
In Memory Of

The Baltimore City Police History site was contacted by someone asking if they could make a Donation Dedicated to the Memory of a family member of theirs that had recently passed and had a deep respect and love of their time with the Baltimore Police Department. I was told, this retired officer enjoyed his time with the BPD, the friends, and memories he made and shared for years after his retirement. They went on to say how much he loved this site. They wanted to help preserve the history of the department, for us, and for their loved one. So instead of sending cards or flowers, they donated to the “Baltimore City Police History website”. I explained we have a, “Hall of Fame” page and will gladly put their family member on the page if they are not already there. They were thankful for that option but really wanted us to consider making a page, (this page) So that others would be able to make similar contributions or donations in the name of their loved ones, our brothers. We used to include a dollar amount but some felt they couldn't give the same kind of funds or items so they didn't. We run this from Ken's pension and ever so often a small fundraiser. Ken doesn't like asking for donations, so he will sometimes sell patches, coins or t-shirts. Understanding how difficult it is with the pension system and money is tight, ken stopped fundraisers. I think the last thing he did was a blue shoulder patch, that was more to make one for the museum, webpage and visitors than stop by the house. The site costs us $75 a month to host and secure, and another $450 $500 a year for domain names and modules to help the site run we have had members offer to pay one of the bills... that has helped but again it is rare so we will list names, without donation values.   

Ken made the first donation of his time, and a little over $1000 cash to the memory of this site's founder Ret. Officer Bill Hackley. May he, and all others that have worn our badge, never be forgotten. When Bill made the original; Baltimore Police History Site, he had a simple mission statement, it was as follows: 

To Preserve and Honor this Fine Police Department and all those that have Served with Dignity and Honor.

I hope with our rebuild of his site dreams; we can do just that, preserve and honor, our fine police department, and all of our brothers and sisters who have served with honor and dignity.  


Ret. Police Officer William "Bill" Hackley
Lt. William B. Miller
Ret. John Ellis "Bo" Blackwell
Ret. Detective Sergeant Jon Joseph Grow
In memory of Off Jimmy D Halcomb
In memory of Det Thomas G Newman
In memory of Officer Vincent J Adolfo
In memory of Off William J Martin 
In memory of Ret. Police Officer William R. Furlong Sr.
In memory of Officer Edgar J Rumpf  

In memory of Det Marcellus Ward
In memory of Off Richard J Lear
In memory of Lt. Owen E Sweeney Jr
In memory of Officer Nelson F Bell Jr
In memory of Sgt Frank W Grunder Jr
In memory of Off Walter P Matthys
In memory of Officer John A. Stapf
In memory of Ret. Policeman Thomas McGuire
In memory of Police Sgt. Edward T Weitzel
In memory of Ret. Police Officer Jim Mitchell

In memory of Ret. Police Officer William R. Furlong Sr.
In memory of Ret. Police Officer William "Bill" Hackley 
In memory of Ret. Police Officer Jim Mitchell  
Ret. Deputy Colonel Steve McMahon
Officer Mark Frank
Officer Kathy Irwin Conrad
P/O John Heiderman
Sgt Randy Dull
Lieutenant Bob Wilson - Special thanks to Lt Wilson, from Crime Resistance Unit for his help in not just donating upwards of 1000 slides/negatives, newspaper clippings, brochures, handouts, etc. and as if that wasn't enough he also scanned and indexed the departmental newsletters of the Baltimore Police Department. They will be added to this site as soon as possible where they will be indexed and searchable. Like many of the names above, Lt. Wilson has been added to our Baltimore Police Historical Society Officer of the Year program

Everything Ken and I contribute goes in under Bill Hackley's name - If your name or the name of a loved one belongs on this list, please drop us a line This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. we would love to add you or your loved one to the list and apologize for any oversight on our part, we are staffed by Ken and I as full time volunteers, alongside two paid guys that are used on a as needed basis.  We no longer list dollar amounts for time or items donated, nor will we list actual dollars because it left some uncomfortable. Now we include just the names of those that donated items, money time to help us keep the site up and running strong.

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Donations help with web hosting, stamps and materials and the cost of keeping the website online. Thank you so much for helping BCPH. 

Paypal History Donations

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Copies of: Your Baltimore Police Department Class Photo, Pictures of our Officers, Vehicles, Equipment, Newspaper Articles relating to our department and or officers, Old Departmental Newsletters, Lookouts, Wanted Posters, and or Brochures. Information on Deceased Officers and anything that may help Preserve the History and Proud Traditions of this agency. Please contact Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll.

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How to Dispose of Old Police Items

Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department.

Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter @BaltoPoliceHist or like us on Facebook or mail pics to 8138 Dundalk Ave. Baltimore Md. 21222


Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll