Charles A Kahler



17 November 1937: Capt. Charles A. Kahler, Commander of the Western District, died suddenly of a heart ailment in a red brick station house on pine Street last night, November 17, 1937 The captain was 61 years old and was working half an hour before the end of a task He always approached with zest the questioning of a suspect in an effort to gain a confession The Capt. complained of dizziness shortly before 8 o'clock, and the prisoner suspected of robbery was taken into the Capt.’s office and questioned by Capt. Kahler. A few minutes after 8 o'clock, the captain . came out into the main room of the station house, complained of feeling dizzy, and walked several times around the room. Then he went to the back of the station house, evidently for a drink of water, but slumped into a chair before he reached the water cooler. The doctor, Lieut. Joseph Nelligan, and Sgt. Charles Ruffling, who were on duty in the station house at the time, carried the captain, who was semiconscious, to a bench in the courtroom, and a call was put into Dr. William Gilroy, 622 West North Ave., the captain's personal doctor. Doctor Gilroy Dr. Gilroy was not reached immediately at the request of Capt. Kahler Dr. Helm, a city quarter, summoned Dr. Howells and Capt. Kahler when he died at 8:30 o’clock. Dr. Gilroy said the captain suffered from a chronic heart condition, but he had not complained of difficulty since three months ago. Capt. Kahler’s health had not been the best in recent years. He talks enthusiastically about how the captain . made his home at 906 Patterson Park Ave. Mr. Kahler said her husband had dinner at home last night, and we talked over his impending questioning of the suspect. He told her he feared he would not be able to break the man’s alibi. Besides his wife, Capt. Kahler is survived by his sister and two brothers, John Kahler and patrolman Frederick Kahler of the Eastern District. 

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More details

End of Watch 16 November 16, 1937
City, St. Pine Street Station
Panel Number N/A
Cause of Death Heart Attack
District Worked Western
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Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History: Ret Det. Kenny Driscoll