid and safe movement of traffic, and I believe I have a lot that both of these departments can use.”

One of Mr. Braun’s earliest endeavors will be to organize an adversary committee composed of both official and civic representatives. He reports that cities that have made some of the best records in traffic have had such boards to advise with the traffic engineer. As he visualizes it, the committee would be made up of a high emissaries of the police, public works and educational departments, ex officio, and of representatives of the Safety Council, automobile clubs, mass transportation systems, taxi and trucking interests, retail merchants Association, and Baltimore Association of Commerce, Commission on city planning, the city solicitor’s office and the real estate board.

“Such a committee would represent the views and experience of every classification of traffic,” the engineer said, “form of four I have watched the progress of the mayor's traffic committee in drafting a program of segregation of rail and freewheel movement.

The committee, headed by Preston D. Callum, of the Safety Council, has served to show what can be accomplished when a big, interested group seeks, and fines, a common line on which to proceed toward worthwhile ends.

“I hear with regret that the Callum committee has asked that it be disbanded. I would like to work with that group, but if it does break up I sure hope that another may be formed on the same sound lines”

A special interest to Mr. Braun is the committee’s study of the “hundred worst intersections” in the city, made some time ago with relief labor. While no specific recommendations were made for correction of dangers at these intersections, the data, Mr. Brown believes, will form the basis for some remedial action, if cross-section studies can be made to bring them up to date.

The engineer hopes that he may embark at once on a broad survey of the city’s traffic and the problems associated with it. From this reconnaissance he believes he can set his own course, looking for sound recommendations for improvement. It is necessary, too, he says, to determine what can be done within the resources of the department, reported being scanty in comparison with cities of similar size.

Mr. Braun is cautious on the timing of traffic signals and their lack of coordination that causes many snarls during busy hours in the city. He points out that the “mixed traffic” of streetcars and freewheel vehicles on every street in the business section makes coordination practically impossible in some places – a condition that will be rectified to some extent as the Streetcar real routing plan of the mayor's traffic committee goes forward.

Under this plan, most of the rail movement will be confined to certain “streetcar streets,” leaving other arteries entirely to freewheel vehicles.

Asked what he would do with so-called “wave systems” one St. Paul Cathedral streets, Mr. Braun said he has had no opportunity to familiarize himself with the mechanism and, therefore, cannot now judge to what further extent it may be adapted to the changing needs of traffic.

“In many cities, the timers are changes so that longer portions of the cycle are devoted to the heaviest traffic at Rush speak,” he explained, “I am in no position yet to say what can be done here. The police have had a difficult problem, and to meet it good equipment is needed. I do not know, of course, was of the city has such equipment.”

What did Mr. Braun sink of new bypasses for through traffic? He shook his head. “I can’t discuss that with you,” he said. “Adequate bypasses to relieve the busier sections of a load of transient traffic are important to any city. I was much interested in reading of the studies of the mayor's committee which, while it has advanced no specific recommendations, at least outlined several possible routes that might be developed, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and province all have exceptionally fine bypasses that are well worth study. Perhaps such routes can be found here; I don’t know.” Well, what about limited ways – those express routes with no cross traffic? The engineer shrugged his shoulders. “Best way in the world to cut congestion and move traffic rapidly out of the business section, but they are expensive,” he declared. “Some cities say they cannot afford them; others that they cannot, in the light of their traffic problem, afford to be without them. For my present distance, I do not see any signs of an aroused public opinion that would bring them to Baltimore. As a matter of fact, I have had no opportunity to even find out whether the city needs them yet, or whether other expedients might do for the time.”

Parking, then? And Mr. Braun any ideas on how to solve this pressing problem of Baltimore’s narrow streets? Again he was wary. “I have no right to talk about that,” he explained. “No city has “solved” is parking problems yet. Speaking generally, traffic engineers look to the day when street parking of automobiles can be abolished; when all Street space can be used for its original purpose – to move traffic. They are convinced that it is poor economy to use expensive paved surfaces for dead storage when other space can be found and that is cheaper, allowing cities, in effect, to broaden their streets by two full lanes. Someday we may come to it, but just now I cannot speak with any authority on Baltimore’s parking problem.”

Mr. Braun conceives the first need of any traffic engineer to be a “good set of traffic eyes” – that is, an efficient set of records. Particularly does he deem accident reporting a necessity in any intelligent approach to street and highway safety?

“If you know where accidents are happening, you can find out what to do about them,” he remarked. “Whether it be an enforcement job, a matter of lighting, the need for signals or signs to be removed or physical hazards, they also up in records properly capped.”

He believes, also, as do most other engineers of his calling, that every city and state should have a special investigation of traffic accidents, just as they have special investigations of other violations of the public safety. He is convinced of that accident investigation squads take the guesswork out of safety efforts, bring law violators to justice and gardeners and people from injustices often sustained to half hazards dealing with accident cases. The moral of fact on the public is good, he thinks, and, besides, such procedures improve records so greatly that the whole problem may be attacked more intelligently.

Before the Baltimore engineer’s eyes are ever the “Three E’s” of traffic movement, control, and safety – Education, Engineering and Enforcement – set up by the traffic engineering fraternity as its guideline. Each is a separate and distinct function, he says, but all three must be correlated to assure a proper approach to safe, sane and rapid traffic.

Mr. Braun was born in Hyattsville 33 years ago and came to Baltimore with his family when he was six. He was educated in the Baltimore public schools, the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute at Johns Hopkins University. After his graduation at Johns Hopkins in 1926 he joined the technical staff of the Consolidated Gas, Electric Light, and Power Company, being assigned to steam stations. In 1929 he resigned to take a position in a Bureau of mechanical electrical service of the city department of public works. He served an adversary and executive capacity on electrical and combustion engine projects of the city until shortly before he was sent to Harvard Bureau.

Last summer, recognizing the need of the city for a highly specialized engineer to handle traffic problems the Sun paper offered to provide a man of police Commissioner Gaither’s choice with a year’s scholarship to the Harvard Bureau for street traffic research. Commissioner Gaither, believed that, because of high educational requirements in the Harvard graduate school, the candidate should be selected from the engineering, rather than the police, staff of the city, conferred with Mayor Jackson and the chief engineer Bernard L. Crozier as the man best suited by former training to undertake the work, the Commissioner Gaither prepared to make room for him in his own department when he should have qualified as a traffic engineer.

With the expiration of general Gaither’s third term of office two weeks ago Commissioner William P. Lawson succeeded. One of his first pledges was of special attention to the city’s traffic needs, which he recognized as large and numerous and urgent. After discussing the project with inspector Atkinson, head of the traffic force, he expressed a lively interest in the coming of Mr. Braun, and confidence that the combination of theory and practice within the Police Department would lead to the great betterment of the city’s traffic conditions in the near future.

Mr. Braun’s final dissertation at Harvard, completed just before the finishing of his euro special training, it is interesting to note, was on “organization of municipal traffic engineering offices.” During the course of his studies, he was given, in addition to a wealth of theoretical training, actual engineering work in the field. He observed, during his studies, traffic engineering technique of cities with best records of traffic deficiency; he with his fellow students, made actual traffic studies in and around Cambridge and Boston, and he accompanied accident investigation squads in the unraveling of cases, aiding in his work himself.

He has studied the traffic engineering methods of Washington, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Milwaukee and Buffalo at first hand. He feels now that his training, under Dr. Miller McClintock, probably the best-known of America’s traffic engineers, and other specialists of the fraternity, has fitted him to undertake his duties here in Baltimore.

Foot Traffic Division, in front of the Headquarters building
October 24, 1940
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Urges Standard Traffic Signals

27 November 1927

Police Commissioner Suggests a System for use in All Cities

Would aid walkers

Gaither favors yellow

At crossings for those on foot

Adoption of a standardized system for automatic traffic control was suggested yesterday by Charles D Gaither, Police Commissioner, in discussing the variation of timing and manner of operation of signals and other cities of the country to regulate the movement of traffic.

“If this plan were adopted, the motorist would soon catch on to the scheme and would get the fullest advantage of driving by the signal,” he said. “They would become so well acquainted with it that when they drove into another city, they would not hold up traffic, as they tend to do now when forced to stop to puzzle over the meaning of the lights.”

Suggest national movement

To bring about the standardization plan, Mr. gator suggests that automobile or traffic associations be formed in all cities and that the groups be represented at a national meeting. New ideas about traffic lights could be exchanged at such meetings, and remedies for defects and signal systems in different cities could be suggested, he pointed out.

“Not that one specified plan should be carried out in every minute detail, but the general principle of a certain plan,” Mr. Gaither explained. “By this, I mean the color of the lights, the timing and the construction of the signals and the way in which it is mounted.”

Disapproves New York plan

Mr. Geiser said he did not believe; there was a city in the United States that was satisfied with the way it signals were operating.

The two light signal in use in New York is not approved by Mr. Gaither. He said he had found that motorists and pedestrians become confused where there is no interval light in the signal.

The New York signals have only the red and green lights, with a five-second interval for traffic to clear up between flashes

Mr. Gaither expressed the hope that a yellow light meaning “go” for pedestrians would be established in Baltimore. He said that as far as he could see, that would be the only possible way to make the crossing at intersections safe for pedestrians.

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Kiosk South Lombard 1

 Photo courtesy Raymond K. Miles Jr.

Kiosk located at South St. and Lombard St. where the old News American Co. was located.

The traffic control device was decommissioned in 1951 when Patrolman Raymond Miles retired.


Ray Miles 6

Photo courtesy Raymond K. Miles Jr.

Patrolman Raymond K. Miles worked in the Traffic Unit for 16 years
Lombard South Sts. 1
Photo courtesy Raymond K. Miles Jr.

 Kiosk located at South St. and Lombard St. where the old News American Co. was located. Note the old Baltimore Streetcar which was headed to City Hall in a snowstorm. This Kiosk was worked for many years by Patrolman Raymond K. Miles.



sem·a·phore [sémm? fàwr] n 1. system of signaling: a system for sending messages using hand-held flags that are moved to represent letters of the alphabet 2. mechanical signaling device: a signaling device for sending information over distances using mechanically operated arms or flags mounted on a post, especially on a railroad Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

City Traffic Kiosk 8 29 1951

Photo courtesy Raymond K. Miles Jr.

 Officer Raymond K. Miles, Sr. worked his post directing traffic from the Kiosk at South and Lombard Sts. The hot muggy Baltimore dog days of summer trying to keep cool proved to be a problem. Patrolman Miles soon learned a way to keep cool. He discovered that taking the leaf from a head of cabbage that had been soaked in ice water, placing it on top of his head and covering it with his hat., Patrolman Miles remained "Kool as a cabbage". This is only one of the many things that Baltimore Policemen soon learned to make their working conditions more bearable.


Photo courtesy Raymond K. Miles Jr.

Actuated Traffic Control Box

Ray Miles plaque

Memorial plaque to Officer Raymond K. Miles, Sr. showing all of his original police equipment, which is kept by his son, Raymond Miles, Jr. as a reminder of his dad's service to the City Of Baltimore and The Baltimore Police Department.

1928 - February 22, 1928, The first vehicle actuated control was tried out in Baltimore. (To the best of our knowledge this was the first vehicle actuated signal insulation in the world.) - This was an automatic control were a brake attachment and two funnels placed on poles on the right-hand side of the cross street, ordinary telephone transmitters being installed inside the funnels. These transmitters being connected to the sound relay, which when disturbed by noise, for example, the tooting of horns, blowing of whistles, or the sound of voices would actuate the sound relay, releasing the break on the automatic control permitting the motor to run. This would change the signal which had been green on the main street to amber, then to read, permitting the side street traffic to move out on the green. It would automatically reset to red. This device was invented here in Baltimore. - This control would always restore itself back to the main street green, then the break would set and the signal would remain green on the main street until disturbed again by sound. Several of this type were installed, one being at Charles Street and Cold Spring Lane, another at Charles and Belvedere Avenue 


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Copies of: Your Baltimore Police Department Class Photo, Pictures of our Officers, Vehicles, Equipment, Newspaper Articles relating to our department and or officers, Old Departmental Newsletters, Lookouts, Wanted Posters, and or Brochures. Information on Deceased Officers and anything that may help Preserve the History and Proud Traditions of this agency. Please contact Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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How to Dispose of Old Police Items

  If you come into possession of Police items from an Estate or Death of a Police Officer Family Member and do not know how to properly dispose of these items please contact: Retired Detective Ken Driscoll - Please dispose of POLICE Items: Badges, Guns, Uniforms, Documents, PROPERLY so they won’t be used IMPROPERLY

Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll




deviders Line of duty injured

Citation of Valor

Sworn members who have sustained gunshot wounds, stab wounds, or serious injury under aggravated and hostile circumstances which could result in death or permanent disability while acting in their official capacity are eligible for this award.  

Authority for the issuance of the Citation of Valor lies solely with the Police Commissioner.

It might be important to point out, that while these awards are being awarded “retroactively”, they are not “Retroactive Citation of Valor Awards”. The retroactive, only pertains to the method used to “apply” for them, and or to “issue” them; but that takes nothing away from the award, it is the “Citation of Valor” and your name is added to the current list of 157 others that have received this award, there will be no, Asterisk, no, side note, no nothing to indicate you received this in any way, other than anyone else on the list.


Retroactive Citation of Valor Program

In 2004 while watching the Military Channel Mrs. Patricia Driscoll the wife of Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll, saw a show about the Purple Heart and the number of injured that never received their awards. The show went on to explain a program that was set up to grant these men and women their awards, "Retroactively." It explained that there is a certain amount of closure involved when a soldier is injured during combat and gets a Purple Heart, which those that are skipped over for the awards miss.

When taken out of combat due to an injury, and sent home, it gives a sense of never having completed the mission and as such the much-needed closure is never received. For years, these men and women walked around feeling as if they never finished the job. Many blaming themselves for their brothers having been killed, injured or having gone MIA in their absence. This brings on PTSD and survivors guilt, mixed with a lack of closure that could have been avoided with something as simple as an award to acknowledge their injuries, service, and sacrifice. An award to let them know their part of the mission is complete, they have done as much as they could, and the military recognizes their service as complete.

Lack of such recognition has been said to have caused issues that have lead to alcoholism, homelessness, and other mental health issues in these soldiers. A program has since been started to retroactively issue awards to those that could prove they were injured during combat. Mrs. Driscoll felt strongly that if she could get her "Retroactive Citation of Valor Program established" it would be necessary to follow the prerequisites for getting the award. She felt the rules should be followed, and that only those that could come up with proper documentation, police, hospital, newspaper or eye-witness reports would be eligible. With that she has always said, she would do all she could to try to help find said information by way of newspaper reports, and by going through the department if possible, but short of that she could nothing else to help them secure the award if the information was not there. We believe to have the award issued to our retired the qualifications for the award would have to be strictly adhered to. Mrs. Driscoll asked her husband and a large group of his friends (disabled, retired and some still active) for their advice. Before long she had a group of advisors, and they all agreed anyone getting this award, or any award for that matter should raise an award to new levels, and never lower its meaning or value for those that have worked so hard to have received the award before them.

This award is "issued" retroactively, but it is not the Retroactive Citation of Valor. There is only one Citation of Valor; the rules set forth to obtain this award are strict. It is awarded SOLEY at the discretion of the Police Commissioner; it is awarded only to Sworn members who have sustained Gunshot Wounds, Stab Wounds, or have who have received Serious Injuries Under Aggravated and or Hostile Circumstances which could result in Death or Permanent Disability while acting in their official capacity.

While these awards are being awarded “retroactively,” they are not a “Retroactive Citation of Valor Award.” The retroactive only pertains to the method used to “apply” for them, and or to the "issuance” of the award. But that takes nothing away from the award, it is the “Citation of Valor,” and your name is added to the current list of 158 others that have received this award. There will be no, Asterisk, no, side note, no nothing to indicate you received this in any way, other than anyone else on the list.

Those that were injured and received the award are as Follows:

  1. Retired Det. Kenneth Driscoll - Approved, 5 April 2013 for injuries sustained 10 Aug 2001 - 110H01
  2. Retired Officer Gary Lapchak - Approved, 3 Feb 2014 for injuries sustained 28 Oct 1997 - 128J97
  3. Retired Officer Daryl Buhrman - Approved, 3 Feb 2014 for injuries sustained 8 Feb 1981 - 908B81

  4. Retired Officer Kenneth Driscoll - Approved, 21 June 2014 for injuries sustained in 1992 - 107E92
  5. Retired Sgt Robert Bigos - Approved, 21 June 2014 for injuries sustained 9 Sept 1995 - 109I95
  6. Retired Officer Lennell Robinson - Approved, 21 June 2014 for injuries sustained 17 April 1997 - 317D97
  7. Retired Officer Robert Cirello - Approved, 21 June 2014 for injuries sustained 7 Sept 2006 - 207I06
  8. Retired Sgt Edward Mattson - Approved, 5 April 2015 for injuries sustained 13 Oct 1970 - 313J70
  9. Retired Officer Kathy Irwin - Approved, 5 April 2015 for injuries sustained 20 Feb 1993 - 720B71
10. Retired Sgt Donald Voss   Approved, 17 April 2017 for injuries sustained 18 Jun 1972 - 918F72



#1 - 1. Retired Det. Kenneth Driscoll - Approved 5 April 2013 for injuries sustained 10 Aug 2001 - On 10 Aug 2001 while acting Sergeant and assisting in the arrest of a suspect wanted for multiple Armed Carjacking's, Det Driscoll became involved in a foot chase, during which he fell several times, the first fall was into a ravine near the Jones Falls, where he fell a total of 40+ feet, the first 20ft of that was airborne, as was measured from his last foot step in the dirt to where he landed and bounced then rolled/slid another 20+ feet before coming to rest. As he was lying there for a brief second, he looked up and saw the suspect about 8 to 10 feet away from him getting up, and continuing to flee. So Ken quickly jumped to his feet and gave chase following him down a path, where the two had landed. Ken said he felt as though he may have broken or seriously injured his hip, or hips as his run was sloppy. Still, he ran another 1/4 mile, falling two, or more times, first of which was a 25 to 30ft drop, and then there was another that was between 18 and 20 ft. He had a stick from a tree, stabbed into his stomach that he pulled out, and dropped on the path as he ran after the suspect. When all was said and done, Det Driscoll broke his back, herniated several discs in his back, and neck, he broke and or sprained both wrists, lost the use of his left leg, and can no longer walk. In 2001 he was determined to be Monoplegic, with docs saying he would eventually become full on Paraplegic. With injuries so serious the Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program would investigate his case, and review his injuries before awarding Ken full PSOB Benefits, making him the first Baltimore City Police Officer to be awarded these benefits for a Disability, he was able to convert his house into the perfect place for him and his family to live in given his disabilities. He was also made a lifetime member of the Police Hall of Fame, where he has also issued a Purple Heart for this injury. The Commissioner agreed and on 5 April 2013 Approved the Citation of Valor for injuries sustained on 10 Aug 2001. 110H01


#2 - 2. Retired Officer Gary Lapchak - 1997 - On the date in question Officer Lapchak was responding to a Sig 13 when he slipped on Baltimore's infamous marble steps blowing out his knee. But having heard the call for assistance, and knowing an officer was just inside the house and in need of assistance, Officer Lapchak made his way into the house anyway, providing the much-needed assistance. He was already injured, he wanted to make sure someone else would not be! Gary is a big guy 6'3"- 6'4" so sometimes his presence is enough to calm a room, other times, with his size, comes strength, and he has been forced to use it, in either case, Gary's appearance and strength helped prevent further injuries to a brother officer in need. I wish we had more paperwork on this, But we don't all we have 1st hand knowledge as Ken and Gary have been friends since Gary joined the force and Ken was working when this occurred. Further, in 2008/09 Ken nominated Gary for the Purple Heart from the Police Officers Hall of Fame in Florida, it was an older case, and they were reluctant to hear it, but after reading the events, and hearing Ken's strong feelings on the case, they agreed to take it to the board for a vote; Ken said he believes strongly in the value of awards, and that if given where they were not earned it diminishes the value of that award, in the case of Gary Lapchak, if he were awarded this award, it would not dimish the award at all; in fact it would do quite the opposite, an injured officer continuing on, so that he might help a brother officer in his time of need is about as heroic as one can get. After careful consideration, Officer Lapchak was awarded the Police Officer Hall of Fame's Purple Heart, and a lifetime membership to the Hall of Fame, and we think it would also be fitting to receive the department's equivalent of that Purple Heart and award him the Citation of Valor. The Commissioner agreed and on 3 Feb 2014 Approved the Citation of Valor for injuries sustained on 28 Oct 1997.  128J97


#3 - 3. Retired Officer Daryl Buhrman - While there are numerous injuries that occurred between Feb 1981 and July of 1989. The first was the one that caused the bulk of Ret. Officer Buhrman injuries and re-injuries to be so severe that he has had a difficult time in walking, and working. Those events read like something from a TV movie, as Ret. Officer Buhrman was working the Southern District 963 post (a foot post) when he saw a fight in which the main aggressor was armed with a knife. This outside Baltimore's famous Hammer-Jack's nightclub, upon seeing the officer the armed suspect fled on foot across a parking lot over a fence through a field and onto an adjoining parking lot when it appeared as though the suspect had run far enough and could go no further, Ret. Officer Buhrman at this point had his man, or so he thought, as he went to arrest him things became ugly, violence had erupted into something he had never expected, and surely didn't see coming. To this day he doesn't know if it was set up in advance, or if it was just a case of wrong place, wrong time, but as he went to arrest the suspect, he was jumped by the suspects buddies, then the suspect also turned on him and Ret. Officer Buhrman was beaten, kicked punched and finally forced to the ground where they jumped on his left knee. Ret. Officer Buhrman never gave up, and eventually, would manage to get everyone on the ground with him, where he cuffed those he could and recovered the knife that was the cause of the chase. All of this reported under cc 9B41629 Feb 1981. It has been a long time since this injury took place, and the aggravated injuries that came as a result of re-injury - I hope you can see in this what we see and while it is sometimes hard to see, we have talked to Ret. Officer Buhrman and feel he deserves of this award, we hope you will agree. The Commissioner agreed and on 3 Feb 2014 Approved the Citation of Valor for injuries sustained on 8 Feb 1981. 908B81


#4 - 4. Retired Officer Kenneth Driscoll - In this case Officer Driscoll was injured in the line of duty in the Spring of 1992 as he was assigned to the Central District Patrol and working Sector 3, 1A37 car and came across an on-view Signal 13 in the 2200 Blk of McCulloh St. As he entered the house he was informed the suspect was high on drugs and violent, rounding a corner in a hallway he saw a suspect standing over an officer striking and him from behind; Ken has always had respect for the department and his brothers, as such without thinking he quickly ran up behind the suspect, where with the use of an Espantoon he was able to quickly take the fight out of the suspect, and cuff him before he  realized what had happened, and by then he didn't have enough left in him to issue a threat to the officers. As Officer Driscoll was assisting the suspect out to an awaiting wagon, the family whom this suspect had just been beating before the first officer's arrival, decided they wanted to get their licks in on him, so they attacked him, pushing him, and Officer Driscoll out the front door, and off the second floor porch area down to the street. Ken dislocated his shoulder, he went to the ER where doctors did all they could but because Ken did as all police do after falling to the ground, he stood up and shook it off, the doctor missed the fact that he had dislocated his shoulder and reset it, but reset it improperly. It would take nearly a year to find the injury, and by then a surgery was needed to fix a serious shoulder injury. His arm had never healed properly, and a portion of his clavicle had to be removed. This injury played a large role in a later injury that left him wheelchair bound, and at the time nearly ended his career. Recently Ken was upgraded from Monoplegic for a 2001 injury, to Paraplegic for the addition of this injury. They are two separate injuries. One took Ken's left leg, the other took his left arm, I think you would agree this injury, has left Ken not only unable to use his left leg, but when added to, and aggravating now unable to fully use his left arm/hand. Ken was written up for and received a Citation of Valor for the injuries that would eventually lead to his left leg becoming paralyzed, in writing that up this incident was partially described, and someone from the department that is involved in this program recommended writing up this portion of the injuries too, as they are separate, serious and at the time nearly ended ken's career. Ken was considered Monoplegic; like paraplegic means, two limbs, and quadriplegic means four, monoplegic means one limb… The effects of Ken's injuries have increased, and his condition has recently been advanced to paraplegic, a permanent disability, in which his left arm/hand and left leg are too weak to consider anything by paralyzed. The case was reviewed and the Commissioner agreed this was a separate incident; and an incident with injuries stemming from a line of duty incident that was so severe, he was issued a Citation of Valor. - The Commissioner agreed and on 21 June 2014 and Approved the Citation of Valor for injuries sustained in Spring of 1992  107E92


#5 - 5. Retired Sgt Robert Bigos - On 9 Sept 1995, at 1315 Sgt Robert Bigos was involved in a violent struggle with a suspect during which his knee was blown out requiring several surgeries which ultimately cost him his job forcing him into an early retirement. To this day he still suffers the side effects of being disabled due to injuries that have left him disabled as a result of this Line of Duty Injury. For this, we felt he was within the guidelines of the Citation of Valor, with that the Commissioner was contacted, the same was explained to him and he agreed that the Sergeants injuries were serious enough to warrant his receiving this award.  -  The Commissioner agreed and on 21 June 2014 Approved the Citation of Valor for injuries sustained on 9 Sept 1995  109I95


#6 - 6. Retired Officer Lennell Robinson - 1997 - Officer L Robinson was injured in the line of duty on 17 Apr, 1997, as he was assigned to the Eastern District street crimes unit and was struck by a drunk driver on said date at which time he received multiple compound fractures to his left leg and nerve damage his left hand resulting in numerous surgeries and rehabilitation. Due to his line of duty injury, he was forced to retire in 1999 from the department but was never awarded the Citation of Valor. We believe he should have been awarded this award and fully deserves it. I hope you will agree, and I thank you for taking the time to review this Award - Patricia Driscoll - The Commissioner agreed and on 21 June 2014 Approved the Citation of Valor for the injuries sustained on 17 April 1997  317D97


#7 - 7. Retired Officer Robert Cirello - On 7 Sept 2006, at 2154 Officer Cirello was patrolling Patterson Park, he observed two suspicious subjects, up exiting his car to investigate he was struck in the head with an unknown object, shortly after which he felt a burning in his chest, realizing he had been shot he returned fire on the two subjects. Other officers began arriving on scene and found Officer Cirello sitting next to his patrol car, he was bleeding from a head wound, Officer Cardwell, found him bleeding and heard him saying he was shot, The officer checked and found he was shot in the chest, but the bullet didn't penetrate the vest, with that all attention was focused on the head injury. As a result of his injuries, he was taken to Shock Trauma where he was treated and eventually released. Due to his injuries, he would retire from the department but was never awarded the Citation of Valor. We believe he should have been awarded this award and fully deserves it. I hope you will agree, and thank you for taking the time to review this Award - Patricia Driscoll - The Commissioner agreed and on 21 June 2014 Approved the Citation of Valor for the injuries sustained on 7 Sept 2006  207I06


#8 -8. Retired Officer Edward Mattson - On 13 Oct 1970 was a Tuesday, during a demonstration at Baltimore City Jail a riot broke out, where more than 20 people were arrested, many for what might seem to be a simple charge of Failing to Obey a Lawful Order, but others for things like Inciting a Riot, and still others of Assaulting police and worse one was charged with Attempted Murder. As Ret Sergeant Mattson was trying to maintain order and that riot broke he grabbed his Prisoner Mr. Lively, (Walter Lively, Junior, 28 of the 800 block of North Broadway, the former director of the Baltimore urban coalition and a self-described organizer for Milton Allen, the Democratic states attorney candidate.) during the struggle, Sgt Mattson's Espantoon was taken by someone in the crowd and Mr. Lively was assaulting Sgt Mattson with a homemade club fashioned from a 2x4) Having been struck in the head Sgt Mattson was saved by then Major Tony Glover who arrived after a 13 was called. Sgt Mattson had to undergo numerous surgeries, and to be quite honest has not been the same since. It has affected his thoughts and outlook on life. Still, Sgt Mattson is proud to have been a Baltimore Police Officer and Sergeant, and we are proud to have followed in his footsteps. These events took place 44 years ago, and we feel the time has come so it is with this information that we hope you will agree, Retired Officer Edward Mattson meets the requirements of and deserves the Citation of Valor. - The Commissioner agreed and on 5 April 2015 Approved the Citation of Valor for the injuries sustained on 13 Oct 1970  313J70


#9 -9. Retired Officer Kathy Irwin - On 20 Feb 1993 Officer Kathy Irwin was affecting an arrest on a Shoplifter when she was violently attacked and assaulted, so severe were her injuries that she was not only forced to retired 66/2/3 Line of Duty, but she also became a major part of the argument for state laws to be changed, making Assault on Police a felony. Often crimes like this that affect the lives of our officers become lost in the paperwork, we forget there is an officer, a person, a member of our Baltimore Police family, that has not only lost the ability to do the job they love, but that may also never work again, and often these officers, forced into retirement feel as though they have been thrown out, across the country disabled police almost all say the same thing, "It felt like I was put out with the garbage!" and yet anyone one of them would do whatever was asked of them to be part of that family they love so much…. Kathy was no different, she was injured, she was rejected, and when duty called for her to testify in Annapolis to have Assault On Police become the Felony that it is today, instead of the misdemeanor or common law crime it used to be. Kathy also often does things like run Bull and Oster Roasts to help officers in distress may have been taken out of the Police Department, but the police department has not been taken out of her. She still bleeds blue, this based on her injuries how they came about and the results, still to this day she suffers chronic pain but still to this day would do anything for her brothers and sisters active or retired she was there. She was serving her brothers and sisters. With this information, I hope you will agree Retired Officer Kathy Irwin meets the requirements of and deserves the Citation of Valor- The Commissioner agreed and on 5 April 2015 Approved the Citation of Valor for the injuries sustained on 20 Feb 1993  720B71



#10 -10. Retired Sergeant Donald Voss -18 June 1972 - Three Police Injured in Melee
The Sun (1837-1989); Jun 19, 1972; pg. C20 - Three police injured in melee Crowd of 300 in Cherry Hill Hurls Rocks
A police officer was knocked unconscious, and two others were injured yesterday (18 June 1972) in a stone-throwing melee that resulted in two arrests. The incident occurred at 7:20 P.M. when a crowd of about 300 persons gathered in the 2500 block Norfolk Street, Cherry Hill. As police officers attempted to capture a handcuffed escaped from the Maryland Training School for Boys. Fifty police officers were summoned to deal with the crowd, which dispersed about 8:30 Taunted Officer During the melee persons in the crowd taunted the officers and threw rocks at them. Most seriously injured was Sgt. Ronald Voss, of the Southern district, who was beaten and kicked unconscious as he attempted to aid another officer who had handcuffed two girls. The handcuffed girls fled during the struggle. Also injured were Patrolman Edward Eilerman and Patrolman Richard Curley. All three officers were taken to Mercy Hospital where Patrolmen Eilerman and Curley were reported, in satisfactory condition and Sergeant Voss in fair condition. Two juveniles were arrested. A police spokesman said the incident, the second major attack on police in as many weeks, was unprovoked and apparently spontaneous. End of Article

Sgt Voss would complain of pain, headaches and other difficulties brought on by this attack. His complaints would be heard for nearly two years, when on 7 July 1974, as he was pondering one of the most difficult decisions in his career, he would receive a notice from the medical section ordering him to report to Church Home Hospital for evaluations and testing. It seems someone up above made his mind up for him that he was not meant to go out on the Baltimore Police Strike. He said he was leaning heavily toward crossing the line and continuing to do his job, but before his mind could be completely made up, he received a letter from medical section ordering him to respond to the hospital where he would be admitted and kept for nearly two weeks for observations and testing. After testing, he would continue working, but due to complications from his injuries, he was advised again by a medical section that it was time for him to put in for his retirement. To this day Sgt Ronald Voss continues to have complications brought on by the injuries of that attack on 18 June 1972. We have the newspaper articles to support these claims, therefore based on the requirements of this award we recommend Retired Sergent Ronald Voss for the Citation of Valor, and we hope you will agree. The Commissioner agreed and on 17 April 2017 Approved the Citation of Valor for the injuries sustained on 18 June 1972  918F72


A list compiled by Officer Robert P. Brown, (Bobby Brown) Southern District, of recipients of this prestigious award. This award was started by Commissioner Donald Pomerleau in 1972 but he went back to 1966 to include those persons that could have received this award. BOLD indicates that they were shot or severely wounded but could not find anything about the Citation of Valor on them.
** Indicates that they were awarded the Medal of Honor as well.

Name of Recipients / Rank / Date of Injury

Edward D. Siebor - P/O - 1967
Richard Webb - P/O - 1967
Sterling H. Fletcher- Sgt - 1969
John E. Lewis - P/O - 1969
Wiley M. Owens - P/O - 1969
Charles L. Kirk - P/O  - 1970
Stanley Sierakowski - Sgt - 1970                        
Joseph Michael - P/O - 1970
James L. McFillin Jr. - P/O - 1970
Daniel J. Calhoun - Sgt - 1970
Edward Mattson - Sgt - 1970
William C. Mack - P/O - 1971
Frederick W. Dickens - P/O - 1971
Charles P. Smith - P/O  - 1971
Jan D. Walters - P/O - 1972
James H. Harris - P/O - 1972
Darrell D. Duggins - Lt - 1972
Joseph J. Kaczynski - P/O - 1972
George L. Deares - P/O - 1972
Francis Hoyt - P/O - 1972
Donald Voss - Sgt - 1972
Thomas Whalen - P/O - 1973
Donald F. Haupt - Lt - 1973
Charles A. Walker - Det - 1973
Raymond J. Clements - P/O - 1974
Gary Dresser  ** - P/O  - 1974
Glenn Hauze - P/O  - 1974
Joseph E. Hlafka - P/O - 1974
Alric K. Moore - P/O - 1974
Theodore E. Staab - P/O - 1975
Alvin E. Martin - P/O - 1976
John A. Swiec - P/O - 1976
Calvin Mencken - P/O - 1976
Charles Mitchell - P/O  - 1976
Neil C. Splain - P/O - 1976
Andrew F. Leso - P/O - 1977
Joseph E. Wolfe - P/O  - 1978
Clayton Wright - P/O - 1978
Lawrence B. Bennett - P/O - 1978
Wardell James - P/O - 1978
Michael Dunn - P/O - 1979
Charles T. Nelson - P/O - 1979
William D. Albers - P/O - 1979
David Garayoa - P/O - 1979
Michael J. Cassizzi - P/O - 1979
John H. Miller - P/A - 1979
William J. Surratt -  P/O - 1979
Thomas Lewis - P/O  - 1980
Charles H. Benjamin - P/O - 1980
Ralph E. Greaves - P/O - 1980
Durwood A. Hood Jr. - P/O - 1980
James V. Weglein - P/O  - 1980
Robert S. Schmelz III - P/O - 1981
Daryl Buhrman Ret Officer - 1981
Charles M. Frye - P/O - 1982
Raymond A. Howard - P/O - 1983
David L. Williams - P/O - 1983
William H. Bessling - P/O - 1983
Theodore Black - P/O - 1984
James Clark - P/Oe - P/O - 1984
Donna M. Cooper - P/O - 1984
John C. McNamara - P/O - 1984
John F. Baker - Sgt - 1984
Jesse J. McClain Jr. - P/O - 1984
Stephen D. Martin - P/O - 1985
David L. Williams - P/O - 1985
John F. Heiderman - P/O - 1985
Terrance P. McLarney - Sgt - 1985
Timothy F. Wade - P/O - 1986
Paul Renaud - P/A - 1986
David R. Dull - P/O - 1987
Paul C. Dunn - P/O  - 1987
Roy. N. Grant - P/O - 1987
Thomas E. Martini - P/O - 1987
Eugene J. Cassidy   ** - P/A - 1987
Jeffrey C. Wright    ** - Lt - 1988
Denise M. Monaghan - P/O - 1988
Guy E. Gerstel ** - P/O - 1988
Alfred Brown - P/A  - 1988
Vincent Moore - P/O - 1989
Herman Brooks ** - P/O - 1989
William J. Martin ** - P/O - 1989
Graham B. Sylvester - P/O - 1990
Carl E. Trogdon - P/O - 1990
Harry G. Harcum - P/O - 1990
Bryan T. Donahue - P/O - 1990
Lamont D. Bivens - P/O - 1990
Michael J. Johnson - P/O - 1990
Gerald M. Hensley - P/O - 1991
Michael H. Waudby - LT  - 1991
David C. Cheuvront II - P/O - 1992
Samuel Bosley - P/O - 1992
Jimmy Young - P/O - 1992
Ira N. Weiner ** - P/O - 1992
Frederick J. Dillon - P/O - 1992
Andrew Snakowsky -  P/A 1992
Kenneth Driscoll Ret Det. - 1992
Gregory A. Jenkins - P/O - 1993
Daniel Brown - P/O - 1993
Hezzie T Sessomes - Sgt - 1993
Herman Jones - P/O - 1993
Kathy Irwin Conrad - P/O 1993
Antonio L. Murray - P/O - 1994
Eric Dawson - P/O - 1994
Kevin Baskette - P/O - 1994
Charles A. Seward  Jr. - P/O - 1994                                                       
Donald Schultz - P/O  - 1995
Bob Bigos Ret Sgt - 1995
Charles D. Carroll - P/O - 1996
Christopher M. Street - Sgt. - 1996
Owen E. Sweeney Jr.   ** - LT - 1997
Gary Lapchak Ret Officer - 1997
Lennell Robinson Ret. Det. 1997
Michael Wingler - Sgt - 1998
Jerry K. Weaver - P/A  - 2000
Kevon Malik Gavin Sr. ** - P/O - 2000
David F. Azur - Det - 2000
Michael J. Cowdery ** - P/A - 2001
Ronald A. Beverly   ** - P/O - 2001
Anthony R. Molesky  ** - P/O - 2001
Willie W. Grandy - P/O - 2001
Kenneth Driscoll - Ret. Det. - 2001
Christopher B. Houser - P/O - 2002
James L. Howard - P/O - 2002
Robert J. Adams - Det - 2002
James S. Guzie - P/O  - 2002
Steven Henson - P/O  - 2002
Michael H. Smith - Det - 2002
Thomas Newman  ** - Det - 2002
Paul E. Thompson - P/O  - 2003
Christian Schaeffer - P/O  - 2003
John R. Dolly Jr. - P/O - 2004
Brian Winder ** - P/O - 2004
Andrew Lane - P/O - 2005
Joseph Banks - P/O  - 2005
Robert T. Hayes - P/O - 2005
Robert Cirello Ret. Officer - 2006
Troy L. Chesley ** - Det. - 2007
David Hare - P/O - 2007
Jemell Rayam - P/O - 2007
Loretta Francis - P/O - 2007
Karen Brzowsky - P/O - 2007
Steven Mahan - P/O - 2007
Krzystof Gelsa - P/O - 2007
Pedro Perez - P/O - 2008
Anthony Jobst - P/O - 2008
Hayden Gross - P/O - 2008
Mark Spila - P/O - 2008
Dante Arthur - P/O - 2009
Thomas R. Portz Jr. - P/O - 2010
Todd Strohman - P/O - 2010
Daniel Harper ** - P/O - 00-00-0000
Kurt Roepcke - Sgt - 00-00-0000
Matthew McClenahan - P/O - 00-00-0000
Michael Rice - P/O - 00-00-0000
Jordan Moore - P/O  - 00-00-0000
Keith Romans ** - P/O - 03-21-2010

Devider color with motto

Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department. Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter @BaltoPoliceHist or like us on Facebook or mail pics to 8138 Dundalk Ave. Baltimore Md. 21222

Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll