Leo Kelly Jr.

Capt. Kelly, the director, is a 45-year-old veteran of 19 years in the department, and a graduate of the national police Academy conducted by the Federal Bureau of investigations in Washington - Capt. Kelly was in uniform for more than seven years, and then in 1939 went to the detective bureau. In 1943 he was assigned to the homicide division, and during 1949 – 1950 he headed this. Then last September he was appointed to take over at the Academy. He was promoted to his captaincy last January - He was also part of the Baltimore Police Band


Lieutenant Leo T. Kelly

Capt. Kelly, the director, is a 45-year-old veteran of 19 years in the department, and a graduate of the national police Academy conducted by the Federal Bureau of investigations in Washington - Capt. Kelly was in uniform for more than seven years, and then in 1939 went to the detective bureau. In 1943 he was assigned to the homicide division, and during 1949 – 1950 he headed this. Then last September he was appointed to take over at the Academy. He was promoted to his captaincy last January - He was also part of the Baltimore Police Band


1932 - Joined BPD spent many years in Detective Bureau
1944  -FBI training Academy-DC
1950 - Director of Police Academy
1951 - Captain
1953 - Inspector
1966 - Deputy Commissioner (military courtesy rank under General Gelston who was interim acting Commissioner.)

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6 February 1930

25 Years in City Police

Lieut. Leo T Kelly Senior of the Northeastern District, is celebrating his 25th anniversary as a member the Baltimore Police Department today Thursday, February 6, 1930. He has served successfully in the Northwestern, Western and the Northeastern Districts, having been appointed to the force on 6 February 1905


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21 July 1944

FBI Graduating to Local Men

Detective Sgt. Leo T Kelly, Junior., Of the Baltimore Police Department, and tuber first classed Murray E Jackson, of the Maryland state police, will be among the 38 law enforcement officers who will be graduated tomorrow from the 25th session of the FBI national police Academy in Washington.

The graduation exercises will be held at 10:30 AM tomorrow, with director J Edgar Hoover, awarding diplomas to the police officers who have successfully completed the 14-week training course.

Sgt. Kelly and trooper Murray will return to their respective departments and will utilize their national Academy training and giving instructions and FBI practices and procedures to fellow officers

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21 December 1950

27 Lieutenants on The Captains List

Commissioner Beverly Ober received today a list of 27 Baltimore police lieutenants who have city service commission eligibility for promotion to captain.

The ratings were based on a written examination given November 9, 1950. Test on efficiency and physical conditioning and an oral quiz were conducted by police inspectors.

A perfect score is 100 points, but only 10 lieutenants earned ratings of 85.5 or above. To fill vacancies, Commissioner Ober is required by law to draw from the top 10 eligibles, in any order, before proceeding lower on the list.

One Vacancy Now

A vacancy for Capt. exist in the Western police district since the retirement of Capt. John R Roman. There is also one opening among police inspectors which will probably be filled by promoting a captain, creating another vacancy for Capt.

The first 10 eligible lieutenants, with their ratings and current police district assignments are

Frank A. It deems Northwestern 91.083

Lewis L. Vinup eastern 89.917

Leo T. Kelly, police Academy 89.75

George G Murphy detectives 88.917

Joseph H am rain Western 88.583

August K Givens northeastern 88.167

William LP Hartung boys clubs 87.5

Otis Bradley eastern 86

Henry T Sherry detectives 85.5

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16 September 1951

The Baltimore Police Academy is Now Turning out "90-Day Wonders"
In Aircraft Regulations, Obstetrics, Psychology and Criminal Investigation.

Completely revamped, with a new home, curriculum and director, the training school is located in the northern police station, at Catholic Road and 34th St.

It's first-class the rookies began patrolling the city streets last December, ready at a moments notice to used either the espantoon or the newfound knowledge, which ever was necessary.

Meanwhile, school goes on. Every morning except Sunday morning young men aspiring to be policeman trudge into the building to work away at those 396-hour course, spread over 12 weeks.

Every method of instruction available is used – visual and audio aids, exhibits, visiting lecturers, reenactment of crimes, and book upon book.

It's it's of course, says Capt. Leo T. Kelly, commanding officer of the school. "But this is a tough world. Every man who enters here must graduate on his own merits. Nobody is going to be boosted through."

A graduate, now applying his knowledge in a district, put it another way, "they really throw the book at you. It's rough, and if you are a little tense, its murder."

Classes are held from 9 AM to 4 PM Monday through Friday and from 9 AM until noon on Saturdays. While studying the men are paid a probationary policeman salary of $55.77 per week.

They study criminal law as it applies to the policeman's work. Local, state, federal and common law are taken up.

Then, there is a course on courtroom procedure, the rules of evidence and admissibility of evidence and the proper method of presenting a case in court.

Present mints, indictments, bales, sentences and paroles, the housing, magistrates and criminal court, and the judicial structure in general are explained.

That part of the training program deals with procedure after an arrest has been made. How are the men trained to handle the events that lead up to this?

First, the importance of crime prevention is stress, and the men are told how, by the of the ovation of suspicious characters and places, and a proper watch over such temptations as payrolls, many crimes can be forestalled.

The student learns to make an investigation at the scene of a crime.

Several times during the term, the impressive – looking school, with new furniture, asphalt tile floors and recreation room, become the scene of a "murder."

A man may be found in one of the two classrooms with a blotch of blood [lipstick] on issue, a borehole [crayon] in his head, a suicide [?] Note in his hand. The students go to work on the case of the identified corpse. Instructors look on.

Closer so placed that sharp observations and deductions will lead to the killer.

If the students correctly identified the slayer and the motive, the culprit is placed on trial

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31 December 1954

Drunkish Veer to East? Officers Doubt It

If the police parked their paddy wagon facing east it tonight, the annual crop of new year and the brilliance may stagger in without a fuss. But a Baltimore police official doubts it.

In any event it's the opinion of a California Dr. that drunks bear instinctively to the eastward, reeling with the turn of the earth.

Dr. Christian A. Volk, Danish born physician, advanced the theory which reappeared in the December issue of the Maryland state police highway safety bulletin.

Matter of Equilibrium

Dr. Volk thinks babies and drunks share the same poor equilibrium. Infants, taking their first steps, waddle off toward the dawn just like the drunks, he said.

Back in Denmark, the physician explained, police take a bearing on Mr. drunk and parked the patrol wagon to the east of him.

Locally, the theory of the eastbound topper got a cool reception. "I've seen them go east, west North and South," said inspector Leo T. Kelly, head of the Baltimore police Academy.

Better on Paper

"I'm not saying the doctor couldn't be right," the inspector went on, "but making some fighting mad inebriate go east sounds better on paper."

Inspector Kelly said that drunks [or "intoxicated persons" as the ones with the clean collars are called] run again it of any variation.

"Some of them are pleasant fellows who go along happily when we pick them up," he declared. "But there's the mean type, you know the ones who want to fight. How are you going to tell if he's going East?"

Taught Police School

The inspector said the police school deals with the handling of the inebriate. "We worn the officers to act cautiously and arresting a drunk. We have to make absolutely sure a fellow is drunk. If a man is hurt, we have to see that he gets hospital treatment,

policeman have to be diplomats in blue coats when they arrest a drunk he said.

"A drunk can take a poke at a cop and that's okay with some people," the inspector said sourly. "But let an officer defend himself and people stick their heads out a windows and shout, "look at that, he hit that poor drunken man."

Theory New to Him

Inspector Kelly said he's never before heard the theory that is swaying drunk seeks the rising Sun.

"We've never used it in Academy instruction," he declared. "And I don't think were about ready to start. What if I would add that to a lecture. And some young officer would try to get them to park the wagon to the east. Why, the old-timers would think we had gone Boggs up here."

He described the way different types react to arrest.

"Did you ever see the drunk that gets a grip on the steering wheel and just hangs there?" He asked.

System Not Included

Inspector Kelly said the Academy course features ways to extract inebriates from automobiles, but the instruction doesn't include squeezing the drunk through the autos East side door.

Women, according to the inspector, are often the meanest Tipplers. "Some of them are vicious," he said. "They kick and scratch. We've had several men injured."

Inspector Kelly wondered if the Danish theorist had ever had any practical experience was a drunk. "What about the fellow who just keeps running around in a circle?" He asked. "Which way is east?"

Never Heard of It

A Baltimore pediatrician said the theory of eastward – veering babies was news to her. "Maybe they do, but I hadn't thought about it," she said.

A Johns Hopkins baby doctor sniffed and said to go find a neurological psychologist.

In 1955 as an inspector Leo Kelly designed and made the Driving school for police, where after taking the course Officers were presented with a departmental driver’s license. He also developed the remedial driving course for those that had too many accident's, and finally he added the safe driving awards to officers not having an accident in a year would receive a safe driving award to be pinned to their shirt/jacket. This was a yearly award that was eventually spread out over 5-year increments.

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Thursday, 10 March 1955

Today Driving School Ordered for Policeman

The drivers of Baltimore police cars, long accustomed to holding speeding motorists and launching into time-honored lectures, are about to have some troubles of their own.

Police Commissioner Beverly Ober, alarmed by the increasing frequency of which Police Department vehicles are involved in accidents, has ordered the formation of a two day driving school for every member of the force below the rank of Capt. who is a licensed Maryland driver.

Those who passed the extensive battery of written test and on the spot examinations of their downtown driving techniques will be given special Police Department licenses, while those who fail can resign themselves to a life on foot, at least while on duty for the city.

Safety Patrol Planned

Commissioner Ober also has ordered the formation of a "safety patrol" consisting of at least one "plainclothes" car which will pour the city observing police drivers.

If a radio sedan is noticed exceeding the speed limit without good reason, or going through a stop sign, the driver will be stopped, and the violation noted on a new department driving record which is to be established for each man.

Inspector Leo T. Kelly, head of the police Academy, who outlined tentative plans for his driving school today [10 March 1955], is in charge of the safety program.

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15 April 1955

Police, Civilians to Get Awards

Governor McKeldin will present commendations to 187 members of the Baltimore Police Department and to seven civilians at the ceremony.

The ceremonies will be held at the vocational technical high school on Hillen Road and 35th St.

The policeman are receiving the awards for extra meritorious work during the last year. The civilians will be commanded for saving lives and assisting police officers, according to acting police Commissioner Fred L Ford.

Diplomas also will be presented to 106 probationary police men and policewomen who have been graduated from the police Academy recently. A special board headed by inspector Leo T. Kelly drew up the commendation list.

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55 ford2

1955 Ford Pic taken in 1956
when POLICE was added to the back
of our Patrol Cars


Courtesy John Heiderman
an Example of the Rear Panel of the Patrol Car
POLICE Reflective Letters

17 October 1956

Police Cars Get Reflector Signs

Some 200 Baltimore police cars are getting a safety device added today [17 October 1956]

That’s as Simple as Black and White.

The word “POLICE,” written in 5-inch white reflective letters on a black background, is being cemented to the rear of the cars.

The change was suggested by inspector Leo T. Kelly after Commissioner James M. Hepbron noted an “unusual number” of accidents in which private vehicles rammed into the rear of stopped police vehicles.

Within the past week, the cars have also been equipped with flashing red roof lights, similar to those used on Fire Department vehicles.

In 1956 after the commissioner noticed there were too many parked police cars being rear-ended wile officers were handling calls or dealing with on-view cases. the Inspector added two things to the car that would become a major part of identifying cars as police cars. First 5" reflective letters on the back of the car that said POLICE, and red flashing lights to the roof of cars, to let the public know cars were headed to an emergency call 

Inspector Leo T. Kelly will head the third inspection district, which includes the North Western, Northern and K-9 corpse. He formerly was inspector at large in charge of the police Academy, police procedures and the meritorious conduct board.

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13 July 1964

On 12 July 1964 police Inspector Leo T Kelly Junior lost his wife Mrs. Margaret H. Kelly 60 years of age who passed away at her home 4316 Groveland Ave. after a two-year illness

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22 December 1964

Southeastern District Commander in bygone years the major portion of crimes occurred at nights, but now days this does not always prevail... We are never hesitant to utilize the strength of our police personnel in those areas where they are essentially needed, regardless of their assigned working shift. Inspector Leo T. Kelly

1 black devider 800 8 72 Rank changes from Inspector to Deputy Commissioner

27 May 1966

Inspector Kelly, a native of Baltimore and the son of a police lieutenant, was educated in the public-school system. He joined the police department in March 1932 and spent many years in detective work before becoming director of training at the police academy in 1950. He was made a captain in 1951, and inspector in December 1953. Special duties during his career included coordinating the merger of the park police with the Baltimore Police Department in 1959.

Distinguished by a mustache and impeccable appearance, inspector Kelly has a reputation for fairness in dealing with the men under him. To supervise the important police services of communications, records, property and crime laboratory, the police Commissioner named inspector Leo T. Kelly, 60, one of the founders of the police Academy.


The Baltimore Sun Fri May 27 1966 DCFI 1 72

Click HERE or the above pic to see full size article

The Baltimore Sun Fri May 27 1966 DCFI 2 72

Click HERE or the above pic to see full size article

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The following was written by Retired Lieutenant Leo T. Kelly in the late 1920's early 1930's. It was found in his writing by his son Leo T Kelly Jr retired Deputy Commissioner and transcribed by his granddaughter Patricia (Kelly) Wilhelm. Mrs. Wilhelm was also a member of the Baltimore Police Department as she worked in our Central Records Divison as did her great-grandfather also a member of the department.  

A Plea for Policemen

Kind reader, remember the policeman’s life is an extra hard one, that his trials and troubles are many. Alone in the dark and stormy night, every law-breaker is his enemy, his friends are few (as he really has no time to make friends ) and his position being such that he has at times o do things which he does not like; in fact which he hates to do. During these times it seems every man rallies against him. The fireman and the soldier, unquestionably brave men, still there is attached to their positions something of a “Stirring Drama,” something if the hero. There are crowds around to cheer on the former, while the latter fights in numbers, cheering and urging one another on with bands of music playing such martial airs as the “Star Spangled Banner,” the Marry Own, o the Marseilles which make a man fight ten times his number. But how about the poor policeman? No crowds to cheer him on, no stirring tunes at the dead of night. Not all was still, save the tread of his own feet. An assassin jumps out from a dark hallway and without a seconds warning sticks a knife in the policeman’s heart, and he does without even a chance t fight back. Let a dozen thugs are beating a policeman nobody helps him. Why in the world does not the honest citizen side in with him? Why do you allow your faithful servant, the protector of yourself, your wife and little children to be beaten to death by thugs, by the enemies of every honest man? To me, It is a mystery which I have tried to solve but failed. Do not condemn us all for the few. Take any three thousand men, and you shall find a few “Black Sheep” among them. Bear in mind, whenever you feel like criticizing policemen, that he must decide in ten seconds what it takes the courts years to render a decision on. Suppose the hears people fighting in a house if he hesitates a second there might be a murder, a soul gone to meet its God. If he breaks the door in, he is “rash,” a “bull-head,” taken before the trial board and discharged. Yes, and maybe; and in the penitentiary on perjured testimony: which is easy to get against a policeman, he is the poorest paid man in the united states for the work he does and the danger he is in, the long hours on duty night time, reserve all day, or vice versa. He is asked thousands of questions a day, such as; What is the best cure for teething babies? How to grow hair on a dog? Where “John-son” lives (and ten thousand Johnsons in  Baltimore)? How to cook Turnips? How many blacks in the Masonic Temple? Where are gold bricks for sale? What train did I come in on? Did you see my son Jim, he came into the yards with the cattle? And hundreds of other questions, all of which he is expected to answer, And though most of our policemen are walking encyclopedias they cannot very well answer the above, and the questioner walks away offended. Citizens think twice, investigate before you condemn the policeman, forgive his little faults. Had he the patience of  Jobe and the wisdom of Solomon he would yet make mistakes; because he is human.Yours truly Sergt.


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Copies of: Your Baltimore Police Department Class Photo, Pictures of our Officers, Vehicles, Equipment, Newspaper Articles relating to our department and or officers, Old Departmental Newsletters, Lookouts, Wanted Posters, and or Brochures. Information on Deceased Officers and anything that may help Preserve the History and Proud Traditions of this agency. Please contact Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll.

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Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department.

Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter @BaltoPoliceHist or like us on Facebook or mail pics to 8138 Dundalk Ave. Baltimore Md. 21222


Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll