Sgt Paul E. Meeks

EVER EVER EVER Motto DivderSergeant Paul E. Meeks Dies

Police Officer Stricken Suddenly with Apoplexy at his Home

26 Dec 1915

Sergeant Paul Meeks died suddenly from an apoplexy as he was leaving his house to head into work for his shift. The 37-year-old Sergeant lived in the 1900 block . of Mosher St. The sergeant, who had enjoyed excellent health, turned to his wife, told her he wasn't feeling right, and asked that she summon the family doctor. By the time the physician arrived, the sergeant was dead. . The good sergeant left behind a widow and four children, one of whom was blind.

Meeks joined the police force on August 15, 1901, and was assigned to the Northwestern District, where he would continue to work until August 15, 1914, when he was promoted to Sergeant and transferred to the Western District.

Only six weeks prior to his death did he join the Police Benefit Association. So his widow was qualified to receive financial aid rendered by the program. 

Sun Dec 26 1915 72

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Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History: Ret Det. Kenny Driscoll