CZUR ET18-Pro Professional Document Scanner
Book/Document Scanner
We did a fundraiser to get this book/document scanner. So we could have just set things up to just use a digital camera but then we would essentially just have pictures of the pages from a book, document, letter, notes etc. an it would take much longer, if we have to take the time to go over every page we might as well do it right the first time. Also I have digital cameras but by the time I buy light stands, camera stands etc it would cost a couple hundred dollars, and we wouldn't be taking advantage of the time we would be using to take a pic. So it would make more sense to buy a nice prosumer book scanner and do it right the first time.
We got this Prosumer Book Scanner that not only gave us pics, of the pages, but made the text editable, removed the curve from the page and gave us a more professional easy to use digital document. This will be helpful in cases where text might be illegible, too small to read or a weird font, in that we would be able to change the fonts, text color, text size etc. which is nice, but the ultimate plus in this would be that we would be able to take these old books, notes, letters programs etc and turn them into a searchable text. If we are looking for a particular officer, unit, year district etc, just enter that into the search bar and it would take us right to it. giving us the ability to find what we need from thousands of pages of information. We thought we had a ton of information sitting at our fingertips on this site, but with these documents and books we have here, we would be opening up and entirely new way of finding what we are looking for. On top of this we will be preserving the information for years to come by converting it to digital.
These camera/scanners cost in the neighborhood of $500 to $700 mid range to a $1500 2000 on the high end. For now I think it is wise to get a mid level prosumer camera/scanner and when I and get some cash I'll upgrade to a more high end as finances and necessity require us to upgrade. With software and add-ons I think we could end up needing closer to the somewhere between the $500 and $700 range. . If we can get a fundraiser going Patty and I will put in whatever extra is needed between donations and the final cost.
With this we will be able to add information we had only hoped to be able to add in the past. We have wanted a system like this, but also wanted to make sure we were not going to use anything that might harm the documents we have, so these touchless scanners seem to be the perfect took for the job.. I don't know what system we are going to go with yet, but an idea of what these scanners look like this is the basic idea There are cheaper units but the old saying you get what you pay for come to mind, and we are going to be putting this through its paces. we have hundreds of books and thousands of documents. we also want high quality resolution, so 18mp is going to give us quality.
This has built in software that correct the curve in the page and separates this into two pages. You could also use it to scan large items, the lighting for assist in giving us better pictures. I have some items here that need to be photographed, but deserve better attention than to just shoot them with an iPhone. So we'll be able to kill two birds with one stone. This is a scanner without a flatbed.
CZUR ET18-Pro Professional Document Scanner, 2nd Gen Auto-Flatten & Deskew Tech, 18MP Sony Camera