MOH Recipients

Medal of Honor

Medal of HonorPolice Department
Baltimore, Maryland

A list of "Roll of Honor" / "Medal of Honor" Recipients, compiled from departmental records by our very own departmental historian; Police Officer, Robert "Bobby" Brown
* Indicates that they received the "Citation of Valor" as well
** Indicates under review and looking for more information

If you, or your loved one received the medal, but are not listed, it is nothing personal. We don't have information unless it is sent to us. So send us what you want, To speed things up, send documentation so that we know we are updating our records with accurate information without having to first double check that it was the Medal of Honor they received.

Name - Rank - Date of Incident

Jacob Frey - Marshall - 1888

J. H. Kratz - Ptlm - 1889

G.H. Gordon - Ptlm - 1889

Bernard Ward - Sgt - 1889

John B. Dorsey - Ptlm - 1889

Arthur Napier -  Ptlm  - 1889

Matthew Quinn - Sgt - 1889

Joseph Nevins - Ptlm - 1889

Martin Manger - Ptlm - 1890

Joseph Smith - Ptlm - 1890

William J. Scarborough - Ptlm - 1891

Bernard Finnerty - Ptlm - 1893

Thomas P. O’Donnell - Det - 1897

John H. Gooding - Sgt - 1900/01

Charles H. McClean - RSgt - 1900/01

Francis P. Devon - Sgt - 1904

Henry Streib - Sgt  - Unknown 1907 book

Henry Feldpusch - Ptlm - 1905

Maurice C Erdman - Ptlm - 1914

George C. Sauer  - Ptlm (PH) - 1915

Peter Sawecke - Ptlm - 1916

Joseph E. Waechter - Ptlm - 1924

William Hawkins - Ptlm - 1924

Frank L. Latham - Ptlm (PH) - 1924

Joseph Logue -  Ptlm - 1924

Charles S. Frank - Ptlm (PH) - 1924

Claude E. Long - Ptlm - 1924

Thomas J. Dillon - Clerk  (PH) - 1926

Webster E. Schuman - Ptlm (PH) - 1926

Ignatuis M. Benesch - Sgt - 1926

Henry W. Sudmeier - Ptlm (PH) - 1926

William F. Doehler - Ptlm (PH) - 1927

Joseph F. Carroll -  Det Sgt (PH) - 1928

John P. Burns -  Ptlm (PH)  - 1932

John R. J. Block - Ptlm (PH) -1933

John Blank - Ptlm (PH) - 1934

Max Hirsh  - Ptlm  (PH) - 1935

Arthur H. Malinofski  - Ptlm   (PH)  - 1935

Carroll Hanley - Ptlm (PH)  - 1936

William L. Ryan - Ptlm (PH) - 1940

William J. Woodcock  - Ptlm  (PH) - 1943

William S. Knight - Ptlm (PH) - 1943

John B. Bealefeld - Ptlm  (PH) - 1945

Elmer A. Noon - Ptlm (PH) -1946

Fred R. Unger - Ptlm (PH) - 1947

Joseph D. Benedict - Ptlm (PH) - 1948

Thomas J. Burns - Ptlm  (PH) - 1948

John W. Arnold - Ptlm  (PH) - 1948

Elmer W. Weber - Ptlm - 1951

William H. Kraft Jr.  - Ptlm - 1952

James L. Scholl - Ptlm (PH) - 1953

Mary Eileen Hoy - Crossing Guard - 1953

Cecil Patterson Jr.  - Ptlm - 1953

Wilbert J. Elsroad - Ptlm - 1957

Donald L. Hundermark - Ptlm - 1959

Robert L. Taylor - Sgt - (possibly May 1963) 1964

Richard F. Bosak - Det.   (PH) - 1968

Helen Mackall  -  Crossing Guard  - 1970

Henry M. Mickey  - Ptlm    (PH) - 1970

Donald Sager - Ptlm  (PH) - 1970

Stanley Sierakowski   *- Ptlm - 1970

Siegfried Weber - Ptlm - 1971

Raymond Sylvester -  Ptlm - 1971

Kenneth Hayden - Ptlm - 1971

Richard Mioduszewski - Ptlm - 1971

Edward Malecki - Ptlm - 1972

Paul Lioi - Ptlm - 1972

Albert Greaver - Det - 1972

Carmello Curreri - Det - 1972

Norman F. Buchman - Ptlm  (PH) - 1973

Milton I. Spell - Ptlm - 1974 

Gary W. Dresser * - Ptlm - 1975

Jimmy Holcomb * ** - Ptlm - 1976 

Marcellus Ward -  Det - 1984 

Richard T. Miller * - Ptlm (PH) - 1986

Eugene J. Cassidy * - Off - 1987

Jeffrey Wright * - Lt - 1988

Guy E. Gerstel * -  Off - 1988

William J. Martin * - Off (PH) - 1989

Herman L. Brooks  * - Off - 1989

Ira N. Weiner  * - Off   (PH) - 1992

Terry K. Hendrickson - Off - 1992

Gerard G. DeManss -  Sgt - 1992

Frederick Dillon * - Sgt - 1992

Brian D. Bacon - Off - 1996

Owen E. Sweeney Jr. * - Lt  (PH) - 1997

Barry W. Wood - F.O. -(PH)-  1998

Barry Hamilton - Off - 1999

Louis C. Holley  -  Off  - 2000

Jamie A. Roussey - Off   (PH) - 2000

Kevin M. Gavin * - Off PH) - 2000

John D. Platt  - Sgt  (PH) - 2000

Kevin J. McCarthy - Off  (PH) - 2000

Michael J. Cowdery  * - Off  (PH) - 2001

Ronald A. Beverly  * - Off -  2001

Anthony R. Molesky * - Off - 2001

Ralph J. Ciambruschini - Off - 2002

Sean R. Kapfhammer - Sgt - 2002

William P. Hoover - Off - 2002

Crystal D. Sheffield - Off (PH) - 2002

Thomas G. Newman * - Det (PH) - 2002

Gregg B. Boyd - Off  - 2004

Brian D. Winder - Off (PH)  - 2004

Edwin Lane - Off - 2004

Anthony Byrd - Sgt (PH) - 2006

Troy L. Chesley *  - Det (PH) - 2007

Jared E. Stern - Off - 2007

Christopher Timms - Off - 2007

Robert Himes -  Off - 2008

Daniel Harper  * - Off - 2009

Jerome Shaurette  -  Off - 2009

Curtis McMillion - Off - 2009

Keith Romans - Off - 2010

Todd Strohman - Off - 2010

Latosha Tinsley - Off - 2011

Kevin Amy - Off - 2014

Zachary Wein - Off - 2019

Devider color with motto

Departmental Motto


Above and Beyond

The Call Of Duty



This Award was the style used by the BPD in 1914

The previous style consisted of 2 chains attaching the “Bars” instead of the ribbon


Current style used by the Baltimore Police Department

Medal of Honor2

Medal Of Honor

Police Department

City Of Baltimore, Maryland

Awarded by the Police Commissioner to members who distinguish themselves conspicuously by gallantry and courage at the risk of their own lives, above and beyond the call of duty, in an extraordinary act of heroism and bravery without endangering or jeopardizing the lives of others and without detriment in any way to their sworn oath. A member must perform an act so outstanding that it clearly distinguishes superlative courage, beyond the call of duty, from lesser forms of bravery.

A bronze medallion 1 1/2" in diameter with an eagle above the words "Medal of Honor," star centered above the word "Valor." On the outer border, the words "Baltimore Police Department" are inscribed. The reverse side of the medallion has the words "presented to," "by" and "Police Commissioner," above a leaf cluster.

The medallion is attached to a blue ribbon with gold stars. The uniform ribbon is 1 3/8" long x 3/8" wide, blue in color with a gold star centrally mounted. A rectangular blue collar pin 1/2" long x 1/8" wide, with centered gold star, is also awarded.

Police Department

Baltimore, Maryland

Information was researched by Officer Robert "Bobby" Brown


Detective Thomas P. O’Donnell was awarded the "Roll Of Honor Medal" in 1897 for his capture of the suspect who held up the U.S. Post Office in White Plains, N.Y., and murdered Postmaster Walter Adams, a personal friend of then Governor Theodore Roosevelt.

(See more of this story in the chapter "OUR POLICE 1800-1900)

MOH 1914 REVERSE Off Maurice Erdman1

Balto. Co. PD

Pictured is the actual Roll of Honor medal awarded to Officer Maurice Erdman for Bravery under the most extreme performance of his duty as a Police Officer. He was the 8th known Baltimore Officer to receive this award. Engraved on the reverse side:

November 9, 1914 - Patrolman Maurice C. Erdman - Bravery - Aug. 3rd  1914

Officer Maurice erdman newspaper article2i

Baltimore Co. PD

Baltimore Police Roll of Honor
3 Star Bar....Badge Of Courage

Roll of Honor1


Baltimore Police Roll of Honor 1942
BPD Medal of Honor


Five men above wear a plain little yellow and black bar with three gold stars above their badges. Few outsiders know that the bar signifies the highest reward the Baltimore Police Department can bestow, the inscription of the wearers name upon the department’s ROLL OF HONOR.

So the little yellow and black bar can be seen on the blue uniforms of:

Sergeant Ignatius M. Benesch, Eastern District

Patrolman Peter Sawecke, Eastern District

Patrolman William Hawkins, Central District

Patrolman Maurice C. Erdman, Northwestern District

Patrolman Joseph Logue, Northern District

The names of fifteen other men have been placed upon that roll since 1900, but eleven died violent deaths to merit the reward, and four have retired from the force.

Eleven heroes' names are inscribed posthumously on. the Roll of Honor -all eleven written there with pistol bullets.

There are but four more names on the Roll of Honor. After long and faithful service to the community, they are retired now and their yellow and black bars are their proudest possessions.

Once it was easier to get on the Roll of Honor, which was established in 1888 and which has a total of forty two names. With the. turn of the century, the restrictions were tightened. There are other rewards for bravery of high order or for brilliant police work. There is commendation, with a plain yellow and black bar as the citation, and high commendation with two silver bars as the visible mark. In the last forty-one years there have been 3,961 such citations.


Sergeant Francis Devon, 1904

Sergeant Francis P. Devon of the Central District won his for removing explosive powder from a burning building at 2 Light Street in 1904.

Patrolman Maurice C. Erdman 1914

On August 3,1914, Patrolman Erdman was almost killed while arresting Lee Estep, Negro criminal. He still has a scar on his neck from ear to ear as testimony of' his courage in the capture. Erdman found the Negro shooting craps with several cronies in Morris street. He collared the Negro and escorted him to a call box at Preston street and Druid Hill avenue. On the I way the Negro stumbled on purpose, drew out a knife and slashed the patrolman from ear to ear. Dizzy and reeling from loss of blood, Erdman fell to his knees, but reached for his revolver and fired five times at the fleeing culprit. Three bullets hit their mark and killed Estep. Erdman was taken to the Maryland General Hospital, where he recovered after thirty-two stitches were taken in his neck

Patrolman Peter Sawecke 1916

Patrolman Sawecke rescued a woman and her two daughters from their burning home at 1603 Lancaster street on March 7, 1916 before the Fire Department could arrive at the scene. He was patrolling his beat when someone called to him that there was a fire in the home. When he arrived the flames which had started in the kitchen had reached the stairway, where the woman’s husband later was found burned to death. Sawecke obtained a ladder, entered the second floor and carried the three women to safety.

Patrolman William Hawkins 1924

Patrolman Hawkins, while walking near the Custom House in 1924, saw three men in an automobile which had been reported stolen. He called to them to stop, but they started off in a hurry. Hawkins hailed a passing motorist and started in pursuit. During the ensuing chase of many blocks more than twenty shots were exchanged. Finally Hawkins captured the trio in an alley off Trinity street. During the pursuit, the car in which he was riding nearly smashed into a pole when the other swerved to the left side of the street.

Patrolman Joseph Logue 1924

In 1924 Patrolman Logue, then of the Eastern district, saw Miss Helen Hartnett fall into the harbor while watching an automobile accident at Eastern avenue and the Fallsway. In full uniform he dived into the icy water and swam about under the surface until he recovered the girl. He then held her head above the surface until a police boat came to the rescue.

Patrolman Charles Frank 1924

Several months later in a similar lease Patrolman Charles Frank, of the Southern District, was called to settle a dispute between Harry C. Jones and his wife at their home, 1619 Marshall street. After she asked the patrolman to arrest her husband, Jones picked up a pistol from under his cap on a table and fired at Frank, killing him.

Patrolman John Blank, 1924

The last name to appear on the Roll or Honor is that of Patrolman John Blank, of the Northeastern District, who, on February 11,1924, was shot and killed while attempting to seize, three bandits who had blown a safe in a building in the 1400 block of North Central Avenue.

Patrolman Joseph Waechter, 1924

In 1924 Patrolman Joseph Waechter, Traffic Division, plunged. into a hole at Gay and. Baltimore Streets and dragged out two men who had been overcome by gas. His rescue completed he toppled into the hole overcome himself.

Patrolman Frank Latham 1924

On February 29, 1924, Patrolman Frank Latham of the Eastern district was called to 511South Collington Avenue to investigate a fight between Leon Schmidt and his wife. Despite the woman’s warning that her husband was in a desperate mood Latham searched the first floor and then went upstairs. He found Schmidt in a rear room and ordered him out Schmidt answered with a pistol, then hurled the mortally wounded officer down the stairs.

Sergeant Ignatius Benesch 1926

On June 28, 1926, Vannie Lee, a crazed Negro, went berserk on Lafayette Avenue and shot nine persons, two of whom, members of the Police Department, were killed and later were placed on the Roll of Honor. These were Station House Clerk Thomas Dillon, Western District and Patrolman Webster E. Schumann, Northwestern District. Sergeant Benesch, then a patrolman in the Northwest District, arrived on the scene late and found the madman in Shields place. The Officer saw other patrolman coming up Fayette Avenue and started for the negro, who began firing from behind a truck. Benesch was able to reach the opposite side of the truck without being hit by one of the negro’s bullets. But as the policeman closed in and grabbed Lee, the madman struck him on the head with his pistol. While they scuffled the other patrolman arrived in time to make the capture.

Patrolman William Doehler 1927

On August 5, 1927 Patrolman William F. Doehler, of the Northwestern District, answered a call from a loan company in the 900 block of Pennsylvania Avenue. A negro was attempting to pawn a watch. Doehler took the watch from the negro and arrested him, taking him to a call box in the 200 block of Pennsylvania Avenue. As the policeman reached up to take the telephone off the hook, the negro drew out a pistol and shot his captor in the chest. Doehler was taken to the University Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Sergeant Joseph Carroll 1928

Detective Sergeant Joseph Carroll was killed November 19, 1928 when he went to the assistance of a brother officer, Sergeant Frederick W. Carroll, who was taking a prisoner Henry Peterson, to headquarters. The prisoner had drawn a gun on Frederick Carroll, and Joseph Carroll hastened to the scene to assist him. Peterson later died from wounds received from the bullets of the two officers.

Patrolman John Burns, 1931

On January 6, 1931, Patrolman John Burns, of the Northwestern District, and Sergeant Alfred Plitt were called to 582 St. Mary street, where a Negro was threatening to shoot another man. As the policemen entered the hallway of the house, a shot was fired and Officer Burns clumped to the floor. He died the next day at the University Hospital.

Patrolman William Bell, 1932

Patrolman William A. Bell, of the Northwestern District, accompanied by another officer went to 1709 Madison avenue to arrest Walter Wright, alias Pee-Wee, wanted for burglary. As he entered the house, Wright fired and killed Bell instantly. It occurred January 2, 1932.'

Patrolman John Block, 1933

On April 21, 1933. Patrolman John R. J. Block of the Southern district, stopped a car bearing Florida license tags, the occupants of which were reported to have been wanted in connection with a hold of two busses in Ba1timore. As Block questioned the occupants at Hanover and Jack streets one of them drew a pistol and fire at him.Block, died later a the South Baltimore General Hospital.

Patrolman Henry Sudmeier 1934

Patrolman Sudmeier of the Northern District was shot accidentally by a brother officer while apprehending a burglar in a church in 1926. Sudmeier was using a flash in the dark church and the other officers mistook him for the burglar and shot him. For eight years Sudmeier was paralyzed and finally his vitality became so sapped that he died December 20, 1934.

Patrolman Henry T. Feldpusch

Patrolman Henry Feldpusch of the Southern District, saved a man from "freezing.

Patrolman Claude Long

Patrolman Claude E. Long, Southwestern District, dived in to a Gwynns Falls quarry hole in full uniform to rescue a crippled negro boy who had been deserted by his playmates and left to drown.



Police Honor Roll

22 Killed on Duty

January 21, 1944

On the Police Department's roll of honor are the names of 22 policemen who were shot and killed or met other violent deaths in the discharge of their duties.

More than 73 years separate the first name from that of the last on the list.

How many other names should be included may never be known, as the Police Department archives disclose no record of such data prior to the year 1870.

However, from a musty old book with pages yellowed from age, on file at police headquarters, one learns that police service began in Baltimore city as a regularly constituted department by authority of a special act of the Legislature in 1784. It was not until February 2, 1860. that the Legislature passed an act to form a Board of Police Commissioners to consist of four members and the Mayor of the city.

Among the recorded slayings one finds but two instances where the identity of the policeman's slayer was never learned. These are the cases of Patrolman John Blank, who early on the morning of February 12,1934, was felled by bullets fired at him by safecrackers whom he surprised at work in a building in the 1400 block of North Central Ave., and Patrolman Arthur H. Malnofski. who was found shot to death on Maine Ave. near Gwynn oak Ave. at 1.20 A. M. on October 31, 1935.

Mistaken Identity

Malinofski's body was found by the driver of a milk wagon, who reported the policeman held his flashlight, which was burning, indicating that he had reason to make an investigation of some character but was killed before his mission had been accomplished.

Another case of unusual interest was that of Patrolman Henry W. Sudmeier, of the Northern district, who died in 1934, more than eight years after he had been accidentally shot by a fellow-policeman who mistook him for a thief who had been robbing poor boxes of a church in Mount Washington.

First On The List

The first name on the roll of honor is that of Patrolman James Murphy, who was beaten to death with a bludgeon while attempting to arrest a gang of rowdies in Lexington Market on July 4, 1870. three of his assailants were later arrested, two receiving sentences of 18 years each and the other 15 years in the Maryland Penitentiary

On the night of May 24,1871, Patrolman Joseph Clark, of the Middle district (now Central district), was shot while attempting to quell a disturbance in a house at Holliday and Centre Sts. Several men were charged with the policeman's murder, but the police records do E lot disclose the final outcome of the case.

On August 18, 1872, Patrolman John Christopher was shot and killed by Bud Ford, a colored man, Frederick Rd. and Caton Ave. Ford was tried in Baltimore county for the crime, but the local record does not show the court's verdict.

Record Of Shootings

Patrolman John T. Lloyd was fatally shot on July 4, 1889, while arresting Samuel Cooper at Light West Sts. The records state that Cooper received an 18-year Penitentiary term, later reduced to 8 years by Governor Lowndes.

On August 26, 1895, Patrolman John J. Dailey was shot at Charles and Conway Sts. while dispersing a disorderly crowd. Three of the mob were later arrested and received 15,year terms in the Penitentiary.

John W. Devine, a colored man, was hanged for the fatal shooting of patrolman Charles J. Donohue, of the Northwestern district on May 19,1902. Officer Donohue, in answer to a woman's cries for help, rushed into a house in the 1300 block Whatcoat St., receiving a bullet through the heart as he entered.

Detective Shooting

Detective Sergeant Joseph F. Carroll was instantly killed by a revolver shot fired at him by Henwich Peterson, wanted for a mail truck robbery in New Jersey. Arrested at a hotel by Detective Fred Carroll early on the morning of November 19, 1928, while near the Fallsway entrance to the police headquarters building, Peterson suddenly drew a revolver and backed his captor against the wall.

When the detective attempted to draw his service revolver, Peterson fired at him, the bullet grazing his left temple. Sergeant Carroll was alighting from a police car to go to the assistance of his fellow officer when Peterson fired at him, the bullet entering his heart. Shots from other policemen's revolvers felled Peterson who died from his wounds a few days later at Mercy Hospital.

On July 6,1931, Patrolman John P. Burns, of the Northwestern district, was fatally shot by a demented colored man who ran amuck in the 500 block St. Mary's St.

Patrolman William A. Bell, of the same district, was shot and killed on January 2, 1932, as he started up a stairway of a house in the 1700 block Madison Ave. to arrest a man wanted on charges of assault and disturbing the peace.

Suicide Follows Killing

Patrolman John R. Block, Southern district, was shot and instantly killed shortly after midnight, April 20, 1933, by Kenneth Lewis, of Orlando, Fla., who with two accomplices had held up and robbed the operator of a bus at Charles and 39th. Sts. The bandits made their escape in an automobile, a description of which was broadcast.

At Hanover and Jack Sts. Patrolman Block stopped the car and was in the act of examining its license tags when shot by Lewis. A week later when police arrived to arrest him at a farmhouse near Brushy Fork, W. Va., Lewis committed suicide by shooting himself.

Troy Boyd, a companion, was later arrested and sentenced to 18 years in prison. The third bandit" was a never apprehended.

On October 29, 1936, Patrolman Carroll Hanley, of the Central district, died of injuries received by falling or being thrown from a moving automobile in the vicinity of Twentieth St. and Hargrove alley. His assailant was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to the Penitentiary.

Turnkey's Case

Frank Wojniak the murderer of Patrolman John Lanahan, turnkey at the old Central Police Station on Saratoga street near Charles street., only recently escaped from the Penitentiary, where he was serving a life sentence for his crime. Arrested on a minor charge July 3, 1919, Wojniak was ordered searched when brought into the police station. As Lanahan walked toward him, Wojniak whipped out a revolver and shot the turnkey through the heart.

Patrolman Frank Latham, of the Eastern district, was instantly killed by a bullet fired at him by Leon Schmidt when he started up a stairway of a house in the 500 block South Collington Ave. on the night of March 2, 1924. Schmidt was wanted on an assault charge. He is now serving a life term in the Penitentiary.

The records disclose a similar killing in the case of Patrolman Charles Frank, of the Southern district. In response to a woman's cries for assistance he dashed up the front steps of the home of Harry C. Jones, 1600 block Marshall St., on the afternoon of June 20. 1924. Jones slammed the front door in the officer's face and then fired several shots through it. He was convicted of the policeman's murder and is now serving a life sentence for his crime.

Double Shooting

On the morning of August 5, 1927, Patrolman Webster E. Schuman and Clerk Thomas R. Dillon, of the Northwestern District, were felled by bullets fired at them by , Vannie Lee, a crazed colored man, who had previously shot a colored girl at Lafayette and Argyle Aves.

Taking refuge behind a wagon, Lee, armed with a rifle and several revolvers, began firing at every policeman he saw. Schuman, standing in the doorway of a near-by store, was struck in the head by one of the bullets, while Dillon, who was just getting out of a patrol wagon, was shot in the stomach. Police bullets a few minutes later killed Lee.

As he awaited the arrival of the patrol wagon at the call box at Pennsylvania Ave. and Dolphin street. on the afternoon of August 5. 1927, with a colored man whom he had arrested in a near-by pawnshop for s stealing a piece of jewelry. Patrolman William F. Doehler was shot s by his prisoner. The man escaped before the arrival of other policemen. Doehler’s assailant was later identified but was never apprehended.

Butcher Knife Case

Patrolman William L. Ryan, also of the Central district, on June 13,1940, observed a man, later identified as Joseph Abato, standing with a butcher knife against the wall of 4 South Gay St. As Ryan approached, Abato. without warning, plunged the knife several times into the policeman's stomach and chest. Although mortally wounded, the policeman grappled with his assailant until he collapsed and fell to the sidewalk. He died a few minute after his arrival at Mercy Hospital.

Abato was arrested at the scene of the crime and charged with murder, but subsequently was declared not guilty by reason of insanity and was sent to the Spring Grove Hospital.

On June 12, of this year, Patrolman William J. Woodcock, of the Central district, died at the Mercy Hospital from a fractured skull, the result of a beating he received an hour earlier in attempting to arrest several alleged disorderly men in the 1000 block of Brentwood Ave.

Ronald Harris was arrested and charged with causing the policeman's death. but later freed after trial in the Criminal Court.

Recent Killing

The most recent killing of a policeman occurred last November 7 t at 10.10 P.M. when Patrolman William Knight, of the Northeastern district, was found shot in a police radio car parked on McDonogh St. near Broadway. Knight and Patrolman John Bianca, his partner in the radio car, had been searching the neighborhood for a man who was reported to have, fired a pistol in an alley adjoining the East Molting Republican Club, a Negro organization, in the 1100 block Rutland Ave.

As they drew up to the place, a shot rang out from the alley, Patrolman Bianca said, and a man ran across Rutland avenue.

Bianca started on foot after the man and Knight, he said, returned to the radio car, declaring he would drive around on Broadway in hope of apprehending the suspect.

Suspected Assailant Dies

Shortly after Knight left him, Bianca reported, he heard a number of shots fired from the direction of McDonogh St. and Broadway. After Knight had been found shot and unconscious in the radio car, police found a colored man, later identified as Thomas Toler, shot in the chest and unconscious, lying on the sidewalk on McDonogh St He died a few minutes after his arrival at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.


Mary Hoy BPD Crossing Guard Medal of Honor Recipient

Photo courtesy Sergeant George T. Owens, Sr

Mrs. Mary E. Hoy
Baltimore City Police Crossing Guard
Received the department's highest award
The Medal of Honor

KEN N FLAG 01 19 2012

Largest Mass Homicide in the History of Baltimore City

Gunman Kills 5, and Wounds another

November 23, 1971, Patrolman Kenneth G. Hayden responded to a radio dispatch to investigate a man armed with two rifles. The largest mass homicide in the history of Baltimore City was being perpetrated. The killer used two M14 rifles firing armored piercing ammunition to slaughter five people at random and wound a sixth.  

Upon arrival at the scene, Officer Ken Hayden sighted the suspect wearing military camouflage combat fatigues, a bayonet visible on his cartridge belt, a knapsack filled with 20-round ammunition magazines, two magazine fed M14 semi-automatic rifles, and a crazed blank facial expression.  

Officer Ken Hayden drew his .38 caliber service revolver as he exited the patrol vehicle; aim at the suspect, but a citizen wander onto the scene directly to the rear of the suspect. Fearful for the safety of the citizen being in the line of fire, Officer Ken Hayden aggressively motioned to the citizen to lie down quickly. During these precious seconds, the suspect successfully reloaded the M14 semi-automatic rifle by snapping in another 20-round magazine. The suspect raised the rifle (taking aim at Officer Ken Hayden) just as the citizen quickly ran into a barber shop. The suspect’s first shot burned the right ear of Office Hayden. 

After exchanging several shots with the suspect, Officer Ken Hayden maneuvered himself behind the engine portion of the patrol vehicle for added protection. Several citizens were exiting a building directly to his rear. The Officer (while attempting to reload) stood up to usher the citizens out of harm’s way and back into the building. This act placed the Officer in the gunman’s rifle sights. The gunman fired again penetrating the left rear door of the patrol vehicle, ripped through the front seat, split a nightstick, traveled through an attaché case, continued through the right front wheel panel, penetrating the Officer’s left knee, and embedded itself in a concrete wall. The Officer fired another shot that incapacitated the suspect.  

Officer Ken Hayden was awarded the Baltimore City Police Department’s


Lt Gerard G DeManss

Photo Courtesy of Lt. Gerard G. DeManss

Lieutenant Gerard G. DeManss Medal Of Honor Recipient September 19, 1992

off brian bacon
Tactical Division/Quick Response Team (QRT)
November 8,1996
While attempting to apprehend a suspect , a team member, Sergeant Christopher Streett, was shot with a .357. While under fire, Officer Bacon, a certified EMT, on his own initiative, took a ballistic body bunker, raised it above his head, crossed directly under the fire zone to get the wounded Sergeant and extract him from the room. A true Baltimore Police Hero
DSC 0315i72
Kevin Amy Northeast District

Responding to a call for an assault by threat, Officer Amy observed two individuals arguing. During the argument one of the two pulled a shotgun and fired at the other striking him in the groin and thigh which caused him to fall to the ground. To protect himself and the victim Officer Amy fired his weapon at the suspect, who was still attempting to cause harm to his victim. The suspect fled, but was captured and surrendered due to the quick actions of Officer Kevin Amy. For his heroic Actions Officer Amy was awarded the Medal of Honor

                  The MEDAL OF HONOR


1 black devider 800 8 72


Copies of: Your Baltimore Police Department Class Photo, Pictures of our Officers, Vehicles, Equipment, Newspaper Articles relating to our department and or officers, Old Departmental Newsletters, Lookouts, Wanted Posters, and or Brochures. Information on Deceased Officers and anything that may help Preserve the History and Proud Traditions of this agency. Please contact Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll.

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Devider color with motto


How to Dispose of Old Police Items

Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department.

Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter @BaltoPoliceHist or like us on Facebook or mail pics to 8138 Dundalk Ave. Baltimore Md. 21222

Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll