Police Jargon/Slang

Jargon imagePolice Jargon/Slang

Law enforcement use  of Red Ball aka Redball

  • Red ball, a term used by the US Air Force, typically on the flight line, to identify aircraft maintenance issues that could prevent an on-time launch of aircraft. This is usually when aircrew are present, and thus given highest priority.
  • Red ball or Redball, jargon for a high-profile police case that draws media and political attention, often used in the book Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets and the television shows based on it: Homicide: Life on the Street and The Wire. In Baltimore Redball is as common a word/term as Espantoon. 
  • The Red Ball Express was a truck convoy system that supplied Allied forces in World War II.

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10-44 lunch


10-7 detailed...going on vacation leaving early


42.50 on the hoof


6 on the whistle

801 10-18

9:01 Club (Stet's attorney, early court leave) 



Adam Henry

ADSTW SFE BSU. Arrived dead, stayed that way. Shit flying everywhere. Busting shit up

All the ones I wrote were from a police department long since gone.

All told

Alley Apple = brick, bottle, rock

Answer the box dummy

As a rookie, my sergeant was describing how to write a note on the back of a warrant that you attempt to serve, so it wouldn't keep coming back to try to serve, and he said you knock on the door and ask if he or she is there, ask the name of the person, Joe shit the ragman said, he doesn't live here. go to the next house, Joe shit the rag man said they are already in jail, and he did this with about a half dozen examples all Joe shit the ragman, then he asked if I understood, Sonny Dickson was sitting in on my lesson, and when asked if I understood, Sonny answered up, he said, "yes sir, that joe shit the ragman is everywhere, that guy really gets around!"

Attitude adjustment

Baby bookin

Back up


Baliwick 3

Bam-ba-lance and Hoot-an-holler. (Ambulance and fire truck)

Banked me

Beat n release

Beatem up boys

Billy Club

Brilliant, I love the explanations as much as the jargon...

Brookfield Boogie. (Dance we did to keep roaches off of you)

B's and H's. Bitches and Whores!


Call 2100



Check his dip

Choir practice

Choir Practice at PPR - Pimlico Park & Ride

Choke slam

Circus court

Contempt of cop.


Cruising patrol

Dead Right There

DFO. Done fell out.

DFQ = Dumb Fucking Question.

Dick dance

Dirt bag

Dirt nap



Don’t eyeball me

Don’t piss down my leg and tell me it’s raining.

Dope Fein Lean

DRT = Dead Right There

Eager street hotel

Endless walk to nowhere


Eye fuck

Five Oh or Time Out!

Five Ring



FNG=Fucking New Guy

Fox trot

Get six.



Got a creeper!

Gotta a pack of them ! Large group

Grab em N slab em boys...medical examiner

Ground Rent (crap game money left behind after the players fled)

GSW = Gun Shot Wound

Hack.. I was Driving down 3700 W. Belvedere this lady kept waving at me, after several times I stopped she was like I don’t want you.. 

Had a lady tell me she was Raised & Simonized

Hair weave

half a brick

Here’s an oldie…. An over nighter

Hog tie

Hold me on A pr

Hold me out...

Hoodle head

Hot list

Hot sheet

House Cat

House got ramshacked “ransacked”

House mouse



I got some scrimp

I knew it as mopery with the intent to creep.

I lived with that one all my career

I'm old, everybody was a knuckle head. I heard one of my younger trainees call a guy a knuckle head one day and I laughed all day. Lol

I'm only conversating on the corner not selling

In the summertime in some districts, some of the older women used to put their money in their bras. When they went to buy something in the corner grocery or liquor stores, they would take the money out, which was damp with sweat and pay the storekeeper. In some of the stores, you would hear the storekeeper refer to as Titty money.

Indict a corner

Is it Murder or Homicide

it’s when you pull up to a dirty dealer and it looks like he has to go to the bathroom lmao



Joe Shit the rag man

Jon Pease - "You split em, you git em"  or "WRONG!!" 

jump out boys

Junkie lean

Kilt. Rant Over. DRT Dead right there. Trifling. Preparation for a forest. Fruckus

Knock & talk



Knuckle head

Lemon heads (motor cops)

Look out book

Mad Dog 20/20

Midnight shift ( Siesta Fiesta) my first year or so it was put on the radio lol

Mill about smartly

Mopery either, with the intent to gape, or a felony on the high seas

Motengainer (whole bunch of Mfers)

Mother told me to be careful with her son as he just came back from the doctors. Said he was being psycho laminized. When inquired what for mom stated he was having hilarious delusions 

Murder Po-lice

My crib---meaning house

My daughter thinks Stand By is police Jason, but I disagree. I use it all the time. Don't civilians? Hhmmmm. Gotta start listening to civilians.

My father called me my brother knuckle head so much we thought it was our names, as Irish twins we figure huh, we share clothes and toys and a name... it beat our older brother's name... we still call him dumb ass. ROTFL

My good friend, (He'll know who he is, but i won't mention names) he was on a beach and a young lady wearing a yellow bikini was taking a survey asked him to sign, then asked if he was staring at her bikini top, or the parts sticking out from behind. he confessed and told me he was caught "eye sucking" LOL He can tell us who he is if he wants.. but I had to laugh at the way he spun the old "Eye F'ing" jargon.

No bail.

No, where be the judge?

Notify 2100


Off to the Bat Cave

Officer, where go the coat room?

Old radio cars were called scout cars

On a midnight shift I once called out for a 10-44 nap... I also had dispatch asked me my status, i said I am married with children...

On the arm

Paper (Warrant)

Patty Wagon

Pecker trail in fact I am not sure if it was a prank on a rookie, but I was told you could write "Pecker trail" in a report. I never did but damn he made it sound like maybe, its a good thing we didn't see any or it may have been in that report lol



Post integrity.

Post officer

Priceless that you said “hump”! 


Rack up.

Radio car

Rapsed = raped 

Red Ball aka Redball 

Robo-Cops = Housing Authority Police

Rolled a 7

Rollin stolen

Rookie Mistake and OT Nut

Running through the Cut

Selling wolf tickets

Shift Change Party


Short change over


Shorty Big Head = kids

Side partner

Silver bracelets

Sir, you have to keep your jacket with you

Skrimp = Shrimp

Slap jack



Suicide by cop

Tale tells

Tell tails

The 3C's.thatvwill get you fired. Booze Cooze and Snooze!

The claw

The cut

The hill.." (cherry hill)

The Hole

The hood

The lean

The ole Tell Tale - placing a small rock on the business door midnight shift for those villains trying doors at 3AM

These ain’t my pants

Titty money

Top knot= your head

Top of Form


Trying up

Tumble weeds

Tune up

Turn key


Un-ass the area

Union meeting

Up the screet

Visit to the Mezzanine!

We all worked with a “HUMP”

We'd hit the bars and put and wait for them to move. That would get most of them to move. Next came the spotlights. Some would "signify" and then move. There'd always be some idiot that would dance when the light hit them. He was the one who got locked up.

When I was a welder my boss came to me, he said his kids friend told him he was banked in the head with an alley apple. LOL It didn't take a genius to figure he was hit in the head with a rock or bottle.

When I was new I asked the complainant what the problem was. He kept yelling "They banked me". I said "They banged you?" He got pissed and yelled "No white boy, they took my money. They banked me!"

Whip. Describing a car.

Who? Me?

Wood shampoo

Yoked me


You can't get there from here

You know what time it is.

You wanna take a ride





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Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department. Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter @BaltoPoliceHist or like us on Facebook or mail pics to 8138 Dundalk Ave. Baltimore Md. 21222

Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll