Patrolman Mathew Boone

Sgt Benjamin GrahamPatrolman Mathew Boone

26 January 1905 - Patrolman MATHEW BOONE,  - Cold is Too Much for Officer – Patrolman Mathew Boone, though ill went on duty but succumbed. Patrolman Boone was found in the neighborhood of Lafayette Square about 5 o'clock yesterday morning number with the cold and sent to his home, at 1402 Argyle Ave. where he died a short time later. Death was due to heart disease, believed to have been super-induced by the intense cold. Patrolman Boone, who was considered one of the most efficient officers in the Department was a member of the C Division and reported for duty at 3:4 5 o'clock yesterday morning 26 January 1905. Before leaving the station house he complained to several of the officers of feeling bad. He left with the squad of Sgt. Foster and his "beat" was in the vicinity of Lafayette Square. This is considered one of the most exposed sections of the city. For nearly 2 hours the faithful policeman patrolled his posts, while the heavy when caught up the snow and drove the wind into his face. At about 5 o'clock he was met by Sgt. Foster, who was making his rounds and the superior officer immediately notice that down wore a distressed look. He inquired what was wrong and Bill and said he was feeling ill and was very much affected by the cold. Sgt. Foster thereupon sent him home with patrolman Thomas Clark as an escort. On reaching the house patrolman Boone began to warm himself beside the stove. While a hot cup of coffee was prepared by patrolman Clark. After drinking the coffee patrolman Boone remarked to his fellow officer that he, “felt as if he was going to die,” and Patrolman Clark immediately had medical assistance summoned. But Boone lapsed into unconsciousness and expired a few minutes later. The death of patrolman Boone was a great shock to all the officers of the Northwestern District, where he had been assigned since the organization of the district in 1874. He was very popular among the men, he was 62 years old and was appointed to the police force on October 14, 1870, and sent to Western District, 4 years later he was detailed to the Northwestern. He had an excellent record. He was a member of the Odd Fellows and the Heptasophs. Patrolman Boone is survived by his widow who was formerly Mrs. Mary Doud, of Richmond Virginia and their seven children – Mrs. Harry L Amoss, of Pittsburgh, Mrs. Frank M Backwith of New London Connecticut, Misses 

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More Details

End of Watch 26 January 1905
City, St. 1402 Argyle Ave.
Panel Number N/A
Cause of Death LOD Illness
District Worked Western

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