P/O Walter Hogan

A Tribute to the Grandfather of Robin Hogan Gatton

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My grandfather Walter Hogan was a great man. He served as a fireman and saved people from burning buildings. I know this because there are articles written about him in the Baltimore Sun. my father has them. Someday they will be passed down to me & my girls.

He also served as a Baltimore City officer. He retired in the late 60's. He served the city as an impound officer, on horseback, motorcycle (shown) and as a beat officer on the block. My dad gave me everything except his badge and his gun of his uniform. I suspect he will pass them down when he is gone. I even have his uniform from impound days on the tow truck. I thought about donating them to a police museum ... if you know of one let me know.

I watched him personally take down thugs grabbing jewelry and watches from folks in cars (there was no ac in cars yet so windows were down, making them easy targets stopped at a light) on 33rd Street and Alameda .. in front of his home. He acted like there were several men coming after the thugs ... yet it was only him. He hollered for my grandma to call the cops to pick them up as I watched where he chased them too (the college grounds) from the safety of their porch. he would call out Frank you go this way ... Herbert You go that way and I will go this way. LOL ... he was truly something.

It is also my understanding he ran a street car. Which is where he met my grandma. Also owned a small grocery store with his brothers ... John Hogan and Edward Hogan during the depression. They went belly up because they wouldn't let folks go hungry and gave them credit to get food. Somewhere in there he worked as a chauffeur for a wealthy family. I remember he told me the lady was mad because he ate a piece of cake. She treated him like a dog so he quit. He wasn't one to speak unkindly about people.

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I spent a lot of time in the city with my grandparents. Grandpa worked at the stadium when the Orioles played home games. Grandmom and I would walk the 3 blocks to get in and watch the game. We got to sit right behind home plate. I never got to catch any pop flies cuz there was a net there. So my grandpa would take me down to meet the players. Such fun I had. They were all great guys. They came to my school in Pikesville ... St. Charles. I told the kids I knew the players and they were like ... yeah sure ... ok ... whatever. When the guys came in they all said hi to me and held a conversation that made it clear they knew me. I felt so important. It was great.

I am proud to be his only grandchild. He was truly a great humanitarian. I cherish all of my great memories with him and my grandma. he taught me so much about giving back to community. I do hope I am making him proud with my community work helping those less fortunate and cooking for a soup kitchen 4 days a week.

I just wanted to share this great man with you. I love him and miss him so much.



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