James Scholl 

Fallen HeroSgt. James L. Scholl 

On this day on Baltimore Police History 1953 we lost our brother Sgt. James L. Scholl to gunfire based on the following. Sgt. Scholl, 41 years old, was shot on July 20, 1953 in a pre-dawn gun battle at an East Baltimore Tavern at 1800 Broening Highway known as “Brown’s Bar” Sgt. Scholl was investigating a call about a suspicious automobile. Another officer was also wounded in the incident. As Sgt. Scholl and the other officer approached the vehicle, they were ambushed by gunfire and drawn into a gun fight. Roger Wylye was charged with the murder of Sgt. Scholl and the other gunman died on scene. Sgt. Scholl died of his injuries on August 1, 1953. He was married and the father of two daughters. Sgt. Scholl joined the department on June 1, 1942.  


Aug 2, 1953

The Sun (1837-1987); pg. 34



Sergeant James L. Scholl the 41year-old policeman, severely wounded in a predawn gun battle July 20 at an East Baltimore tavern died yesterday at City Hospitals. Sergeant Scholl, who walked into a dark storeroom and a fusillade of bandit's bullets but was able to empty his own pistol before he fell, died as the result of gunshot wounds in the stomach and pelvis.

One bandit was killed in the battle, another policeman was wounded and another gunman was seized without firing a shot after twelve policemen had converged on the tavern, in the 1800 blk of Broening highway, when an anonymous tipster reported a suspicious automobile near the establishment.

Three-Hour Operation

The Eastern· district sergeant, the father of two children, underwent a three-hour· intestinal operation immediately after the shooting Some 200 volunteer blood donors came to the hospital within a few hours after officials said Sergeant Scholl would need transfusions.

Despite the operations and the transfusions, the policeman remained in critical condition until he died. The gunman killed in the shooting was identified as Beauford Saunders, 20-year-old Cleveland Negro.

Shot ln Shoulder

The wounded policeman is Patrolman Thomas Alford, 25 who was shot in the shoulder. Since the shooting, the grand jury has presented Rodger Dennis Wyley, 20-year-old Negro of Fostoria, Ohio, on charges of assault with intent to murder

Sergeant Scholl and Patrolman Alford and with burglary at the Broening highway tavern. Sergeant Scholl was born in Baltimore, the son of the late Lieut. Mark R. Scholl, who died a few years ago after retiring from the Northeastern district. The sergeant attended public schools and was graduated from City College.

He was appointed to the force on June 1, 1942, and served !01 many years in the Central district on 9 August, 19S1, he was promoted to sergeant and assigned to the Eastern district. He received two commendations during his twelve years of service. The first was in 1943 and the second on February 23 of this year 'when Col. Beverly Ober, police commissioner, cited his work In the investigation of an assault and robbery case. Sergeant Scholl according to fellow officers, is the second man in the history of the district to die as the result of wounds sustained in action.

The first man was Patrolman

Frank L. Latham, killed 29 February, 1924, according to the bronze plaque which hangs in the stationhouse on Bank Street near Broadway. A similar plaque is to be erected to Sergeant Scholl and his badge number 118, will be set in the face of the memorial. That number will never be issued again to another Baltimore policeman. The announcement of the Sergeant's death was made at the Eastern station at the afternoon rollcall. It was received quietly by his fellow officers, who left for their assigned posts in silent contrast to the usual walking and joking that accompanies the postmen to their beats. Sergeant Scholl is survived by his wife, Margaret and two daughters, Catherine. 10, and Linda, 7. The family lived at 3536 Cliftmont avenue.

Receive Tip On car

Events leading up to Sergeant Scholl's shooting were these, After the police received the tip of a suspicious auto near the tavern. Two police answered the call and were soon joined by Sergeant Scholl and another officer. The police found that a window on one side of the building had been jimmied and Sergeant Scholl crawled through it. Using flashlights, Sergeant Scholl, Patrolman Alford and the other policemen made their way down a narrow, dark hall to the storeroom in the rear of the tavern. Sergeant Scholl entered the storeroom and immediately faced a round of gunfire from someone inside.

The policemen returned the fire. It was all over in a few seconds. Scholl and Alford were wounded and the one gunman, Saunders, died on the way to the hospital. After the shooting, Capt. August K. Gribbin, commander of the Eastern commended all the men who took part in the case and said the incident was an example of "splendid teamwork."

Funeral Services

Funeral services for Sergeant Scholl will be held at 8 AM Wednesday at a funeral establishment in the 5300 block of Harford road. A requiem high mass will be held at 9 A.M. at the Shrine of The Little Flower, Belair road and Brendan Avenue. Fellow officers will be pallbearers and will form a guard of honor at the funeral. The sergeant will be buried in Holy Redeemer Cemetery. Captain Gribbin said he was deeply grieved by the death of Sergeant Scholl. "I'm sure his memory will linger long as a man of outstanding courage and bravery, "The Captain Said, "The Eastern district and the department as a whole has lost a real policeman and one of great promise. He was very popular throughout the whole department and deserved to be for the many fine traits he possessed." We his brothers and sisters of the Baltimore Police Department will not let him be forgotten. His service "Honored" the City of Baltimore and the Police Department - God Bless and Rest in Peace our brother Sgt. James L. Scholl

We his brothers and sisters of the Baltimore Police Department will not let him be forgotten. His service "Honored" the City of Baltimore and the Police Department - God Bless and Rest in Peace our brother Sgt. James L. Scholl

The Evening Sun Fri Jan 15 1954 First Fallen officer plaque 72 First Memorial Plaque

DeviderMore details


End of Watch 1 August, 1953
City, St.     1800 Broening Highway
Panel Number 62-E: 13
Cause of Death       Gunfire
District Worked Eastern


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Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll