Edward Weitzel

EVER EVER EVER Motto DivderSgt. Edward Thomas Weitzel

 DSC2657Courtesy Robert D Weitzel

This bullet was in the "Leather Cartridge Belt Slide" of Sgt Weitzel when he was stabbed with an icepick.
The icepick passed through the leather strap and entered the above round


Courtesy Robert D Weitzel

Exiting on this side of the round. It slowed the icepick, and deflected it,
helping to prevent it from going through the thick leather Sam Brown Duty Belt,
possibly saving the life, or preventing serious injury to Sgt. Weitzel


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21 November 1931
The Bullet on the end of the icepick is an interesting story, Sgt. Edward Thomas Weitzel 
Patrolman Recovering from Suspects Attack
Edward Weitzel Stabbed with Ice Pick and Shot Twice with Own Pistol
Patrolman Edward Weitzel of the Central District was stabbed and shot twice by a suspect early yesterday morning (20 November 1931) he was reported in good condition last night at Mercy Hospital.
Patrolman Weitzel was attacked by a suspect in Hargrove alley after he was taken into custody for stealing garments from a clothesline. The man stabbed Patrolman Weitzel in the hip with an ice pick, took his pistol and fired at him six times, hitting him in the left hand with one bullet and in the back with another. The patrolman commandeered a taxicab and gave chase, but the suspect disappeared on Greenmount Avenue and the wounded officer went to the hospital.
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27 August 1932
Arrested After Nine Months
A search of more than nine months was ended it yesterday with the arrest of Hubert Austin, 20, in a house in the 900 block of Brevard Street. Austin was booked at Central Police Station on charges of stabbing and shooting Patrolman Edward Weitzel in a backyard in the 1700 block of Charles St., November 20th, 1931.
Weitzel Goes to House
Weitzel and two plainclothes patrolmen went to the house yesterday afternoon after information had been received that the suspect was there after having been out the city for some time.
On the day of the attack, Weitzel was patroling and his post when he noticed that the suspect was in the vicinity of Hargrove Alley and Lanvale Street with a large bundle of clothes under his arm. Austin admitted the clothes had been stolen and offered to take the officer to the place from which he obtained them.
When they reached the yard the suspect threw the clothes in the officer’s face and attacked him with an ice pick, stabbing him in the side but the ice pick was prevented from going in too deep by a web of ammo on the officers belt. The suspect gained possession of Weitzel’s pistol and fired a shot through the officer’s hand. He backed out of the gate, firing several more shots one of which stuck the officer in his side.

 DSC2645Courtesy Robert D Weitzel
Sgt Weitzel's 1939 Sergeant Stripes, Come-a-longs from the 20's, and Officer Badge Number #670



Sergeant Edward Thomas Weitzel joined the Baltimore Police Department in the 1920's, 8 October, 1923 to be exact He would be assigned to the Central District. He made Sergeant on 19 October, 1939 and would be transferred  to the Southern District.
In 1941 he received a commendation while he held the rank of Sergeant in the Southern District. 

He was born in the late 1800's around 1893 - in 1920 he married his wife, Barbara Weitzel, and together they had 8 children Frank, Helen, Marie, Catherine B, Margaret, Edward Jr, Robert D, and Wayne L. they lived at 604 Boulding St.  His father William Weitzel, was living with him. His mother's name was Anniem Weitzel. He was the oldest of three boys with him Amon G, William G. Weitzel - He passed away on 5 March, 1952. He was a Baltimore hero and will always be remembered... 


 DSC2642 72Courtesy Robert D Weitzel Sergeant Weitzel's early 1920's BPD Issued Espantoon
 DSC2645stripesCourtesy Robert D Weitzel Late 1930's BPD Sergeant Stripes
Ret badge Sgt72Courtesy Robert D Weitzel
Mid to late 1940's BPD Retired Sergeant's Badge
The earlier construction of these badges had a separate detailed eagle mounted on the top.
Note the "talons overlapping the top rim" of the badge. This denotes an 1890 pattern.
 DSC2688 72Courtesy Robert D Weitzel Early 1920's BPD Officer's Badge #670

DeviderOfficer Robert D Weitzel 

Sgt. Edward Weitzel had 8 kids, we could spend hours writing about each of them, but for now, let’s write about just one, Robert Weitzel. Why Robert; well, because Robert was also a Baltimore Police, and here’s part of his story… Robert's Father Sgt. Edward Weitzel passed away in 1952 just one year before his wife, Barbara . Robert was 16 at the time, his younger brother Wayne was just 13. Robert lived with his sister until he turned 18. Wayne went to live with his other sister Marie in Highlandtown. Robert by the way went to live in Edmondson Village. At age 18 Robert enlisted into the United States Air Force and was off to the Korean War; basic training was in Upstate N.Y. (13 weeks) then to communication school (26 weeks) and then he was to be sent overseas to Korea, however he was diverted to Japan because of the agreement being signed at the 38th par. between N. Korea, and S. Korea. From there Robert was shipped to Goose Bay Labrador, at that time the United States and Canada agreed to build radar stations all along the northern part of Canada called (the defense early warning) the dew line. At the time we were in a cold war with Russia. Robert traveled all over the artic for 15 months setting up communications with other radar sites... after that he was sent back to Upstate N.Y. 1957, and assigned to the ready reserves until 1961.  

While working as a patrolman for the Baltimore Police Department there was an incident in which the young Weitzel (Patrolman Robert D. Weitzel), was ran over by a herd of cows that had escaped from the Ruppersberger Slaughterhouse located in the 2600 block of Pennsylvania Ave. The Slaughterhouse was founded in 1868 and at the time of these writings 2014 is still there and open for business. Officer Weitzel worked the Northwest District, and was around Pennsylvania and North Avenue when the cows charged, and he was ran over. In a different incident just below Pennsylvania Ave. during an altercation inside a sub-shop at North and Linden Avenues, a prisoner bit officer Weitzel on the hand, it was a violent struggle to resist his being arrested. These were the days of call boxes, and few radios, so like his father’s case from years earlier, the suspect would do anything to get away, and through this battle he was able escape arrest. Further proof of the similarities of this father and son police family. We have to look at the how his father's suspect years earlier didn’t really get away, he merely prolonged his arrest. Because the young Officer Weitzel like his dad, never gave up, and this suspect was also identified, and arrested at a later date. Like father like son… the original Blue Bloods, police work really is in their blood. You can run, but you can’t hide, both Weitzel’s never quit until they get their man.


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Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department.  Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter @BaltoPoliceHist or like us on Facebook or mail pics to 8138 Dundalk Ave. Baltimore Md. 21222


Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll