Capt. Benjamin Franklin Kenney
Baltimore's Senior Police Captain is dead.
The Sun (1837–1987); Oct 1, 1883; p. . 4
Baltimore’s senior police officer, Capt. Dead Capt. Benjamin Franklin Kenney, of the Eastern Police District, died suddenly at his home, number 47 South Washington St., about 11:30 o’clock on Saturday night (September 29, 1883), from an asthmatic attack and heart disease.
Capt. Kenney left the Eastern stationhouse a short while after 9:00–9:30 o’clock and retired soon after he reached his home. About 11:00 o'clock, he complained of feeling unwell and got up. While sitting in a chair, a few minutes later, he fell forward and died almost immediately.
Capt. Kenney was born in Easton, Talbot County, Maryland, and at the time of his death, he was 62 years old. His father was Capt. Richard Kenney, one of the first steamboat captains in Chesapeake Bay; he had for a long time commanded the steamer governor, Walcott. At an early age, he came to Baltimore and learned sailmaking with the late Samuel. In his early life, Capt. Kenney was a sailmaker on the old United States Frigate Delaware in the Mediterranean, when the squadron headquarters were at Port Mahon, on the island of Minorca. He was possessed of a fund of interesting information bearing upon the last days of the sailing frigate's service, which during his service comprised the United States Navy. Capt. Kenney was also in the East India trade as a sailmaker for the Boston clipper and was at the bombardment of Vera Cruz, Mexico, on a supply ship sent out by the government, which stores.
Capt. Kenney originally entered the police force as a lieutenant . of the Eastern District under Marshal Kane. The present (1 Oct 1883) Police Marshall, John T. Gray, was made Lieut. with him in the same district. He remained a lieutenant until the federal soldiers ousted the police in 1861. He returned to his trade of sail-making to make ends meet until April 23, 1867, at the reorganization of the new police system. He was appointed Capt. of the Eastern District, and at the time of his death, he was the senior captain . of the police force.
Capt. Kenney was universally respected and esteemed by all with whom he was a gentleman, possessing many noble qualities. To the poor, he was particularly a friend, and in their time of need, he was foremost in searching them out through his subordinates and alleviating their distress. The officers under him were greatly attached to him, for although a disciplinarian, he tempered his application of the department rules with discretion and kindness.
He left behind a wife, a son, and a daughter. His son was a clerk in the employ of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad at Locust Point.
The flags of the different station houses and in the parks were half-masted yesterday, September 30, 1883, in respect to his memory. The monumental social club passed resolutions of respect and placed the colors at half-mast on their halls.
241 South Bond St. The funeral took place Wednesday, October 3, 1883.

The Article was published on October 1, 1883; the Saturday before would have been September 29.