Patrolman John C. Williams

Fallen HeroPatrolman John C. Williams 

In Memoriam: Patrolman John Williams

On this day, 21 August, 1967, we remember our brother, Patrolman John Williams, who tragically passed away from injuries sustained on 27 June, 1967. While seated in his radio car at the Northern District (Keswick and 34th St.), writing a report as his partner fueled the vehicle, the car suddenly caught fire and exploded. Officer Williams was severely burned and trapped inside. Despite the efforts to save him, he succumbed to his injuries several weeks later on 21 August, 1967.

Officer Williams served with the Baltimore Police Department for 19 years. As his brothers and sisters in the department, we honor his memory, thank him for his dedicated service, and pray for his eternal rest. May God bless his soul.

A Witness Account:

Robert Yamin, a fellow officer, recalls the tragic day: "I had just parked my unmarked car about 40 feet from the car being fueled. I was almost inside the building when the fire erupted, engulfing the car in flames. Another officer immediately called KGA. The flames and heat were so intense from 30 to 40 feet away that it was impossible to get closer. Our cars were not equipped with fire extinguishers at that time. I ran through the archway to the front of the building, pulled the fire alarm, and waited to direct the first arriving fire truck to the archway. It was a horrible incident to witness, and there was absolutely nothing any of us could do. This occurred at the old Northern District, Keswick and 34th".

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More details

End of Watch 21 August, 1967
City, St.     Keswick and 34th St.
Panel Number 35-E: 16
Cause of Death      Fire
District Worked Northern

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Copies of: Your Baltimore Police Department Class Photo, Pictures of our Officers, Vehicles, Equipment, Newspaper Articles relating to our department and or officers, Old Departmental Newsletters, Lookouts, Wanted Posters, and or Brochures. Information on Deceased Officers and anything that may help Preserve the History and Proud Traditions of this agency. Please contact Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll.

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Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department.  Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter @BaltoPoliceHist or like us on Facebook or mail pics to 8138 Dundalk Ave. Baltimore Md. 21222

Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll