P/O John Christopher

Fallen HeroPatrolman John Christopher 

On this day in Baltimore Police history, August 18, 1872, we lost our brother, Patrolman John Christopher, to gunfire.

Patrolman Christopher was lost to gunfire. Two young wagon drivers racing their teams down a dirt road close to Catonsville's Railway Park kicked up a cloud of dust to start it all. The drivers cursed their horses and each other in a race where friendly competition quickly ended as both James Ford and James Dorsey cracked the reins from their wagons into their animals’ necks and backs to gain speed. Each struggled more and more to go faster, with nothing more in mind than to win the race and overtake the other. The race began at “Kelly’s Woods” in Catonsville and was nearing the city/county line near the Western District. It was in that park, near the old Western, that the two men stopped, and an argument ensued. The two young men argued like they raced; they were loud, and each wanted nothing more than to win. Their actions drew the attention of Baltimore City Patrolman John Christopher. As Patrolman Christopher neared Ford and Dorsey, they began to physically fight, each throwing blow after blow at the other. Baltimore Police have not changed much in the 141 years since this incident; police were strong, often relying on brute strength to overcome the situations they found themselves in. On this particular day in 1872, things were not much different. Patrolman Christopher single-handedly separated the two combatants and forced them back into their wagons and on their way. To keep the peace, Patrolman Christopher climbed into James Ford’s wagon with him and rode with him toward his destination, making efforts to maintain peace.

Despite Patrolman Christopher’s best efforts, the two drivers resumed their argument, which quickly escalated into a fight. Dorsey began throwing stones at Ford and warned him that if he bumped into his wagon again, he would shoot him. The fisticuffs resumed, and Dorsey started to live up to his promise of shooting Ford as he pulled a pistol. Patrolman Christopher saw the weapon and once again gained control over the more violent of the men by forcefully throwing him from his wagon to the ground. That momentary separation was lost when Ford dove onto Dorsey and went for his gun. Before Patrolman Christopher could regain control over either of the men, the pistol was fired once. Even while Dorsey’s anger was focused on Ford, the bullet left his weapon and found its way into the stomach of Officer Christopher, causing severe pain and what would become a fatal injury. Patrolman Christopher felt the burn in his stomach as he fell to the ground.

Our brother Patrolman John Christopher was quickly taken to the house of “Justice Pilot,” where he was treated by “Dr. Worsham.” “Justice Pilot” and “John Young” responded to the scene of the shooting, where they were able to apprehend and arrest both “James Dorsey” and “James Ford.” Patrolman Christopher made a positive ID and was taken to his home located at 14 South Fremont St., where he was cared for by “Prof. J. H. Butler.” His injuries were painful and fatal, leaving the medical professionals in a place where, no matter what they could have done, they were unable to save his life. Patrolman Christopher lay in pain from the night of the shooting on August 18 until the day he passed away on August 23, 1872, at approximately 3:30 in the afternoon.

As his brothers and sisters in the Baltimore Police Department, it is up to us to make sure he is never forgotten. For his service, honor the City of Baltimore and the Baltimore Police Department. May God be with him, so that he may rest in peace. #‎BPDNeverForget‬


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End of Watch 18 August 1872
City, St.     City/County line near Western’s District
Panel Number 21-W: 10
Cause of Death    Gunfire
Weapon - Handgun
District Worked Western



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If you have copies of: your Baltimore Police Department class photo; pictures of our officers, vehicles, and equipment; newspaper articles relating to our department and/or officers; old departmental newsletters; lookouts; wanted posters; or brochures. Information on deceased officers and anything that may help preserve the history and proud traditions of this agency. Please contact retired detective Kenny Driscoll.

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Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to honor the fine men and women who have served with honor and distinction at the Baltimore Police Department. Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter @BaltoPoliceHist, like us on Facebook or mail pics to 8138 Dundalk Ave., Baltimore, Md. 21222


Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History: Ret Det. Kenny Driscoll