2000 +

2000 - 8 March, 2000 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Jamie Allen Roussey 
2000 - 21 April, 2000 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Kevon Malik Gavin 
2000 - 14 October, 2000 - We lost our Brother Sergeant John  David Platt 
2000 - 14 October, 2000 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Kevin Joseph McCarthy 
2000 - It was mentioned earlier that in 1996 Police Commissioner Thomas Frasier Banned the Espantoon, in 2000 Police Commissioner Edward Norris learned of our tradition and brought the Espantoon back. There were a lot of thankful police, to have had been given back one of our favorite tools. Many don't understand, the Espantoon wasn't so much for hitting suspects and it was not to have to hit them, it was also used in many arm-bar type holds, and the spinning/twirling of the Nightstick mentioned earlier, that spinning, kept distance between an officer and those that might try to get into their personal space. 
2000 - Ronald L. Daniel, was one of our Baltimore City Police Commissioner from 2000 - 2000
2000 - Edward Norris, was one of our Baltimore City Police Commissioner from 2000-2002
2001 12 March, 2001 - We lost our Brother Agent Michael Joseph Cowdery, Jr.
2001 - 3 July 2001 - Baltimore's Aviation Unit aka Fox lifts off from Martin State Airport at 4 PM for the first time since 4 Nov 1998 when we lost Officer Barry Wood in a tragic accident outside B&O railroad museum when Fox came down.

2002 - 22 August, 2002 - We lost our Sister Police Officer Crystal Deneen Sheffield
2002 - 23 November, 2002 - We lost our Brother Detective Thomas G. Newman
2002 - The Firearms Unit obtained a NIBIN system, which performs both fired cartridge cases and bullet comparisons as a part of a nationwide network. This is like NCIC and will let us know if a gun used in Baltimore to kill someone also matches a gun used in DC, LA or anywhere else in the US
2003 - The Annex building was re-named in dedication to Commissioner Bishop Robinson in 2003
2003 - Kevin Clark, was one of our Baltimore City Police Commissioner from 2003-2004
2003 17 April 2003 - We lost our Brother Police Lt. Walter A Taylor Jr 
2004 3 July 2004 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Brian Donte Winder  
2004 - Leonard Hamm, was one of our Baltimore City Police Commissioner from 2004-2007
2005 - In 2005, the Housing Authority Police of Baltimore were disbanded and operations taken over by the Baltimore Police Department. Housing Authority officers, had to apply for jobs if they desired them with the city police. They were formerly working for the state so losing their time and seniority was assured from their previous employment with the Housing Authority Police of Baltimore City.
2006 - 19 May, 2006 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Anthony A. Byrd
2006 20 May 2006 - The Underwater Recovery Unit is official; it's fully equipped. On 7 December 2005 Sgt Kurt Roepcke of the Marine unit was able to start to process of getting it back up and running with help from Col. Scott Williams, and Sgt. George McClaskey; on this day 20 May 2006 the team was fully equipped and operational. 
2006 - QRT (Quick Response Team) is renamed SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) after 32 years the department finally changes the name of this highly trained, elite team. (Initially in 1974 while forming the team the department was against using the name SWAT because they felt the name was too harsh for the department image. Political correctness circa 1974.)  During this time the Baltimore Police Department has had 38 Commissioners, starting in 1850 with Charles Howard, until 2012 with Anthony W. Batts. More info on our Commissioners can be found by - The above was altered from reports written by BPD's Public Affairs Office - Monday, March 17, 2008; 7:00 pm
2006 - In 2006, President George W. Bush signed the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) bill. This new law allowed retired police officers to carry a firearm anywhere in the United States. As a result, a number of police departments around the country set up training programs for retired officers to be able to carry firearms.
2006 - Aug 
2006 - For the first time in the history of the Baltimore Police Department, a woman is in charge of the Patrol Division. That Chief of Patrol was Debbie Owens  
2007 - 9 January 2007 - We lost our Brother Detective Troy Lamont Chesley, Sr.
2007 - Frederick Bealefeld III, was one of our Baltimore City Police Commissioner from 2007-2012
2009 - 19 Nov 2009 - We lost our Brother Special Agent Samuel Hicks  
2009 - 14 Dec 2009 - We lost our Brother Officer Robert W. Peregoy

2010 27 September 2010 - We lost our Brother Police Officer James Earl Fowler, III  
2010 - 16 October 2010 - We lost our Brother Detective Brian Stevenson  
2010 - 20 October 2010 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Thomas Russell Portz, Jr. 
2011 - 9 January 2011 - We lost our Brother Police Officer William Henry Torbit, Jr. 
2011/2012 - X26 Taser - Baltimore Police are armed with Tasers - They issued the X26 Taser to some officers in 2011 and then all officers by 2012
2012 - 29 August 2012 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Forrest "Dino" Taylor 
2012 - Anthony W. Batts was Police Commissioner from 2012-2015
2013 5 April 2013 - Retroactive "Citation of Valor" program is started and approved; Commissioner Batts listened to the concept submitted by Mrs. Patricia Driscoll, MD Adopt-a-Cop to allow disabled retired officers that were permanently disabled in the line of duty, to apply retroactively for the "Citation of Valor". This is done through Mrs. Driscoll’s Adopt a Cop program and can be submitted to her either by the retired officer, another officer with information on the case, or the officer’s family. Mrs. Driscoll began working on this program back in 2004. After many attempts and a lot of hard work; she finally got her program through. To date, ten officers’ names have been submitted. Mrs. Driscoll is thankful to Commissioner Batts, Sgt Stephanie Lansey, and Officer Robert Brown. Anyone wishing to nominate an officer for this award can write Mrs. Driscoll here at the site. 
2013 - 10 July 2013 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Shane Volk
2013 - The Baltimore Police Department, goes from a six-pack photo spread, in which the victim or witness of a crime is shown a photo spread containing six photos, one is the suspect, and five fill-in's, of similar looking males or females. The new concept would be to show six pictures as they did in the past, five fill-ins and the actual suspect in random order, but now one at a time. Prior to the 1980's when the six-pack photo spread was used, we used physical line-ups, in which we normally used the suspect and five fill in plain clothes officers, or civilians; so that the victim/witness' could make their pick. In the end does it really matter, if evidence points to the suspect, the victim/witness picks the suspect, be it through a physical line up, six-pack of photo’s, or individual photo’s, one guy in the line could be the guy. We never charge the guy they pick if the guy they pick is a fill-in and not our suspect. Still if it helps in anyway, to catch a crook and close a case. Then more power to them. 
2013 - Baltimore Police begins its LEOSA program based on the following - Baltimore City FOP Lodge 3, Trustee Ed Wagner took it upon himself to convince the Baltimore Police Department to change course. He worked on implementing the program with Sam Walters, a member of the Baltimore Retired Police Benevolent Association (BRPBA) Board of Directors at the time, for 7 years, through several Police Commissioners. Baltimore City FOP Lodge 3 also committed to funding the start-up and equipment necessary to implement the LEOSA program. This is part of Baltimore Police History, great Job by members of both our FOP and our BRPBA
2014 The Baltimore Police Department says it will begin to post a log of its investigations into serious use of force by officers online, and for the first time will ask the city's civilian review board to look at shootings involving its officers, and deaths of people in custody. 
2014/2015 - The Baltimore Police Department is beginning there steps toward changing the logo on its marked patrol vehicles, the new design matches that of the new Fox Trot Helicopter unit, and several other departments within the department, such as the command unit, and  really rough S.W.A.T. truck. They are using both a White base, and a Black base.  
2015 - 2 January 2015 - Taking a page from the Baltimore City Police History Site, The Baltimore Police Department begins Tweeting memorials to our fallen brothers when they tweeted their first memorial Tweet "We will always remember Police Officers George D. Hart ‪#‎EOW‬ 01/02/25 & William A. Bell #EOW 01/02/32 ‪#‎BPDNeverForget‬" We hope this becomes a long-lived tradition. 
2015 - 9 January, 2015 - We lost our Brother Police Officer Craig Chandler  
2015 - 11 January, 2015 - Baltimore City police are changing tactics in how they schedule officers work schedule. In an effort to make officers' jobs more efficient and city streets safer, offices, will work 4 days per week, 10 hour days. 
2015 - January, 2015 - Officer will now wear, "Service Hashes" on their sleeve to indicate their years of service. 
2015 April 18, 2015 – May 3, 2015 - 17 days of rioting and protesting came from the in-custody death of Freddie Grey. This civil unrest, led to the arrest of six officers as a States Attorney, and the Mayor circumvent the law in efforts to appease riotous protesters. This leads to a Mayor giving protesters "room to destroy," ordering police to stand-down (or similar words that forced police to standby, but not to take action as bottles, bricks, and rocks were thrown at them, protesters also shouted obscenities according to the media, which when said after saying rocks bottles etc were thrown at them seems to be said to minimize or mask the assaults. Let's face it being called bad words has little meaning to police, compared to ducking bottle, rocks, and bricks. Note, she walked back her "giving protesters room to destroy" quote, at first denying having ever said it, then saying she meant they inadvertently gave protesters room to destroy
2015 30 May 2015 - There was a Facebook page started to show support for police, and a Rally held on the 30th of May that had a turn out of about 200 to 250 people showing their support of police and maybe 15 to 20 police haters, chanting their hate for police and all things American - to see pics visit the  
2015 5 June 2015 - Baltimore police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts announced Friday (5 June 2015) the creation of a new unit to oversee internal affairs, audits and the writing of police procedures, a move he hopes will strengthen public confidence in his agency. The unit us to be called the "Bureau of Professional Standards" and will be headed up by Deputy Commissioner Jeronimo "Jerry" Rodriguez  
2015 26 Oct 2015 - Baltimore police launch their body camera program. Officer began wearing cameras to record interaction with the public. This has helped clear officers of false reports, shown us what they saw during police-involved shootings, and caught a few officers that were less than honest helping rid us of officers not up to wearing the badge of a Baltimore Police Officer. 
2016 -1 June 2026 – New Prisoner Transport Vehicles (PTV) were introduced. These new vehicles not only have the new color scheme of Black with a thick blue stripe, but they also come equipped with four cameras to film and record the actions of those being transported. A second new feature in these vans is a second side entrance to keep prisoners separate of one another, most commonly to separate the sexes, male and female, but also juvenile, or perhaps two people that were fighting and both are being arrested, in the old days we would have had to shut down two paddy wagons, now we can use one wagon to transport the two without fear of having to break up another fight on the way to CBIF or a medical facility  
2016 - 3 October 2016 - Police Officer's discipline hearing was held in public for the first time since the Maryland General Assembly passed a law requiring that such proceedings be open. So on that Monday [3 Oct 2016] Officer Alice Carson-Johnson's trial board was held with open doors.  

2016 - 30 November 2016 - The media (WMAR and FOX Baltimore) air the first body cam footage of a Baltimore Police-Involved Shooting
2017 - 26 June 2017 - The Baltimore Police Museum is reopened after more than 20 years through the efforts of The Baltimore Police Historical Society, Det Robert Brown, and Ret Det Kenny Driscoll in cooperation with Commissioner Kevin Davis. It took 18 months from start to finish but it opened on the 26th of June 2017, complete with a 200 plus year history using photos, documents, uniforms, badges, guns, an original 1953 polygraph machine, district cell block, and other memorabilia. Guests can walk into the old cell block, stand in front of a physical lineup, and use their smartphones to hear, read and see more information by scanning our interactive QR codes which we have set up throughout the museum. We think the 360 QR codes will be a real treat as they allow visitors to use their phones to virtually pick up various items and turn them around to view them from 360 degrees. The museum is on the ground floor in the "Gallery" of the Bishop L. Robinson Sr. Police Administration Building 601 E Fayette St. 
2017 16 November 2017 - We lost our Brother Police Detective Sean M. Suiter 
2018 - 29 May 2018 - Shot-Spotter Testing - On the evening of May 29, 2018, between the hours of 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., the Baltimore Police Department along with associates from Shot-Spotter will conduct live fire testing in the western portion of Baltimore City in advance of the system’s launch. These hours were selected specifically because the acoustics are different at night and that’s when the majority of shootings and shots fired occur. 
2020 - 5 July 2020 - The Marine unit was dismantled and shut down with most of it's members being sent back to patrol. The Underwater Recovery Team has remained active.

2020 - 5 July 2020 - The Motors unit was disbanded and shut down. Most of it's members being sent to patrol. The unit was initiated in 1914 
2020 - 5 July 2020 - The Mounted unit established in 1888 was threatened to be defunded, it was decreased in size, but still remains active. 
 - A year of riots and shouting in the streets for a call to Defund the Police with many members of City Hall and a police commissioner brought in from out of state agreeing to turn their back on the good hard working citizens of Baltimore as the so called leaders join in on the chanting to defund police. Meanwhile, the crime rate continues to rise, murder rates have gone over and above any numbers in the history of Baltimore, and the elected officials have gone against the norm to protect the public by joining in on a "Hate Cop" climate. Not since the days of Mayor Brown, and Marshal Kane (1861) have we seen elected officials, and a leadership within the heads of the police department turn their backs on the good honest hard working citizen's of Baltimore city in favor of the criminal element that is looting, burning and destroying a city, that deserves so much better.  
2020 - 3 December 2020 - 
For the first time in Baltimore Police history, the department uses civilians on a trial board. The board was made up of 2 civilian and 3 sworn members.
2021 - 31 March 2021 - Col. Sheree Briscoe, was named to be first African American woman to be deputy commissioner, and the first to oversee the department’s day-to-day operations. 
2021 - 23 Dec 2021 - We lost our Sister Police Officer Keona Holley  
2022 - 1 July 2022 - Maryland State Police officially began patrolling I-83 from the Baltimore County line to Fayette Street.
2023 - 13 Dec 2021 - We lost our Brother Motors Officer Daoud Mingo


Baltimore Police History



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Copies of: Your Baltimore Police Department Class Photo; Pictures of our Officers, Vehicles, and Equipment; newspaper articles relating to our department and/or officers; old departmental newsletters, lookouts, wanted posters, and/or brochures. Information on deceased or fallen officers and anything that may help us to preserve the history and proud traditions of this agency. Please contact retired detective Kenny Driscoll.

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How to Dispose of Old Police Items

Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to honor the fine men and women who have served with honor and distinction at the Baltimore Police Department.

Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter @BaltoPoliceHist or like us on Facebook or mail pictures to 8138 Dundalk Ave. Baltimore Md. 21222

Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History: Ret Det. Kenny Driscoll