

Baltimore City Police 
Alumni Page

Become a featured member of our online police museum; 
complete with exhibits and a digital storytelling experience.

Below you'll notice some names have links next to them with the word HERE, in the past when we gathered information we built these, or if a family wanted them, they would send us as many pics, and as much info as they could find to make a page worth the space. The more we have the better the page looks. Now you don't have to wait for us to find the info, or your family to send it to us, you can send it into us yourself, and the best part of all; it doesn't cost anything. We work using donations or through fundraisers, so if you have a story to tell or want your or your family's legacy told on the Baltimore City Police Alumni page, send what you have our and if it is enough for us to justify using the bandwidth we will. If it is not, we'll include it on the district's page, and misc. pics page. Whatever the case, we'll make sure it is added to our site. Also, and I may have already added this, but we need pictures, stories, and exhibits... so let us know what you have, and what you want to be put on the site, on display or both. As mentioned above there are no fees but if you want to make a donation, feel free to send whatever you can to the donation info at the bottom of most pages. 

Important Note: We get information from friends, family, old partners, newspaper articles, newsletters, etc. So, from time to time, we might have a spelling error or typo. Please don't take offense; there is nothing worse on our end than to receive an angry email telling us how stupid we are for misspelling your loved one's name or getting their rank wrong. Please be assured it is never done on purpose; it is either because that was the way it was presented to us or a simple typo. Ken is partially paralyzed in his left arm and hand, so when typing, his hands don't always sync up, which can often lead to problems for him. Since this site is privately owned and funded for the most part out of our pocket, the errors might remain until someone brings them to our attention, at which time we will do our best to make corrections as soon as possible. So, just remember, we don't need to be called names or written angry letters to have us correct mistakes; just send us a link to the page with the error, maybe copy and paste the mistake into your correspondence, and tell us what needs to be corrected. We will do our best to get things right and preserve the names of the men and women who served the Baltimore Police Department.   

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Medals racked

The Baltimore Sun Mon May 7 1860 72Click HERE or above to see full size article 


CD=Central District, SE=Southeast, ED=Eastern District, NE=Northeastern, ND=Northern District, NW=Northwest District, WD=Western District, SW=Southwest District, SD=Southern District, HP=Harbor Patrol

MCU=Major Crime Unit, DDU=District Detective Unit, TAC=Tactical, QRT=Quick Response Team, SWAT=Special Weapons, and Tactics, K9, FOX=Helicopter Unit, MU=Marine Unit, TIS=Traffic Investigative Services, TS=Traffic Section, VS=Vice Squad DEU=Drug Enforcement Unit, CS=Crime Statistics CP=Community Policing Mot=Motors Mou=Mounted FD=Fiscal Division & EPD=Executive Protection Division.

MoH=Medal of Honor, CoV=Citation of Valor, SS=Silver Star, BS=Bronze Star, LSA=Life Saving Award, DSA=Distinguished Service Award CR=Commendation Ribbon, UC=Unit Citation, 5YRSD, 10YRSD, 15YRSD, 20YRSD=Years Safe Driving (5, 10, 15, 20), RR1968=1968 Riot Ribbon, SR=Special Ribbon, SP2000=Special 2000, EDI=Eastern District Incentive, CL=Commendatory Letter, OOTY= Officer of the Year. PH=Purple Heart BPDHS-SR=Baltimore Police Historic Soicety Service Ribbon

Baltimore City Police History we consider all of our brothers and sisters in the Baltimore Police Department to be heroes and would like to form a "Hall of Fame" here on the site to include each and every one of them. So if you know of an officer that isn't on this wall, bring it to our attention by writing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Just give us a name, the district(s) worked, along with any other info you may know, years worked, awards received, interesting cases etc. If you have a pic that would be nice too (the pics won't go on this page, but with luck, we will eventually have a link created so that when a name is found it can be clicked on to take you to their pic which will be loaded somewhere else on this site. That said, we will load all pictures sent to us somewhere on the site, so with pics let us know what district(s) they worked, units, etc. so we have a better idea of where to put the pic, without info the pic will still be loaded onto the site under Misc. Pictures.

At the bottom of each group, we'll notice a different format with Dates from the 1800's and mid-1900's to about 1948/49. They are Listed Name, Rank, Assignment, EOD, and DOD along with whether they were Retired or Active at the time of their death. The Lists were compiled by P/O Bobby Brown of the Baltimore City Police Department and one of our site's Historians. The lists are made to hopefully help others in researching the history of the department and family members. There are several abbreviations used, which are listed below. We hope that this will come in handy to all who uses it.

TUN = Turnkey - Ptl = Patrolman - Det = Detective - Sgt = Sergeant - RSgt = Round Sergeant - Lt = Lieutenant -  Cpt = Captain - Dep = Deputy Marshall - Mar = Marshall - Com = Commissioner - MAT= Matron - HMAT = Head Matron - BE = Boat Engineer - T&S = Telegraph and Signal operator - Clk =Clerk - Phy = Physician - Chf = Chauffer - HQ = Headquarter - C =Central - SE = Southeast - E =Eastern - NE =Northeast - N =Northern - NW = Northwest - W=Western - SW = Southwest - S= Southern - TRF = Traffic

P/O = Police officer - P/W = Policewoman - P/A = Pollice Agent - Det = Detective

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Det. Kevin Archer CD - CID - IID  
P/O William Ackiss CD
P/O Louis Averella NE - Inner Harbor - CD
P/O Deana M. Ackiss CD
Adolfo Vincent ED - MoH - CoV -  HERE
Ralph Archibald WD
Asa T Sedicum - HERE
Mark Alessi  NWD - K9

P/O Sharon Alston 
Airey Herbert E. 
Anacker, Sr. Ernest 
Anderson Robert C. 
Aquilla, James A.  
Armentrout Robert 
Armstrong Herbert 
Armstrong William E. 
Arnold Richard D. 
Aschenbach Alfred 
Ashmun Robert C. 
Ault William H. 
Avara Simon 
Ayers Lynn M. 
Ayres Richard L. 
Allender, Harry    
Lavon’De Alston EOD 4/25/1988 Seq: E288 P/O CD class 89-1  
Teresa Adams Sgt E546 5/14/90 - 6/14/2010 

Auld, Benjamin F - Cap - E - 04/23/1867 - 03/21/1898 - Active
Ackerman, Julius - Sgt - W - 10/15/1885 - 07/24/1906 - Retire
Atkinson, Benedict B - Pt1 - NW - 06/12/1886 - 10/20/1906 - Retire
Anderson, James D - Pt1 - S - 06/20/1908 - Retire
Acker, John - Ptl - C - 09/02/1901 - 07/19/1919 - Active
Andrevvs,Ringold Ptl - C - 06/19/1876 - 12/20/1919 - Retire
Arbin, William G RSgt - S - 07/09/1885 - 07/11/1921 - Retire
Austin, William H Ptl - NE - 04/12/1886 - 10/15/1921 - Retire
Armiger, Jesse Sgt - S - 06/06/1885 - 11/10/1921 - Retire
Atkinson, William H Det - HQ - 11/06/1886 - 07/15/1922 - Retire
Appel, John C Pt1 - NE - 02/28/1924 - 07/10/1924 - Active
Arnold, Henry T Sgt - SW - 04/13/1886 - 05/30/1929 - Retire
Alexander, Harry E Ptl - NW - 12/07/1925 - 05/29/1930 - Active
Arnold, Thomas E Ptl - SW - 07/17/1884 - 06/06/1930 - Retire
Albert, John G Ptl - SW - 01/14/1932 - 08/02/1933 - Active
Appleby, Williams Ptl - S - 04/01/1890 - 07/22/1935 - Retire
Auld, Harry Ptl - E - 04/10/1923 - 03/28/1938 - Active
Ardisson, Harry Sgt - N - 04/23/1898 - 03/26/1939 - Retire
Arthur, Thomas P Lt - S - 01/26/1917 - 05/30/1939 - Active
Abum, Thomas H BE - HQ - 02/01/1901 - 12/15/1939 - Retire
Abell, R. A. Ptl - W - 04/10/1886
Ackerman, J. J. Ptl - NW - 10/05/1885
Ackler, W. F. Ptl - C - 11/28/1876
Ahern, James Ptl - E - 06/17/1878
Allen, Benjamin Sgt - W - 06/17/1884
Allen, William C Ptl - C - 07/21/1886
Armstrong, Thomas Ptl - NE - 08/01/1878
Arnold, H. T. Ptl - SW - 04/13/1886
Arthur, Thomas Pt1 - C - 06/14/1876
Atkinson, William M Ptl - SW - 11/26/1886
Andrevv, John Sgt - NW - 11/10/1897 - 07/02/1928 - Retire
Abbott, James E Ptl - TRF - 04/01/1901 - 06/10/1931 - Retire
Armstrong, Joseph L Ptl - C - 08/30/1901 - 05/18/1938 - Retire
Anderson, Marrion K HTLR - TRF - 10/01/1900 - 09/28/1941 - Active
Agan, Michael J Ptl - SW - 11/19/1906 - 10/02/1920 - Active
Abell, Henry F Sgt - N - 01/02/1893 - 05/25/1926 - Retire

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P/O John Brandt CD  
Lt. Carmine Baratta 
Det. Charles "Pete" Baker – CD - IID - Child Abuse - SWD
Lt. Matthew Bauler - B997 
Sgt. Harvey Baublitz - SD - VCTF - Homicide - CD 
P/O Melvin F. Brown - HERE
P/O Michael Broll - ND - CR  
Maj Tony Brown - Tac
P/O Robert L Brown Sr. - N.W.D. - W.D. - C.I.D.

P/O Tom Brown CD / CR
P/O Donald Burns - F421 - ED - CID - NWD

Det Carl Bird CD / CIB
P/O Bobby Brown SD (Historian) DSAx1 - BSx1 - CRx3 - SRx3 - SD10 - CLx12 - HERE
P/O William Bertazon ED – CID - Comm. Div – SSx2 / CRx3 / UCx1 / LCx1 Certificate of Valor from MSP
P/O Charles Brawner WD
P/O Bobby Berger ED
Jim Bossi WD  
Wilbur Bartels B352 CD 

Sgt. Sam Bosley CD - COV
Daryl Buhrman Sr SD
Lt. Edmund Bossle EOD 17 June 1965 Cadet badge "101, P/O badge #100, Detective Badge #84, Sgt Badge #442 and Lt Badge #115. Original sequence #6262, New was A-894.
Dave Buschman WD
Barry Beck WD
Jacqueline Barbour CID, SED
Jim Bowen WD - BS - HERE
Sgt. Lester Boring WD, Women's Det.
Robert Bigos WD, CID
Corey Belt WD, CID
Frank Blucher WD, SD
P/O Tim Blasko CD
Det. Henri Burris SW - CID - FUG
P/O Mike Barnes
P/O David Barley
Sgt. Albert Donbire Brown

P/O Paul Boone CD
P/O Ron Becker CD - DEU
Lt. Matthew Bauler SWD, CID, CD, Sgt NED, Lt. WD, E&T, COMM. DDU, INTEL, HOMICIDE
Lt. William H. Bowen NE / CR /  1968 RR
Capt. Elmer Bowen SD
P/O Bobby Booker
Maj. Scott Bloodsworth
Maj. John Bailey CD
David Barley CD
Richard Boblitz CD  
Darren Belechto G081 SWD, SED, E&T  

Babka, Jr. James J. 
Bachmann, Jr. Albert   
Det Daniel Boone B822. Western District. Vice Gambling Homicide Unit. 2 Bronze Stars. 3 Commendations  

Baginski Daniel T. 
Baldwin Wilbert G. 
Ballantine Milton D.  
Bannon Harry W. 
Bannon Hugh 
Baranski Thomas J. 
Barclay Leo D. 
Barnard Joan R. 
Barnett Donald E. 
Barnhart Ralph E. 
Baronella Louis P. 
Batson Michael L. 
Beam Charles E. 
Beauchamp Lee M. 
Beauchamp Patricia M. 
Beaudet Henry T. 
Beck Oliver L. 
Beck Vincent T. 
Beere Michael J. 
Beling, Jr. Joseph J. 
Bell William T. 
Bennett Marion W. 
Benson,Jr. Jesse H 
Berends Ronald M. 
Berger Erwin 
Berube Charles E.  
Betz, Sr. John A. 
Bewley George E. 
Billing James E. 
Birney Robert M. 
Bisson Joseph B. 
Black,Jr. Thomas H, 
Blaney Edward 
Blaszak Anthonsy J. 
Blow Collis M, 
Bohager Edward S. 
Bolesta William B. 
Boley Alva H. 
Bond, Jr. Edward L. 
Boniarski, Jr. Daniel A. 
Boring Lester W. 
Bory William G. 
Bowen George W. 
Bowling James L. 
Boyter John P. 
Bradshaw Waldemar S. 
Brady Joseph C. 
Brandner Gerard C. 
Brawner Bernard R. 
Brawner John 
Brazil, John A. 
Bretzik Thomas 
Brewster John E. 
Bright Howard T. 
Brill Raymond 
Brockington McNeal 
Broseker Leonard 
Brown Joseph C. 
Brown Robert 
Brown Stanley 
Brown Theodore J. 
Bruchey, Sr. Milton N. 
Brukiewa Eugene 
Brutsche, Jr. George J. 
Bryl\ John J. 
Bucci Adolph A. 
Buchacz Marion J. 
Buck Ernest A. 
Buckmaster, Jr. James 
Buenger John H. 
Buettner,Jr. Robert J. 
Bull Bruce W. 
Bunker John E. 
Buratt Philip 
Burch William L.  
Burford John M. 
Burke Kenneth L. 
Butler Authur L. 
Byrd, Sr. Ivory C.   
Melissa Brown-Edick E964 10-06-1992 Cadet - Eastern
Patty A. Bauer AIU/TIS Detective 2255 Retired 12/08/17
Kim R. Brown D658 85-3 CD 36 years

Buenger, John H Ptl E 04/13/1886 03/23/1891 Active
Brown, Rich P Ptl C 02/26/1872 11/03/1891 Active
Blair, Jeremiah Ptl S 05/10/1885 11/28/1891 Active
Brunchy, David H Lt S 11/04/1869 11/06/1992 Retire
Brayden, Charles Ptl NW 05/19/1893 06/11/1893 Active
Bums, John Pt1 SW 06/01/1887 07/24/1993 Active
Bums, John Ptl S 01/03/1884 08/22/1894 Active
Bandel, Jefferson J Ptl E 04/27/1894 04/30/1894 Active
Brooks, William Ptl NW 04/04/1873 09/27/1895 Retire
Busick, James H Lt C 05/07/1867 01/29/1896 Active
Black, Michael F Lt E 04/15/1882 02/11/1898 Active
Byrne, Michael Ptl C 05/06/1867 02/12/1899 Retire
Bishop, Alonzo Ptl W 08/19/1886 08/29/1899 Active*
Bower, William H Sgt S 04/25/1867 08/28/1902 Active
Biddison, William Gt Ptl C 08/19/1886 04/16/1904 Retire
Boone, Matthew Ptl NW 10/14/1870 06/26/1905 Active
Bafford, Edward T Ptl C 04/22/1881 01/23/1906 Reire
Bailey, George Pt1 NW 05/27/1885 07/15/1906 Retire
Bafford, Randolph Ptl NE 11/27/1905 08/16/1907 Active
Buckley, William J Ptl C 05/15/1888 02/18/1907 Active
Black, Margaret J MAT C 06/08/1900 08/13/1907 Active
Butler, John Ptl SW 04/21/1879 04/25/1908 Active
Bruff, John A Sgt C 05/06/1898 05/03/1908 Active
Bromwell, Henry S Ptl W 12/30/1907 09/20/1908 Active
Bradley, William J Sgt C 12/02/1884 04/02/1909 Retire
Brown, Thomas Tun S 11/14/1869 08/02/1909 Retire
Bell, Thomas L Ptl C 02/13/1877 09/25/1909 Retire
Brydon, Edward R Pt1 SW 01/07/1879 10/28/1909 Retire
Bowling, William E Ptl E 12/13/1877 11/17/1910 Retire
Barker, William Sgt c 04/29/1867 03/18/1911 Retire
Burns, John P Ptl c 09/25/1891 05/10/1911 Active
Brown, James F Sgt NW 05/31/1886 06/04/1911 Active
Bachman, John Tun E 12/27/1882 01/12/1912 Active
Browne, James R Det HQ 09/05/1891 08/09/1912 Retire
Bouchet, Joseph A Pt1 C 04/27/1867 10/29/1912 Retire
Busch, William H Sgt NW 08/24/1880 11/07/1912 Retire
Bailey, George W Ptl NW 02/02/1880 04/28/1913 Retire
Bond, Carroll E Tun NE 12/01/1900 06/02/1914 Active
Bitzell, Herbert Ptl NW 02/12/1913 09/20/1915 Active
Baker, John Cpt NW 05/22/1867 01/02/1906 Retire
Bullock, Edwin B Sgt NE 10/11/1888 03/20/1916 Retire
Berney, John J Ptl W 04/21/1881 05/09/1916 Retire
Barday, James L Tun NW 11/21/1899 01/03/1917 Retire
Barber, Philip J Cpt NE 04/10/1869 01/16/1917 Retire
Bums, Michael J Ptl N 10/22/1915 01/22/1917 Active
Bums, John J Sgt NW 07/03/1902 03/08/1917 Active
Bandel, George W Ptl C 12/26/1889 05/31/1917 Active
Berget, Philip R Sgt W 09/03/1867 12/12/1917 Retire
Burkins, William Ptl W 05/01/1867 02/13/1918 Retire
Boston, James H Pt1 NE 06/13/1884 03/11/1918 Retire
Brunnee, Joseph Jr Tun W 04/09/1886 05/14/1918 Retire
Barraniger, Tomas Cpt NE 07/20/1867 06/24/1918 Retire
Barrell, Albert L Ptl C 03/10/1899 02/25/1919 Active
Broderick, Timothy Sgt SW 09/04/1875 04/21/1919 Retire
Barwick, Richard Sgt N 04/24/1897 07/04/1919 Active
Blake, James Ptl C 01/21/1871 07/20/1919 Retire
Byrnes, Thomas W Ptl SW 05/15/1910 09/25/1919 Active
Bauis, William J Ptl NE 11/02/1905 10/30/1919 Active
Breeze, John Ptl NW 02/11/1919 02/11/1920 Active
Byrur, Hugh J Sgt NW 04/19/1901 07/09/1921 Active
Bradley, Peter B Det HQ 06/01/1888 07/27/1921 Active
Bosch, Philip Sgt E 04/15/1879 09/11/1922 Retire
Bums, William F T&S S 10/01/1908 08/15/1923 Active
Byrnes, Bernard D Ptl HQ 06/28/1873 10/17/1925 Retire
Barry, Thomas J Lt SW 12/18/1897 12/24/1925 Retire
Burgess, William H Ptl TRF 03/08/1889 01/28/1926 Retire
Begnelle, Charles R Ptl S 05/03/1898 03/11/1926 Retire
Bishop, Charles R Ptl W 01/02/1903 08/22/1926 Active
Brannan, Hugh E Ptl TRF 09/26/1914 09/02/1926 Active
Brady, Martin Ptl SW 03/24/1904 11/13/1926 Active
Burroughs, William P Ptl NE 04/29/1922 01/13/1927 Active
Binder, Charles Sgt C 01/02/1912 02/17/1927 Active
Brandt, John H Ptl NE 02/21/1876 11/09/1927 Retire
Bull, Clarence Ptl C 01/31/1900 04/11/1928 Retire
Bowers, George Pt1 SW 06/21/1886 08/27/1928 Retire
Barranger, John L Lt W 01/02/1893 09/10/1928 Retire
Broadfoot, William J Ptl E 01/01/1900 11/17/1928 Retire
Busick, Robert H Pt1 C 09/18/1890 02/18/1929 Retire
Batchelor, Charles G Ptl NW 09/25/1896 03/23/1929 Retire
Burkhardt, John G. E. Ptl NE 12/21/1898 10/29/1929 Retire
Buckley, Daniel B Sgt SW 06/15/1886 04/23/1930 Retire
Betki, Michael M Ptl NW 10/28/1925 06/06/1930 Retire
Byrne, Catherine MAT NW 05/16/1923 10/02/1930 Active
Berney, Thomas A Lt HQ 07/26/1901 10/02/1930 Retire
Bums, John P Ptl NW 01/06/1921 01/07/1931 Active
Behrens, Manno Ptl E 01/14/1881 08/08/1931 Retire
Baker, James C Ptl E 01/24/1884 09/16/1931 Retire
Burton, Goerge W Pt1 E 01/01/1888 11/17/1931 Retire
Bell, William R Ptl NW 10/01/1908 01/05/1932 Active
Bailey, Charles H Ptl NE 05/08/1924 02/23/1932 Active
Bozman, Charles R Ptl NE 01/13/1927 03/05/1932 Active
Bums, Walter Tun NW 10/13/1888 03/18/1932 Retire
Busick, James E Ptl NE 12/01/1900 04/10/1932 Retire
Brown, James B Ptl N 07/28/1897 06/09/1932 Retire
Bryne, Robert R Ptl NE 01/14/1932 10/18/1932 Active
Buckles, Thomas E Sgt E 08/20/1872 11/17/1932 Retire
Brady, Patrick Ptl E 06/23/1902 11/19/1932 Active
Bortel, Caleb H Ptl W 04/23/1886 01/15/1933 Retire
Bums, Charles H Cpt HQ 05/20/1904 03/09/1933 Active
Bleck, John R. J. Ptl S 10/22/1920 04/21/1933 Active
Bradley, Edward F Ptl TRF 03/29/1923 05/01/1933 Active
Butschky, Henry E Ptl SW 09/13/1923 08/31/1933 Active
Blank, John Ptl NE 12/07/1922 02/12/1934 Active
Boone, Samuel R Cpt HQ 11/24/1888 03/13/1934 Retire
Brennan, Peter Lt HQ 12/02/1880 03/18/1934 Retire
Bryan, James J Ptl HQ 05/17/1883 04/25/1934 Active
Burkard, Anthony Ptl C 03/11/1907 06/06/1934 Active
Bough, Anthony R Ptl NE 12/01/1900 08/31/1934 Retire
Bowersox, Charles E Ptl N 07/01/1888 09/20/1934 Retire
Burton, Olin Ptl W 03/11/1921 12/13/1934 Active
Becker, Kasper Ptl HQ 04/11/1912 01/10/1935 Retire
Baker, Charles H Sgt N 04/30/1904 01/16/1935 Active
Busick, Robert H. S. Ptl N 05/08/1924 03/24/1935 Active
Boone, Walter E Ptl TRF 06/04/1908 09/23/1935 Retire
Ballard, George R Ptl NW 01/27/1902 12/12/1935 Active
Bates, Harry S Ptl W 06/09/1911 01/18/1936 Retire
Bacon, Leo Ptl TRF 12/31/1927 10/09/1936 Active
Blome, George F Ptl E 12/08/1902 11/12/1936 Retire
Busch, William Ptl C 06/29/1894 05/10/1937 Active
Brandt, George R Ptl E 02/05/1915 06/11/1937 Retire
Beck, George W Pt1 W 07/24/1912 11/20/1937 Retire
Barlow, Thomas J Ptl NE 11/14/1919 12/31/1937 Active*
Barranger, Charles F Lt HQ 02/10/1905 03/08/1938 Active
Booker, Philip Ptl SW 11/30/1900 10/09/1938 Retire
Burnham, Charles C Lt HQ 01/01/1909 11/06/1938 Retire
Buresch, Charles F Ptl NW 05/29/1924 09/21/1939 Active
Brandt, Charles C Sgt W 01/03/1907 10/26/1939 Retire
Black, George R Pt1 SW 10/09/1903 12/13/1939 Retire
Bums, Edward J Lt SW 02/24/1919 02/06/1941 Active
Badger, Clarence E Ptl NE 04/27/1922 12/05/1941 Active
Burton, Ray Ptl TRF 10/02/1923 12/16/1941 Active
Becker, Ernest R Sgt HQ 05/01/1914 01/13/1942 Active
Beltz, George Ptl W 02/28/1910 04/13/1942 Active
Bodenbender, Edward Ptl C 07/14/1910 05/12/1942 Active
Burns, Herman Lt E 10/01/1896 07/02/1942 Retire
Bender, George Jr Ptl E 06/27/1940 07/04/1942 Active
Biswanger, George Ptl NW 05/29/1901 08/22/1944 Retire
Bavis, Charles M Sgt E 02/06/1908 11/21/1936 Active
Ballard, L. J. Ptl SW 10/11/1886

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Det John Calpin CD / DEU  HERE 
P/O Robert Cortina  ED / TAC 
P/O Luen N. Compton Jr - (Cadet) - SD 
P/O Cathy Calhoun – SWD – TAC – CSD – SD 
Sgt. Daniel Calhoun – SD – Traffic – SWD – CID  
Sgt. Timothy Crowther CD - Ghost shift - WD – Communications

Agent Eugene Cassidy 
Lt. Jim Carnes - WD - SSx1, BSx3, CRx23, OOTYx2
Lt.Aubrey (Bud) Carder, SW, Communications, Tac , best for last CD - RR1968x1 / CRx6
Michael CrockerWD, Helicopter Unit   
George W Clary 
Sgt. Ed Coleman WD, SED, Marine Unit- Silver Star
Major Thomas Cassella WD, SED, SWD, ED, K9
Ted Cox NWD, SED, K9  
Tom Cutler Sgt CD   EOD 5-22-75 short number C206 old seq 15185 badge 710 off. Sgt 75. Ret CD.
P/O Roxi Cotton
Dianna Ckyyou SED
Dale Copeland WD, SED
Jim Comegna Sr  HERE
William Crim WD, CID

P/O Jeffrey Cardwell Sr. CD- SE
P/O Gary Cichowicz SD
P/O Mike Cichowicz CD - SD
Maj. Joseph A Chianca Jr. CD - NE
P/O Ernest Coppage Sr.
Roxanne Cotton NWD - DEU - MCU - VU - ATU - VCID - VCIS - Ucx2 / OOTYx1
P/O Sibille Cook SD
Det. John Calpin CD - DEU
Det. Robert H Cooper  
Sgt. John Cree, B-836, 4/5/1973-12/21/1993. CD, ND, NED 

P/O Mike Cassizzi
Sam Cannan
Capt. James Cadden  HERE
P/O Donald Chase

P/O Ernest Coppage Sr.
Sgt. Nick Caprinolo
P/O Michelle Cheatham CD
Sgt. Bill Cheuvront CD
P/O Kathy Irwin Conrad
P/O William Crim
Det. Kerry Councill CD - MCU - CID/Homicide - OOTY - CLx50+
Sgt. Bob ChristieWD
Campanaro Joseph J.
Carlton, Stewart CD
Chaney, Edward CD - MCU - DDU - UCx2 / SRx1 / 20YRSD / CLx50+
Canning John
Carberry John F.
Carlin Bruce
Carmichael George B.
Carnes Elmer
Carter Earl
Cassidy Thomas R.
Catania Richard M.
Chase Donald R.
Cheryl J. Mewbourne
Ches, Jr. Stephen J.
Cicero Frank
Cirri Stephen J.
Clark John P.
Clark Ronald J.
Clark William
Clark William T.
Clarke Robert E.
Clayton, Jr. William B.
Cline Sr. Herbert E.
Robert E Crispens Sr  HERE
Robert E Crispens Jr   HERE

Cole Joseph B.
Coll Francis J.
Comegna Horace F.
Conroy John R.
Cook Douglas
Cook George H.
Cooke Elizabeth C.
Cookus David T.
Cooper Juanita
Cooper, Sr. William A.
Cordwell Francis
Cordwell, Sr. Arthur R.
Costeer Douglas G.
Coster Paul F.
Couch, Jr. Flan
Cousins Furrie
Cowan, Jr. John S.
Craig Olwine W.
Craig William J.
Crane Eugene A.
Cross Alan
Crutchfield Mitchell
Cunningham John J.
Curreri Carmelo S.
Curry William H.
Custis James W.
Cvach James L.  
JC Carlson 98-1 - G234 - SWD   
Ronald K. Carrigan - H608 - E.O.D 4-18-88  
Patricia Cochrane C599, NED, Women's Detention, CD EOD 9/17/79  Badge 980  

Callan, Thomas J Ptl E 06/29/1885 11/04/1888 Active
Carey, John Ptl NW 05/10/1870 08/20/1889 Active
Conway, Patrick Ptl S 12/28/1872 01/23/1890 Retire
Cook, Charles E Ptl W 10/14/1886 05/05/1891 Active
Cannoles, Francis Ptl NW 03/09/1877 06/03/1891 Active
Chandler, Peter Ptl S 08/23/1889 02/02/1892 Active
Cook, John Ptl SW 05/06/1867 08/04/1893 Active
Chaney, Charles P Ptl C 04/29/1867 07/27/1894 Active 
Carey, Timothy Ptl S 09/21/1871 01/16/1897 Retire
Chesgreen, William J Ptl C 10/08/1868 08/30/1897 Retire
Cobsey, Richard J Ptl SW 11/18/1890 06/11/1898 Active
Crosbie, Thomas H Ptl C 07/14/1869 07/04/1898 Retire
Clairbome, Charles H Cpt S 12/21/1868 11/06/1899 Retire
Calrk, Charles H Ptl S 06/04/1870 11/03/1899 Retire
Coleman, Charles L Ptl E 08/31/1867 02/28/1900 Retire
Cline, Daniel H Ptl NW 10/02/1875 05/28/1900 Retire
Creamer, Anthony Ptl SW 08/14/1868 09/02/1900 Retire
Cole, Lewis D Ptl C 12/06/1886 10/04/1901 Active
Carrick, Thomas L Ptl NW 10/01/1889 12/31/1902 Active
Crawford, John 0 Ptl NW 10/21/1881 06/07/1904 Retire
Carter, Isaac T Ptl NE 10/16/1876 02/19/1904 Retire
Clowe, John H Sgt W 11/16/1877 05/07/1905 Retire
Crook, Thomas B Sgt W 02/10/1871 10/28/1905 Retire
Clayton, Elmor S Ptl W 04/04/1893 06/14/1906 Active
Carvey, Michael T Sgt W 03/14/1887 03/11/1907 Retire
Carroll, Larkin C Ptl NW 06/01/1888 03/25/1907 Retire
Connor, John T Ptl E 04/05/1888 04/08/1907 Active
Chaney, Van Lear Ptl N 09/14/1903 01/03/1908 Active
Cain, James Ptl E 12/03/1874 02/10/1908 Retire
Cadden, Thomas Ptl E 10/15/1881 04/07/1909 Retire
Campbell, George L Ptl NE 05/07/1867 04/16/1909 Retire
Collins, Joseph D Lt S 07/30/1868 12/03/1909 Retire
Clark, Patrick J Sgt S 04/27/1887 03/21/1910 Active
Carr, Alexander R Sgt HQ 10/03/1877 04/19/1910 Retire
Connelly, William Ptl E 12/12/1867 04/24/1910 Retire
Chadlon, Augustus Sgt W 11/12/1867 07/11/1911 Retire
Carroll, John T Ptl NW 10/10/1898 08/04/1911 Retire
Cox, John Thomas Ptl C 05/01/1871 08/19/1911 Retire
Consindinr, Patrick Ptl W 12/02/1872 11/24/1911 Retire
Coughlin, Joseph E Det HQ 09/17/1896 01/22/1914 Active
Carter, William C Ptl C 01/18/1907 02/21/1914 Active
Chambers, Edward M Ptl NW 12/01/1900 08/13/1914 Active
Cullen, Jeremiah W Pt1 C 10/07/1871 12/22/1914 Retire
Clarke, Thomas Ptl NW 08/29/1889 08/03/1915 Retire
Carroll, James H Lt NW 05/27/1869 10/13/1915 Retire
Cook, William Pt1 W 04/08/1871 10/26/1915 Retire
Command, John Ptl E 08/03/1870 11/17/1915 Retire
Costello, Patrick S Ptl NW 04/30/1867 04/10/1916 Retire
Caldwell, Audrea T CLK NE 04/28/1875 10/01/1916 Retire
Clans, Frederick Ptl C 05/06/1880 03/21/1917 Retire
Collins, George W Sgt HQ 01/02/1902 11/06/1917 Active
Croghan, Peter V Ptl E 04/21/1893 11/09/1917 Retire
Casey, James D Ptl N 11/23/1892 01/18/1918 Active
Carlos, John Tun W 10/25/1872 06/02/1918 Retire
Crate, Trink Lt NE 02/27/1877 04/10/1919 Retire
Clantice, George Sgt C 09/23/1873 07/08/1919 Retire
Concannon, John P Sgt E 04/01/1901 10/03/1919 Active
Cox, John R Ptl E 04/15/1878 12/22/1919 Retire
Carrick, William J Ptl NE 07/26/1876 10/14/1920 Retire
Cluskey, Daniel B RSgt SW 09/12/1886 12/11/1920 Active
Crawford, James Ptl E 04/09/1886 04/01/1923 Active
Canby, Winfield S Lt N 04/22/1880 02/14/1924 Retire
Crowe, William J Pt1 N 06/29/1888 02/28/1924 Retire
Coale, James M Ptl NW 06/27/1892 08/24/1924 Retire
Cadwalladh, Lewis W Cpt w 04/23/1867 09/06/1924 Retire
Casey, James Lt N 06/01/1888 12/01/1924 Retire
Clemens, John L Ptl C 08/15/1917 01/06/1925 Active
Conniff, Patrick Ptl C 06/06/1913 05/18/1925 Active
Carney, Owen B Ptl NW 02/02/1886 12/18/1925 Active
Cassidy, Thomas R Ptl NE 04/30/1885 05/15/1926 Active
Chapman, Sheldon Pt1 N 04/16/1920 02/23/1927 Active
Convoy, Richard Ptl C 05/02/1887 03/21/1927 Retire
Carey, William F Lt HQ 11/12/1894 07/26/1927 Active
Clampitt, William K Ptl NW 10/12/1903 10/19/1927 Retire
Cavanaugh, Matthew Ptl S 11/27/1875 08/27/1928 Retire
Carroll, Joseph F Sgt HQ 08/06/1907 11/19/1928 Active~
Calncy, James J Sgt HQ 12/10/1900 11/27/1928 Active
Cole, C. Wallace Ptl E 07/27/1886 05/04/1929 Active
Carroll, John T Sgt N 07/28/1897 01/08/1931 Retire
Charllou, Lewis Sgt C 04/10/1882 11/09/1930 Active
Collins, Leslie N Ptl TRF 02/17/1926 07/19/1931 Active
Carey, Cornelius J Sgt N 03/21/1884 08/18/1931 Retire
Cadden, John J Ptl SW 12/01/1922 08/23/1931 Active
Carey, Edward W Cpt HQ 08/17/1896 11/10/1931 Active
Clautice, Francis P Ptl NE 05/31/1901 07/08/1932 Retire
Cademore, Albert E Ptl NE 04/20/1905 01/29/1933 Retire
Coolahan, Edward F Ptl E 05/05/1921 08/22/1934 Retire
Casey, John A Lt HQ 04/09/1886 03/17/1935 Retire
Comen, James P Lt HQ 03/04/1907 06/07/1935 Retire
Conthroarte, Arthur T Ptl NE 10/10/1890 02/17/1936 Retire
Cooper, Albert T Ptl N 02/13/1914 05/20/1936 Active
Carter, Robert Mar HQ 05/12/1884 10/22/1936 Retire
Cole, Charles M Cpt W 03/16/1900 12/25/1936 Retire
Coffay, John P Ptl NW 03/14/1895 03/07/1937 Active
Cadwallador, Edgar C Lt S 05/06/1907 04/08/1938 Active
Clautice, George B Sgt C 11/03/1884 03/18/1938 Retire
Cooper, Patrick Ptl C 11/21/1891 08/31/1938 Retire
Chooper, James Ptl NE 10/10/1904 09/14/1938 Retire
Cash, Patrick Ptl E 12/07/1885 10/06/1938 Retire
Claassen, Diderich H Sgt E 05/22/1914 01/18/1939 Active
Cusick, Martin CLK HQ 05/19/1910 06/12/1939 Active
Cusick, William J Ptl E 06/04/1917 12/14/1939 Active
Cullison, William T Ptl SW 12/29/1897 05/06/1940 Retire
Coffey, John Ptl NE 08/05/1904 08/21/1940 Retire
Callahan, William H Ptl W 01/09/1899 11/27/1940 Retire
Crispens, James F Ptl E 12/18/1922 11/17/1944 Active
Coulter, Alfred Sgt S 05/08/1924 03/24/1942 Active
Coughlin, Charles F PHY HQ 04/06/1925 08/10/1933 Active
Cain, Matthew Ptl C 12/29/1888 10/2911907 Retire
Carr, Nicholas Ptl NW 03/31/1880 11/13/1933 Retire
Coulbome, John P Lt E 03/14/1895 03/07/1937 Active
Collins, Howard L Ptl NW 07/16/1914 01/02/1941 Active*
Corberry, Richard H Sr Sgt SW 08/05/1886 05/09/1941 Retire
Cusack, Tomas Ptl W 05/29/1901 06/29/1941 Retire
Carroll, John L Cpt S 07/21/1904 07/02/1941 Active
Coughlin, Peter Ptl C 03/25/1899 07/12/1941 Retire
Collinson, Joseph M Ptl TRF 04/12/1912 12/28/1941
Carson, Thomas W. D. Ptl SW 09/05/1885 05/05/1890 Active 

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Maj Delmar “Sonny” Dickson Jr. CD – SED – NWD – Homicide – SWD – NED 
P/O Scott Dickson - ND 
Lt. Jerry DeManss WD ( Officer and Sergeant), SWD, CCT#1, 
Tac QRT, NWD, E&T. - MoH - HERE
Capt. James S.M.DiPino
P/O Bryan Donahue CD - QRT 
P/O Michael Dunn - SD - ED - NWD - MU - HP - Honor Guard - COV - SS - BS - LSA - CR 
P/O James M Distler CD 
P/O Noraima Dejesus-Willem SED

Sgt. Paul Davis WD, TIS
Maj. William Davis WD, CID, SWD (Sgt) SED, ND, CD (Lt), WD, CID, SED (Deputy Major), SED (Major)
Mark Daugherty NWD, SED, K9
Margaret Duffy SD, SED
P/O George Doxzen CD - SD
P/O Gary Dresser WD - MoH - HERE
P/O Mike Driscoll NE
Det. Shirley Disney CD
Dunn, Paul G.  SE - Academy / Cov - CR
Sgt. Dunn, Michael P. ND - TAC / CoV - (Was a member of the Honor Guard)
Sgt. Fred Dillon
Maj. John Dodson CD / BS
Sgt. Sue Dillman
P/O Mike DeBord CD
Det. Sgt. David Randy Dull CD - MCU - DDU - MoVx1 / UCx3 / SR
Sgt Paul Davis - TIS
Det. Kenny Driscoll (Historian) CD - MCU - DDU - CoVx2 / UCx3 / BSx3 / CRx2 / SRx1 / OOTYx7 / 15YRSD / PHx1 / CLx99+ / and Member in the American Police Hall of Fame - HERE
Det. Charles Bealefeld Homicide - BSx1 / UCx2 / CRx3
Kenneth DeLuca
Dalton Joseph
Danielak Adam F.
Darby Warren E.
Davis Marshall E.
Dawson Mary G.
Day,Sr. Robert
DeAngelis Thomas D.
Deares George
Decker John C.
Dedmon Leroy P.
Degenhard Carroll T.
DeHuff Roberta B.
Delahanty William E.
Dent Harold J.
DePaola William J.
Derrenberger Gordon E.
Derrenberger William J.
Dever Paul L.
DeWitt Arthur W.
Dickerson William P.
Digelman Bernard J.
Dillow Leroy E.
Dimmer James G.
DiPietro Vincent F.
DiStefano,Jr. John L.
DiStefano,Jr. Louis
Divens Ethyle T.
Dix Edward J.
Dobyns Griffin S.
Doda Albert J.
Donohue Francis X.
Donohue John P.
Dowling Herbert G.
Downey John A.
Downey Vincent
Drakos Gus A.
Dranbauer Jr. Vernon L.
Dressel Frank
DuBois Maurice D.
Duggins Darrell R.
Dungan Maurice E.
Dunn ,II Thomas S.
Dunn, Sr. Edward J.
Dyson, Sr. Donald
Dziuba Sophia M. 
Dean Robert E.   
Barbara Dais E168, Det. class 87-5, EOD 10/2/87-4/5/04 worked: CD, ECU, CRIME LAB
Scott Dickson F306 ND 12/29/93-12/30/13 
Denise C. Dietz-McElroy  S-448. EOD 15 September 1982 Retired 31 March 2019. 

Diggs, Daniel E Sgt E 05/07/1867 03/03/1890 Active
Donohoe, Patrick J Ptl C 08/20/1886 08/17/1890 Active
Droste, William H DMar HQ 06/05/1868 09/16/1893 Active
Dunn, James J Ptl c 12/18/1890 06/20/1894 Active
Dunn, Edward Tun c 11/24/1874 08/04/1894 Retire
Dahle, George Ptl c 08/21/1884 03/17/1895 Active
Dailey, John J Ptl s 06/01/1888 10/17/1895 Retire
Dolan, Michael Ptl c 02/01/1871 08/28/1896 Retire
Donovan, Timothy Ptl sw 06/01/1888 09/04/1896 Active
Dull, George Sgt s 04/25/1867 06/02/1897 Retire
Dingle, Henry Ptl s 07/31/1878 03/26/1898 Active
Dyer, Harry C Ptl sw 06/18/1898 11/26/1898 Active
Donnelly, Bernard Ptl NW 09/15/1871 03/27/1901 Retire
Dursker, Henry H Ptl NE 05/06/1867 11/30/1901 Retire
Doyle, Bernard Sgt NW 09/07/1887 12/16/1904 Active
Donohue, Charles J Ptl NW 08/20/1901 05/20/1902 Active
Doerr, Charles T Ptl E 02/18/1897 05/23/1903 Retire
Davis, John W Ptl E 04/04/1881 11/22/1903 Active
Draued, George R Ptl c 05/07/1867 08/28/1904 Retire
Dailey, James M Ptl N 10/20/1888 01/05/1905 Active
Dubois, Edward S CLK sw 04/09/1886 04/16/1905 Active
Deal, George E Ptl E 04/01/1901 10/15/1905 Active
Davis, John Ptl c 09/10/1873 01/05/1907 Retire
Dwyer, Charles A Ptl N 04/07/1896 02/11/1907 Active
Donaldson, Stephen CHF E 08/22/1907 09/07/1909 Active
Devon, John T Tun N 10/11/1872 03/16/1910 Retire
Demilein, George Ptl E 05/23/1894 05/12/1910 Active
Dick, George B Ptl c 08/08/1899 12/07/1910 Active
Doyle, William F Ptl s 08/02/1869 01/21/1914 Retire
Dirtz, John Ptl c 12/20/1871 08/02/1916 Retire
Dunn, William E Ptl N 12/14/1905 10/07/1916 Active
Drihen,-David Ptl NW 05/07/1867 03/02/1917 Retire
Dougherty, Michael Ptl E 01/04/1906 06/28/1917 Active
Dodson, Lawrence E Sgt NW 12/10/1900 08/22/1917 Active
Dempsey, John M Ptl HQ 10/02/1905 07/29/1918 Active
Dunkin, Anthony J Ptl NW 04/30/1904 06/03/1919 Active
Dorsey, John B Ptl HQ 10/13/1871 11/03/1919 Retire
Daniels, William J Ptl NE 02/06/1899 01/06/1920 Retire
Davidson, Frederick Ptl s 04/17/1911 02/06/1920 Active
Donohue, James B CHF NE 03/31/1905 09/27/1922 Active
Dengler, George Ptl E 04/12/1893 05/13/1924 Retire
Detrich, Andrew Pt1 E 03/13/1903 04/27/1925 Retire
Devon, Francis P Sgt HQ 04/10/1882 12/19/1925 Active
Davis, Robert T T&S E 10/03/1925 05/20/1926 Active
Dillon, Thomas J CLK NW 03/12/1912 07/12/1926 Active*
Damtiz, John Ptl E 05/05/1906 02/20/1927 Retire
Doebler, William F Ptl NW 09/03/1919 08/05/1927 Active
Douchler, George H Ptl NW 03/06/1924 12/21/1937 Active
Davis, William F Det HQ 03/14/1921 06/01/1928 Active
Dunn, John T Sgt c 08/12/1896 02/05/1929 Active
Demoss, John M Ptl NW 01/02/1893 11/15/1929 Retire
Danaher, Josephine MAT NE 08/31/1907 01/26/1931 Active
Dempsey, Thomas F Lt N 05/26/1888 09/10/1931 Retire
Dirken, James P Lt HQ 02/13/1908 10/18/1931 Retire
Dorn, Charles P Ptl NW 09/18/1878 03/26/1932 Retire
Doley, James Tun NE 09/25/1905 08/17/1933 Retire
Davis, Pinkney PHY HQ 07/01/1920 07/10/1934 Active
Dick, James K Ptl NE 03/23/1899 04/06/1936 Retire
Davis, Robert Lt c 07/27/1899 05/03/1936 Active
Donhauser, Henry A Sgt E 05/29/1901 08/22/1936 Retire
Dempsey, James J Ptl c 01/31/1900 12/27/1936 Active
Dunn, Matthew J Lt HQ 04/28/1913 01/09/1937 Active
Delaney, John J Ptl N 04/01/1901 01/19/1937 Active
Druschler, Frank C Tun c 02/22/1900 04/10/1937 Retire
Dobson, August N Ptl c 04/16/1920 05/09/1937 Active
Durkin, Patrick J Ptl c 10/13/1913 07/30/1937 Active
Debring, Anthony Pt1 s 01/11/1883 10/14/1937 Retire
Doherty, Edward E Lt w 05/29/1901 12/24/1937 Active
Duerr, Valentine H Pt1 NW 07/30/1892 03/24/1938 Retire
Dougherty, Edward J Hostler TRF 04/01/1905 05/05/1938 Active
Day, John C Lt HQ 03/19/1895 01/06/1940 Retire
Durham, Arthur Sgt sw 05/20/1912 01/17/1940 Retire
Dittell, Edward Sgt HQ 09/01/1904 02/14/1940 Retire
Dirtz, Charles L Pt1 w 12/10/1900 02/25/1942 Retire
Dempsey, James E PI NW 01/20/1926 05/21/1942 Retire
Doyle, Nora MAT w 06/25/1902 12/12/1942 Retire
Deems, John Ptl s 09/11/1882 04/28/1913 Retire
Debus, Louis Sgt s 04/10/1886 02/04/1914 Active
Dyser, Luke J. Ptl sw 06/01/1888 04/23/1916 Retire
Drugan, Anna M MAT N 03/01/1888 04/09/1902 Active
Donnelly, John Ptl E10/02/1902 02/08/1931 Active

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Sgt Melisa Enos NWD - WD - Sex Offense - SWD
Det. Jimmy Eigner CD - MCU - DDU / UCx2 / CRx2 / OOTYx3 / CLx50+
Det. John Emminizer CD - MCU - IID - CIF / UCx2 / OOTYx2
P/O Parker Edwards III
John Emrick  WD - T.I.S

Kent Edmondson SED
P/O David Eastman - Mounted - Motors HERE
Earhardt Francis A.
Early, Wayne P/O CD - CRx2 / SPx1
Earle Herman G.
Sgt. Earle Eagan ND - SD - MCU - UCx1
Sgt. Marvin Froneberger- ED, WD
John Freund- WD
Eble,Jr. George E.
Eckstorm Henry K.
Elder Francis O.
Elton John B.
Emich Edwin F.
Engle, Sr. Joseph R.
Ennd William J.
Epple Maurice A.  
Lewis Ely – Sgt. - E313 - ED – Communications  

Ernst Francis
Esler Charles J.
Eunick Edward
Evans John D.
Evans, Jr. Chester
Ewing Rovert V.
Ey Herbert W.
Eyler, Jr. Charles E.    
Deidre Booker-Eames 93-6 -  F257 - BADGE 541 - EOD 11/12/93 -  SW -  COMMUNICATIONS - CD - ECU  

Emery, Walter H Ptl NW 05/07/1867 01/18/1897 Retire
Escavaille, George S Ptl NW 04/13/1886 11/17/1902 Active
Eustace, Levi Ptl E 04/25/1881 07/01/1909 Retire
Egan, John J Ptl sw 12/25/1885 09/20/1912 Retire
Evans, George N Lt sw 04/11/1874 03/03/1914 Retire
Eppley, John A Ptl NE 11/15/1871 05/11/1916 Retire
Emerine, George Ptl NE 08/12/1876 08/08/1918 Retire
Ehmling, George P Ptl N 11/13/1913 10/12/1918 Active
Eilbacher, Lewis H Sgt w 04/12/1886 03/06/1922 Active
Ellis, August Ptl E 02/04/1907 07/18/1922 Active
Emrich, Mary CHW w 04/16/1897 04/17/1923 Active
Eagan, Thomas Sgt s 01/07/1890 02/08/1924 Retire
Engleton, Margaret B Ptl W HQ 07/22/1912 10/03/1929 Active
Eser, Charles N Ptl E 11/05/1897 11/10/1931 Retire
Eagan, Frank Tun E 11/14/1919 03/26/1932 Active
Eckert, Bernard E BE HQ 12/01/1922 05/22/1935 Active
Emerick, Frederick C Ptl NW 10/09/1890 10/07/1935 Retire
Ely, Charles Ptl NE 03/12/1925 10/13/1937 Active
English, Martin B Ptl c 01/02/1893 10/19/1904 Active
Eisenhut, William Ptl NE 04/14/1899 06/01/1927 Active
Elder, Hilary J Ptl NW 02/05/1896 12/31/1900 Active
Edwards, David Ptl E' 10/06/1879 06/01/1901 Active

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P/O Fred Fitch

P/O Mark Frank WD/SED
P/O Toni Furlong
P/O Bill Furlong
P/O Rob Furlong Jr

Lt W Thompson Fields
P/O William "Bill" Furlong Sr.
Sgt. Ron Flemming
Sgt. George W. Freeman III SS - BS - CR
Jonathan Fry  Sgt SD BS LSA
Sergeant Philip J. Flood - HERE
P/O Ron Farley Sr.
P/O Cassandra Farley
Sgt. Robert W. Foltz
WD, TAC, QRT, Helicopter Unit, & E&T (Range)

P/O Aaron Faulkner
James Fisher - WD
Ed Frye - WD
Farace Philip C.
Feimer William
Fetrow Clarence E.
Fialkowski Norbert S.
Finn James E.
Fischer Bernard
Fitzpatrick Patrick P.
Flemke Carl F.
Flynn Joseph R.
Fogarty William L.
Folio, Sr. Joseph C.
France Russell L.
Frazier,Sr. Carlton A.
Freeburger Martin E.
Freeman Melvin P.
Freund Milton C.
Fuchs George G.
Fulton, Sr. Douglas R. 
Franklin Eugene L.  
Kevin Forrester P/O AGT - D/Sgt, E800 92-1 - 5/1/1992 - ED Flex & DEU - Tac - QRT/SWAT – Sgt SED - CID – Homicide - CIS - Gang Unit – JTTF - Watch Center & MCAC-FBI 
Michael Fisher D428 82-6A EOD 11-04-82  CD – WD – ND – SED – NWD - NED 

Fay, Ella H HMAT HQ 06/01/1892 02/10/1917 Active
Fink, Jacob Ptl SW 04/30/1887 04/05/1971 Retire
Fall, Cecelia MAT HQ 02/28/1910 03/18/1918 Active
French, Samuel J Ptl C 05/31/1901 03/27/1918 Active
Frock, George F Ptl N 08/13/1892 11/27/1923 Retire
Frank, Charles L Ptl S 11/08/1923 06/20/1924 Active
Forrest, William J Sr. 1888 - Sgt - HERE
Forrest, William J Jr. Sgt C 05/01/1911 02/12/1956 Active - HERE
Freeman, Richard E Lt HQ 11/22/1898 10/27/1925 Active
Finch, Charles H.D. Ptl W 06/10/1899 01/04/1926 Retire
Freedenberg, John M Sgt HQ 09/03/1889 06/01/1927 Retire
Fetsch, John M Sgt HQ 08/21/1884 08/12/1927 Retire
Ford, James C Ptl C 07/20/1920 01/24/1928 Active
Furlong, John Ptl NE 06/02/1892 07/15/1928 Retire
Fersterman, William L Ptl TRF 09/13/1923 12/25/1935 Active
Freeman, Margaret  M MAT N 12/15/1927 02/18/1936 Active
Fischback, Andrew Ptl S 01/29/1906 08/27/1936 Retire
Ferris, Thomas Ptl NE 04/07/1896 05/05/1937 Retire
F erdt, Raleigh J Ptl S 05/31/1901 12/27/1937 Retire
Ferris, Thomas J Ptl S 04/12/1911 01/11/1939 Retire
Fritz, William F Ptl S 05/09/1921 01/25/1939 Active
Frizzel, Charles W Ptl E 10/20/1932 05/05/1939 Retire
Ford, JohnN Ptl NE 07/27/1887 10/01/1939 Retire
Farley, Edward J Sr Ptl S 05/15/1928 10/25/1939 Active
Frazier, Webster B Lt NE 05/20/1899 05/01/1940 Retire
Frederick, Henry W Ptl NW 04/13/1886 04/08/1940 Retire
Farley, Charles F Ptl C 02/10/1898 01/18/1941 Retire
Fischer, John R Tun S 04/17/1923 05/01/1941 Active
Fritchery, Eugene F Ptl W 06/27/1935 06/02/1942 Active
Fiorucci, Hugo A Ptl W 03/29/1929 11/17/1938 Active
Frirl, Ellen L MAT E 06/01/1892 06/26/1910 Retire
Flood, Philip Sgt S 11/11/1882 01/06/1913 Active
Farnan, Thomas F Mars HQ 04/30/1867 07/20/1915 Retire
Fairbanks, William  Ptl S 05/01/1867 11/19/1921 Retire
Freeman, Edward B Ptl E 04/02/1888 01/04/1922 Retire
Fergusson, William C Lt N 09/20/1901 07/31/1933 Retire
Fousek, Joseph F Ptl C 05/18/1898 08/29/1920 Retire
Fields, Charles L Ptl C 11/25/1904 09/11/1920 Active
Farrell, Charles J Ptl NW 06/06/1886 10/02/1920 Retire

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Sgt. Jon Glazerman - P/O - SGT - SD - SWD - SED – FOP Commendation, 10 YRSD - 2015 RR - SC 
Detective Jeff Gary 
Det. David A Greene - NWD  - CID - IAD - CID - Child Abuse  
James R. Griffin - NWD - NED  
Ross S. Griffin - NED - TIU
Lt. Tracy Geho - CID
Lt. Philip Gonyo - K9 - CD

Groncki, John - K-9
Groncki, Robert - CID
Sgt John C. Ganovski  NE - SW - BSx2 / CRx4 / UCx1 / OoTYx1
Det. Stanley Gasque
P/O Ivan Gonzalez Marine Unit  
Andrew Giordano, P/O 1110, B639 

Detective Phillip M. Germack  
P/O Santo Grasso NED, PCO, E&T, OT Unit   
Terry Graham - P/O - E569 - CD - SD  

Lt. Victor Gearhart
Ray Gilespie- WD
Sgt. Craig Gentile
Det. Dennis Gunther - CD - MCU - DDU / UCx2 / SR / OOTY
P/O Joel E. Gordon  - WD - ND - CR - FTO
Glenn Wade Grymes - SED - SD 1973 / 79
Gallion, Sr. Melvin 
Garner Thomas G. 
Garner, Jr. Ernest H. 
Garrity Joseph S. 
Gay Thomas P.   
Garrett David P/O D648 ND 

Gebhart Gerald 
George Rodney D. 
George, Sr. Charles a. 
Gerbes, Jr. William J. 
Ghant William H. 
Gilbert George D.   
Matthew Gerber G723 SD  

Scott Gerber E106 Sgt WATF 
Glover Anton T. 
Gonce Edward A. 
Gooden Reginald E. 
Grabarek Edward A. 
Grabowski Lawrence J. 
Grace James P. 
Grams John E. 
Granger James D. 
Gray Leon K. 
Gray, Jr. Vernon W. 
Greaver Albert 
Green Howard D. 
Green Lloyd W. 
Green Thomas C. 
Green Vernon D. 
Griffin, Jr. Allen A. 
Griffith Ronald C. 
Gross Harry 
Grossman Joseph 
Grunder Frank W. 
Gryctz Walter 
Gummer Thomas J.  
Russell Gayle D953 Sgt SE CID WD CID 
Shonda Gooch-Williams - E298 - 89-2 - P/O - Badge# 3666 - CD - HQ Security - Records Management Section 
Victor C Gearhart Lt D383 8/5/82 to 2/1/17 SED/WD/CID/NWD/SD/NWD/ND/GOVERNMENT RELATIONS  MIS SD PENSION TRUSTEE & 1st VP FOP Lodge #3 

Green, Howsou D Pt1 NE 06/14/1890 05/26/1892 Active
Grossman, Leopold Ptl s 10/03/1876 05/30/1892 Active
Guy, Walter E CLK HQ 12/04/1888 01/12/1893 Active
Galvin, George E Ptl c 03/01/1893 04/13/1895 Active
Graham, Benjamin Sgt E 04/30/1868 06/16/1895 Active
Gaffrey, John C Ptl c 03/25/1868 11/14/1899 Active
Gordon, George H Ptl E 05/25/1872 04/12/1900 Active
Gault, Albert Det HQ 12/08/1866 07/26/1900 Active
Garvey, James H Ptl c 04/01/1901 07/09/1902 Active
Goldsmith, John B Ptl NW 05/30/1870 12/06/1902 Retire
Grebe, Frederick Ptl E 01/31/1885 08/25/1906 Retire
Glenn, James H Ptl NW 05/17/1898 11/14/1907 Retire
Gillespir, William F Ptl sw 03/01/1883 12/24/1908 Retire
Garrity, Timothy Pt1 c 08/29/1890 02/06/1909 Retire
Green, Thomas T Ptl sw 06/05/1875 04/24/1910 Active
Guntler, Albert E Ptl sw 06/27/1902 08/02/1913 Active
Gernhardt, Henry Pt1 NE 09/29/1884 06/08/1915 Retire
Geisel, F erdinaud Ptl NE 03/04/1891 10/24/1915 Retire
Gittings, Charles W Cpt NE 07/17/1886 09/11/1916 Retire  
Jesse Goode Sgt B755 ISD WD  
Gordon, Myrna - WD

Gumpman, Peter H Ptl s 08/26/1886 01/07/1917 Active
Gaule, Michael J Ptl c 04/01/1901 01/24/1918 Retire
Glynn, John J Lt NW 10/04/1883 01/31/1918 Retire
Gibson, George W Ptl NW 10/14/1890 07/31/1919 Retire
Gerving, William P Ptl w 10/21/1899 10/26/1919 Retire
Garrigan, Joseph P Ptl w 04/01/1901 08/25/1920 Active
Griffiss, Joseph W Sgt w 11/04/1886 11/06/1920 Retire
Gordon, Albert Ptl E 07/26/1901 10/18/1921 Retire
Graham, James A Pt1 s 12/13/1878 05/15/1923 Retire
Grimes, George A Ptl Sw 04/14/1884 11/06/1923 Retire
Gray, Charles W Ptl sw 12/11/1923 01/06/1924 Active
Green, Lewis Ptl HQ 04/30/1881 04/26/1924 Retire
Gilbert, Joseph J Cpt c 01/27/1881 07/13/1926 Retire
Gill, Charles M Ptl s 07/09/1891 10/04/1926 Retire
Gillen, James J Printer HQ 01/23/1923 08/24/1927 Active
Garmer, John Ptl E 06/13/1899 12/21/1927 Retire
Gott, Allen J Ptl c 02/25/1914 03/19/1929 Active
Ganley, Phillip Ptl sw 05/16/1885 11/17/1929 Retire
Geraghty, James Ptl c 07/13/1903 05/23/1930 Retire
Greene, Samuel Ptl NE 04/22/1886 01/27/1931 Retire
Greenfelder, George M Ptl E 10/14/1924 08/21/1932 Active
Gladden, Charles W. B. Ptl NW 11/11/1897 11/17/1932 Retire
Garrett, John W Ptl s 04/22/1886 03/31/1933 Retire
Gooding, Eugene J Lt TRF 03/14/1904 12/24/1933 Active
Gunran, James P Ptl c 09/13/1892 05/22/1934 Active
Golderman, Raymond Sgt HQ 09/26/1919 07/12/1934 Active
Goldberg, Israel Ptl NE 07/23/1920 06/28/1935 Active
Goonan, Timothy Tun sw 04/23/1885 10/10/1935 Active
Graf, Bernhardt Sgt c 05/28/1902 12/04/1935 Active
Goodnig, John H- Sgt s 06/02/1892 07/10/1937 Retire
Glenn, John P Sgt w 12/21/1898 05/03/1938 Retire
Gesswein, Louis F Sgt s 01/02/1893 10/20/1938 Retire
Gelbach, George Ptl TRF 05/30/1899 10/04/1941 Active
Gerahty, Charles Ptl NE 12/27/1916 10/22/1941 Active
Gover, Ernest CHF E 04/01/1905 12/10/1941 Retire
Grady, Elmer  Lt sw 01/31/1916 03/05/1942 Retire
German, Frederick Ptl E 05/31/1901 04/05/1942 Retire
Graff, Raymond Ptl E 04/08/1873 05/20/1911 Retire
Goodwin, Joseph Ptl sw 04/13/1886 11/01/1913 Retire
Graham, Joseph T Ptl c 09/10/1888 06/30/1913 Retire
Griffin, Joseph A Ptl s 12/07/1922 03/29/1929 Active
Gill, William E Sgt E 09/17/1913 01/26/1925 Active
Girvines, Joseph H Ptl NE 09/28/1937 11/01/1937 Retire
Glenn, E. Herbert Sgt NE 06/26/1891 08/13/1941 Retire

Medals racked NEW


CD=Central District, SE=Southeast, ED=Eastern District, NE=Northeastern, ND=Northern District, NW=Northwest District, WD=Western District, SW=Southwest District, SD=Southern District, HP=Harbor Patrol

MCU=Major Crime Unit, DDU=District Detective Unit, TAC=Tactical, QRT=Quick Response Team, SWAT=Special Weapons, and Tactics, K9, FOX=Helicopter Unit, MU=Marine Unit, TIS=Traffic Investigative Services, TS=Traffic Section, VS=Vice Squad DEU=Drug Enforcement Unit, CS=Crime Statistics CP=Community Policing Mot=Motors Mou=Mounted FD=Fiscal Division & EPD=Executive Protection Division. 

MoH=Medal of Honor, CoV=Citation of Valor, SS=Silver Star, BS=Bronze Star, LSA=Life Saving Award, DSA=Distinguished Service Award CR=Commendation Ribbon, UC=Unit Citation, 5YRSD, 10YRSD, 15YRSD, 20YRSD=Years Safe Driving (5, 10, 15, 20), RR1968=1968 Riot Ribbon, SR=Special Ribbon, SP2000=Special 2000, EDI=Eastern District Incentive, CL=Commendatory Letter, OOTY= Officer of the Year. PH=Purple Heart BPDHS-SR=Baltimore Police Historic Soicety Service Ribbon

Baltimore City Police History we consider all of our brothers and sisters in the Baltimore Police Department to be heroes and would like to form a "Hall of Fame" here on the site to include each and every one of them. So if you know of an officer that isn't on this wall, bring it to our attention by writing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Just give us a name, the district(s) worked, along with any other info you may know, years worked, awards received, interesting cases etc. If you have a pic that would be nice too (the pics won't go on this page, but with luck, we will eventually have a link created so that when a name is found it can be clicked on to take you to their pic which will be loaded somewhere else on this site. That said, we will load all pictures sent to us somewhere on the site, so with pics let us know what district(s) they worked, units, etc. so we have a better idea of where to put the pic, without info the pic will still be loaded onto the site under Misc. Pictures.

TUN = Turnkey - Ptl = Patrolman - Det = Detective - Sgt = Sergeant - RSgt = Round Sergeant - Lt = Lieutenant -  Cpt = Captain - Dep = Deputy Marshall - Mar = Marshall - Com = Commissioner - MAT= Matron - HMAT = Head Matron - BE = Boat Engineer - T&S = Telegraph and Signal operator - Clk =Clerk - Phy = Physician - Chf = Chauffer - HQ = Headquarter - C =Central - SE = Southeast - E =Eastern - NE =Northeast - N =Northern - NW = Northwest - W =Western - SW = Southwest - S = Southern - TRF = Traffic

P/O = Police officer - P/W = Policewoman - P/A = Pollice Agent - Det = Detective

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Sgt Bill Hamlin ND - NWD - NED - BSx1 - CRx1 - 15YRSD 
Det. Sgt. Laverne (Day) Howell - NED - CID - Homicide - ISD - IID - SD - EEOC
P/A Wm G. Hotz, Jr - NWD - SS x 1 - CR x 2
P/O William Hackley - HERE
P/O Brian Hamer 
P/O Jeffrey Humphreys – NED 
Major Sidney R. Hyatt  
Patrolman William E. Harriman - ND HERE

Lieutenant Colonel Melissa R. Hyatt
Commissioner Leonard Hamm - 1xBS - 2xCR City - College Hall of Fame - Elijah E. Cummings U-Turn Award - Runitel Public Safety Project  - Hall of Fame, Philadelphia College of Textiles and Sciences and many more
Joseph "Nightstick Joe" Hlafka W - TRF - CoV -  HERE
P/O Paul R Hart, Sr SD - Crime Lab
P/O Jack E. Hurley, Jr. SE - BSx2
P/O John Heiderman CD - Mounted HERE
Sgt. Chuck Hymiller
Joe Hands
Sgt. Drew Hall  ND - COMM - NED - TAC - BSx1 / CRx2 / DSAx1
William Harting WD
John H. Hand  - ED - HERE
Warren "Bud" Harding WD
Ed Hanko WD
Robert Himes III - P/O - Det - Sgt - SW - E&T - HQ - Medal of Honor - Legion of Merit - Silver Star - Bronze Star - Life Saving - Purple Heart - Distiquish Service Award - Commendation Ribbon - Unit Citation - 20 safe Driving Award - 2000 SP - 2015 Riot Ribbon - and Commendatory Letters
Mike Hammel WD, CID
Donald Haskins WD
Terry Hendrickson WD, CID
Det. Ray Hunter
P/O Walter Hogan HERE
Sgt. Don Helms

P/O Ian Hall
P/O Tim Hall
Maj. James Hawkins
Det. Pete Haduch - CD
Haag John A. 
Haber Thomas A. 
Neil Huber  C688

Hagerty Patrick W. 
Hall, Sr. Robert T. 
Hallameyer James 
Hamilton, Jr. Edward L. 
Hardesty, Sr. Robert J. 
Harold Charles E. 
Harper Harry E. 
Harris Arthur 
Harris James H. 
Hartlove Barnard E.   
Kim Hammack F862 WD

Harvey Edwin L. 
Hasson George 
Haughey Charles 
Hayden, Leroy B. 
Hayden, Kenneth - MoH / Cov / BSx2 / CRx2 / RR1968 / LCx2 
Hayes Thomas A, Sr. 
Heaps Michael G. 
Heddinger,Jr. John F. 
Heddings Stanley G. 
Heidecker Richard T. 
Heidel Herman J. 
Heiderman Fred H. 
Helm Edmond W. 
Heming Joseph A. 
Henderson Waring A. 
Hennessey Thomas F. 
Herold, Jr. Henry 
Hibline, Sr. Vernon T. 
Higgins Donald E. 
High Paul A. 
Hill James D. 
Hill, Jr. John M. 
Hilnbrand Harry S. 
Hilseberg, Jr. William C. 
Hiltz Harmar C. 
Hocheder George W.  
Honeycutt William M, 
Hopkins Joseph 
Hord Cleo C. 
Hornberger Kenneth 
Houck Leonard 
Hoyt George 
Hranicka Donald 
Hudson, Jr. Ralph M. 
Huffman Joseph B. 
Hughes Donald 
Hughes Lawrence 
Hughes Orlando F. 
Hughes William 
Hunt Bingham A. 
Hyde Ronald W. 
Hayes Charles R.   
Kim Hammack WD
Michael Hires, badge #25. Seq# B634, 8-30-71 to 4-15-92  
Michael Hessler, Det. D233, 11/19/81 - SWD, WATF

Henkle, Frederick Ptl E 10/27/1884 07/28/1895 Active
Harman, L. W. Ptl E 05/12/1875 02/19/1889 Active
Hildebrand, Henry Ptl E 04/17/1870 12/11/1889 Retire
Hahn, John Ptl NE 05/04/1891 10/29/1896 Active
Hussey, Michael Det HQ 04/01/1885 04/12/1898 Active
Heowe, John Ptl NW 10/04/1871 11/04/1898 Retire
Hosefrous, Louis H Ptl W 04/11/1874 04/23/1899 Retire
Hickley, Robert Ptl S 05/06/1867 07/11/1900 Retire
Helm, Joseph A Ptl C 05/06/1867 07/09/1900 Retire
Hutson, George W Ptl E 07/20/1882 12/13/1902 Active
Hogan, Michael Ptl NW 04/12/1882 07/07/1906 Active
High, William W Ptl SW 06/01/1888 12/18/1906 Retire
Hagan, Mark Det HQ 05/05/1867 01/25/1907 Retire
Hall, Theodric B Det HQ 04/22/1875 06/25/1908 Retire
Harrison, Philip Pt1 W 12/15/1896 06/24/1909 Active
Hardesty, James H Ptl S 04/25/1881 09/30/1909 Active
Hauson, Edward H Ptl NW 04/10/1886 04/25/1911 Active
Harvey, James Sgt C 05/0111867 07/29/1911 Retire
Hopwood, Harry E Sgt N 05/11/1898 09/02/1911 Active
Hoffman, William H Ptl NE 11/03/1888 09/12/1911 Active
Halstead, Edwin G Ptl E 06/07/1880 12/24/1911 Retire
Harrigan, Mark J Sgt SW 11/30/1900 04/06/1913 Active
Herold, John L Ptl NE 07/21/1899 05/05/1913 Active
Heiderman, Charles E Tun s 12/07/1872 06/21/1913 Active
Hahn, Lewis H RSgt SW 04/15/1876 12/21/1913 Active
Hooper, James A Ptl W 04/10/1886 01/12/1897 Active
Heath, George W Ptl NE 07/19/1878 04/01/1918 Retire
Hamilton, Andrew J Ptl E 12/01/1880 02/24/1914 Active
Heinz, William M Sgt SW 05/12/1897 05/16/1914 Active
Hammond, James M Ptl N 02/26/1880 08/27/1914 Retire
Hiob, Charles C Ptl C 06/01/1888 05/26/1915 Retire
Higgins, William F Sgt HQ 03/19/1885 07/07/1915 Active
Hughes, Michael Ptl S 07/17/1884 03/21/1916 Active
Hutcheson, James W Pt1 C 07/17/1899 10/25/1916 Active
Healy, John J Ptl C 05/14/1873 01/30/1917 Active
Hall, Douglas V Ptl C 06/09/1889 06/02/1917 Retire
Hayes, Nicholas Ptl S 08/21/1897 10/09/1919 Active
Holthaus, Albert A Ptl C 04/01/1905 01/14/1920 Active
Henneman, John H Ptl W 06/08/1876 01/13/1920 Retire
Hymes, Alexander Ptl C 04/29/1867 02/18/1920 Retire
Haile, Frederick D Ptl N 10/09/1901 06/13/1920 Active
Hofstetter, John F N Ptl 01/03/1919 08/06/1920 Active
Hughes,~chaelJ Sgt NE 05/29/1901 04/05/1921 Retire
Hughes, Timothy Ptl W 08/12/1881 02/22/1922 Active
Hartman, John Ptl SW 07/11/1902 09/03/1923 Active
Hunt, Catherine ChWom E 04/10/1905 05/26/1924 Active
Henisler, Samuel H Ptl NE 04/23/1875 05/31/1924 Active
Heiser, Clinton Ptl NW 05/22/1897 08/27/1924 Retire
Howe, Edward Tun NE 09/06/1886 10/10/1924 Active
Hussey, Mary T MAT NW 10/02/1901 11/01/1924 Active
Holland, Stephen CHF SW 03/15/1920 11/25/1924 Active
Hart, George D Ptl N 03/27/1924 01/21/1925 Active*
Hobbs, StewartS Lt C 05/02/1898 03/01/1925 Active
Homer, Lloyd Ptl E 06/30/1896 03/31/1925 Retire
Hughes, Terence Sgt NE 04/09/1886 01/18/1926 Retire
Hickwolf, ~ton Ptl C 08/07/1922 02/09/1926 Active
Hurley, Charles E lnsp HQ 07/08/1893 02/20/1926 Active
Hauf, Albert J Ptl SW 06/06/1898 04/30/1927 Active
Higgins, John T Ptl NE 01/02/1902 06/23/1927 Active 
Hunnigan, Diamond E Ptl S 09/02/1921 01/14/1929 Active
Hinimelman, Sigmund Lt C 05/17/1906 09/27/1929 Retire
Hogan, Thomas F Lt HQ 04/07/1874 11/15/1929 Active
Heimiller, Herman Ptl S 09/25/1877 02/12/1930 Retire
Harr, Edward E LNM HQ 01/08/1927 04/22/1930 Active
Hoyle, George J Ptl C 12/15/1881 04/28/1930 Retire
Horstman, Henry H Ptl N 11/29/1884 06/25/1930 Retire
Hensler, John R LNM HQ 01/20/1922 09/17/1930 Active
Hoffman, Edward J Ptl C 08/25/1881 04/13/1931 Retire
Hurley, Albert E Ptl C 03/11/1907 02/20/1934 Retire
Hirsch, Max Ptl S 03/31/1928 02/14/1935 Active*
Hesse, Christian Sgt E 13/30/1918 05/13/1935 Retire
Hartman, Alfred Ptl NW 02/18/1920 06/14/1935 Active
Hill, Henry R Sgt E 12/23/1895 07/19/1935 Active
Harmon, John H Ptl S 09/25/1914 05/28/1938 Retire
Harrington, ~lton C Ptl HQ 09/11/1903 05/22/1940 Retire
Hyland, Francis Ptl SW 06/21/1875 01/21/1891 Active
Hahn, Philip Ptl NW 10/28/1897 11/14/1942 Retire
Hogan, Francis M.T. Sgt HQ 12/08/1902 05/24/1937 Active
Hobbs, George Ptl W 07/23/1920 09/01/1935 Active
Holzer, John H Lt N 08/17/1901 11/08/1935 Retire
House, Samuel W DMar HQ 06/10/1897 12/17/1935 Retire
Hartlove, William A Tun S 12/19/1890 02/07/1936 Retire
Hargadon, Bryan L Ptl C 01/13/1935 09/01/1936 Active
Henry, George G Clnsp HQ 06/01/1888 10/04/1936 Active
Hanley, Carrol Ptl C 08/26/1909 10/29/1936 Active*
Healy, Edward L Ptl TRF 02/11/1909 09/13/1937 Retire
Hamil, Walter P Ptl TRF 02/24/1928 06/29/1937 Active
Henry, Eugene Ptl NE 10/31/1902 09/24/1938 Retire
Hoffman, William Ptl S 09/16/1912 04/27/1939 Active
Holland, William J CHF HQ 07/01/1920 07/19/1939 Active
Hodge, Joseph W Sgt SW 11/08/1909 05/2/11940 Retire
Harris, James D Ptl S 04/29/1912 06/28/1940 Active
Herman, John Ptl E 06/10/1897 10/05/1941 Retire
Hildtich, Howard Ptl S 05/11/1922 11/07/1941 Retire
Holden, James S Ptl HQ 04/19/1901 10/09/1942 Retire
Hancock, Clifford W Sgt HQ 04/12/1899 04/23/1942 Retire
Hoeflich, Henry Ptl S 04/19/1901 10/09/1942 Retire
Homer, James A Ptl E 04/22/1909 11/18/1942 Retire
Hyland, Francis Ptl SW 06/21/1875 01/21/1891 Active
Hargley, William H Ptl S 03/27/1903 11/13/1917 Active
Hayes, George W Ptl NW 05/07/1867 03/21/1918 Retire
Hoey, CarrollS Ptl NE 03/14/1904 01/15/1919 Active
Harvey, Mary PLWM HW 06/19/1912 03/26/1934 Retire

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Imbrogulio, Anthony A.
Inocentes, Gino P/O Multi-Media Tech for Media Relations Section (aka Public Affairs Section) - Photographer/Multi-Media Guru -  HERE
Inhofe, John R Pt1 C 12/05/1888 07/20/1892 Active
Ipes, Thomas P Ptl S 04/29/1909 10/05/1931 Active
Ipes, Alfred J Ptl E 10/31/1913 02/02/1934 Active

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P/O Mark Janicki
Sgt. Carl Johnson - WD
Sgt. Norman K Jacobs

Jarowski Anthony M. 
Sgt. Mark Janicki- WD, ND, CID  
Richard James, B-776 – Tactical – CD- Executive Protection - CID Narcotics – Homicide -  NED - Arson & Bomb Unit – Lt – SED - Chief of Patrol's Office – CID - Special Investigation Section  

Jennings Joseph
John Jarman Officer SD
Johnson Edward C. 
Johnson John T. 
Johnson Kenneth P. 
Johnson, Jr. Theodore H.  
Nancy Jones nwd, police liaison

Jonczak Daniel H. 
Jones Bobby 
Jones Joseph J. 
Jones, Jr. Charles G. 
Joyce James G. 
Jaskulski Mark  
Frank Jarrell F130 93-3 
Rodney James G299 SD    
Shelton Jones Jr E812 Det CID. Homicide. Vice Drugs, CD. WD. NED VCTF
David P. Jones - D184 - SD- Motors - TIS - HQ Security - SED - 2 Bronze - 3 regular - 2 unit citations

Johnson, W. R. Lt E 05/07/'867 03/29/1893 Active
Junker, John Ptl S 07/30/1873 05/28/1892 Retire
Jennmngs,~chael Ptl S 08/06/1870 10/11/1895 Retire
Jones, Francis W Lt E 05/07/1867 12/07/1896 Retire
Jones, Joseph Ptl W 02/26/1869 10/03/1905 Retire
Joynes, Leonard Ptl NE 03/18/1891 11/20/1905 Active
Junker, Adam Ptl S 04/29/1867 12/01/1907 Retire
Jacobs, Tobias Ptl C 10/29/1889 12/18/1915 Retire
Jamison, Andrew Ptl C 04/13/1886 11/1111917 Retire
Jours, Levin K Ptl NE 04110/1886 11/25/1918 Retire
Jones, Charles W Ptl C 12/03/1898 03/07/1920 Retire
Jones, Henry Ptl NE 07112/1877 08/25/1921 Retire
Jacksch, John Henry Ptl E 01/03/1885 06/18/1924 Retire
Jackson, Henry T Ptl SW 01/20/1900 06/18/1933 Retire
Jenkins, William M Lt HQ 03/23/1897 02/22/1936 Retire
Jones, Walton B Tun NW 05/07/1923 09/18/1936 Active
Johnson, John T Ptl E 09/1511885 11/18/1937 Retire
Jefferie, Harry F Ptl TRF 07/11/1929 04/16/1941 Active
Jamerson, Daniel Ptl NW 12/03/1889 03/13/1902 Active
Jarboe, Charles W Ptl W 05/14/1885 08/13/1907 Retire
James, Gilbert C Lt E 01/29/1887 02/25/1913 Active
Jones, George E Ptl TRF 09/02/1897 10/2111928 Active

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P/O Stephen D. Kuhn Sr. - SD - TAC/QRT - CRx1 - SSx1 - UCx1 - 20YRSD
Det. Marget Kelly
Lt. Joe Key Click here to learn more about QRT
Norman Kiaunis - NED - Mayors Security Detail - NE / BSx1 / CRx5 / and several LC
Eddie Kiaunia - SED - CD
Leo T. Kelly Sr
Leo T. Kelly Jr. HERE  
Wand (Williams) Kiah WD, E&T
Earl Kratsch
P/O Milton Krysztofiak NED, TS, Mot - BSx1 / CRx3  
Martin J. Karst   K9
Joe Kaiser
Det. Charles Klein
Ed Kohler - WD
Ron Kessler
John E Klein Lt Det. - CD - CID  HERE  
Charles Klein C368 long number 41305 

Kachnowich Henry A. 
Kackritz William 
Kaczmarek Joseph 
Emil J Klaas Patrolman - HERE
Kalmbacher Edward S. 
Lt. Det. Louis Phillip Kotmair
Joseph Casper Kotmair. Northern
John Baptist Kotmair  mounted 
Frank Kotmair, Northwestern
John Baptist Kotmair, Jr. Southern District
Kalwa Stanley A. 
Kaplan Harry 
Karcesky,Jr. Philip 
Kavanaugh Francis 
Kearney Charles E. 
Kearney William I. 
Kelly James A 
Kelly William T. 
Kidwell Leroy D. 
Kielek Casmir J. 
Kimmel Joseph S. 
Kirkner John R. 
Klein Raymond L. 
Kline James W. 
Knauer Joseph S. 
Knott Mary Jean 
Koch Jerome A. 
Koller William 
Kondner Karl M 
Kozieracki vincent 
Kropfelder Charles R.
Krueger Frederick 
Kuhn Robert M. 
Kunkoski Frank J. 
Kurth Charles 
Kusak Stanley L.   
Jim Kelly 11-20-81 NED, SED,WD, ED, Tactical QRT, EVU, TAC-MET, K-9, PTL. 2317, SGT. 270, LT. 69 6-1-17 
Det. Joseph Kleinota ED - C298 - Personnel - Child Abuse - Homicide 
Koenig, Joe Lieutenant HERE 
Knight, Thomas Tun s 05/06/1871 04/23/1898 Retire

Keehne, Albert Pt1 E 12/29/1894 08/09/1900 Active
Keen, Samuel M Ptl w 04/17/1874 10/23/1900 Retire
Kelly, John E Ptl c 06/08/1876 09/26/1902 Retire
Kelly, Thomas P Ptl c 05/15/1883 05/12/1903 Retire
Klock, Louis Pt1 E 03/28/1891 05/03/1906 Active
Kissling, John Ptl E 04/21/1881 02/20/1907 Retire
Kennedy, Alfred J Ptl w 06/21/1886 11/12/1907 Retire
Kelly, Jauirs A Ptl c 12/03/1884 05/06/1908 Retire
Kelly, John T Ptl s 03/03/1882 09/28/1908 Retire
Kerr, John Ptl E 05/07/1867 08/26/1909 Retire
Kayer, Philip Ptl E 11/21/1878 03/21/1910 Retire
Kewealy, William J Sgt c 08/06/1888 04/13/1910 Active
Kreisel, William G Ptl NE 11/10/1898 10/28/1910 Active
King, Emerson Ptl N 10/31/1889 11/25/1910 Retire
Kenealy, Michael F Ptl E 03/22/1897 07/14/1915 Active
Kirsch, Louis Sgt c 04/15/1870 10/02/1915 Retire
Knott, Cornelius F Sgt sw 05/01/1867 06/21/1916 Retire
Kearny, Andrew J Ptl c 06/29/1898 11/13/1916 Active
Kelly, Patrick J Sgt c 12/05/1883 03/25/1917 Retire
Keubler, Alfred F Ptl NW 01/03/1898 10/05/1917 Retire
Keelty, Owen E RSgt NE 11/30/1900 05/01/1918 Active
King, Samuel Tun NE 12/01/1874 05/29/1918 Retire
Kessler, George F Tun s 06/05/1886 07/06/1918 Active
Kilghman, Choffmch Sgt NW 02/06/1899 01/31/1913 Active
Knode, JohnL Pt1 w 07/17/1888 01/16/1919 Retire
Krotee, William C Ptl c 03/10/1899 02/25/1919 Active
Klingenberg, Adam A Ptl NE 06/02/1892 07/08/1919 Retire
King, JohnR Ptl sw 12/0111885 08/09/1919 Retire
Kane, Cornelius J Tun c 01106/1893 10/27/1920 Retire
Kenealey, Patrick J Tun c 03/14/1904 02/15/1921 Active
Kelly, Charles E Ptl N 12/13/1890 03/23/1921 Active
Klinefelter, William J Cpt sw 06/26/1896 03/22/1922 Active
Kelly, Thomas Tun E 10/24/1887 04/18/1922 Active
Kaufman, Charles W Ptl N 07/13/1903 1110111923 Active
Kihoe, Nicholas Ptl c 03/12/1881 01126/1924 Retire
Krause, Henry Ptl HQ 12/19/1881 07/19/1925 Retire
Kaufman, William Ptl sw 06/0111888 04/0111926 Retire
Knorr, Peter L Ptl c 09/13/1923 05/24/1926 Active
Kirby, Henry P Ptl s 07/13/1903 03/08/1927 Retire
Kohlepp, John CHFR w 03/30/1905 10/09/1927 Active
Kelly, John Ptl NW 06/0111888 11123/1927 Retire
Keith, Charles CHFR NW 01109/1922 01/30/1928 Active
Knight, Perry R Ptl N 12/26/1918 06/24/1928 Active
Korn, Frederick Sgt sw 02/25/1909 08/10/1928 Active
Kalbfleisch, William Cpt E 12/06/1882 09/24/1928 Active
Kirby, Thomas P Sgt s 09/29/1889 03/28/1929 retire
Kaney, Frank J Ptl N 05/03/1898 05/03/1929 Retire
Kneavel, Charles Sgt c 04/01/1901 05/08/1920 Active
Kelly, William H Ptl NW 03/02/1895 08/28/1930 Active
Kahler, George Ptl NE 10/24/1904 1110111931 Active
Kennedy, William B Ptl s 10/11/1926 04/12/1932 Active
Kiel, Joseph R Sgt sw 12/26/1913 02/08/1933 Active
Kinsly, Josiah P SECT HQ 05/0111888 03/14/1933 Retire
Kendall, Clarence C Sgt s 01/18/1904 05/09/1933 Active
Kratzer, John S Ptl NE 01129/1906 12/24/1933 Retire
Kadlec, Albert Ptl NE 09/02/1914 08/0111934 Active
Kaufman, Andrew Tun/Ptl c 11112/1879 08/20/1934 Retire
Kerner, Edward Ptl w 10/20/1916 09/17/1934 Active
Kennedy, Edward R Ptl NE 11/24/1922 06/19/1935 Active
Kearns, James R Ptl c 01/02/1902 07/04/1935 Retire
Kaufman, Robert Ptl NW 02/0111900 09/26/1935 Active
Knight, Harry Sgt c 05/07/1892 10/16/1935 Retire
King, John T Jr Ptl NE 04/10/1923 12/28/1936 Active*
Kelly, Bernard P Sgt HQ 05/0611907 02/20/1937 Active
Krammer, Robert H Sgt NE 03/29/1923 07/22/1937 Active
Kahler, Charles A Cpt w 04/0111901 11116/1937 Retire
Kissner, George N Ptl E 04/10/1886 02/26/1938 Retire
Kearney, Patrick Ptl sw 03/23/1891 03/01/1938 Retire
Kerns, James B Ptl c 02/28/1924 06/26/1938 Active
Keen, Joseph E CBE HQ 0111511923 06/26/1938 Active
Kimball, Andrew Ptl c 04/20/1904 1111111938 Retire
Krause, Irvin Ptl w 07/16/1887 12/12/1938 Active
Klein, John E Lt HQ 07/20/1899 10/04/1939 Retire
Kemp, William J Ptl c 02/24/1915 10/18/1940 Active
Kerner, George E Sgt c 04/22/1914 08/23/1941 Active
Kohlepp, George HSTLR HQ??/??/1895 05/25/1932 Active
Kleinsmith, Martin Ptl w 12/30/1909 12/29/1940 Active

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P/O Gary Lapchak CD / PHx1 / and member in the American Police Hall of Fame
P/O Derek G. Ledbetter EOD - 05/25/81 DOR - 08/06/05 CD Patrol, Vice, DEU, Flex Squad, Community Policing SWD - Patrol, DEU, TAC - QRT, ESU, Bomb Squad Tech - BSx1 Commendation Ribbon x1, 1 Unit Citation x1 , 15 Year SDA x 1, Numerous Commendatory Letters
Officer Paul Levinson ND (Baltimore Police Historian) - HERE
Officer Fred J Luthardt  WD - Bomb Squad - 1952-1978  
Det. Rick Landry SED - OCD - BSx3 / CRx1 / UCx2 
Sgt Stephanie C. Lansey CRB 
P/O Jon Lusher SED - Vice - CID - Auto Theft - Operation CODE - BS / CRx3
P/O Darrick Lee
Bernard J. Lowry Jr. TAC - MP - IT
James Lowry NE 
P/O Earl LeBon WD - 1968-RR / CRx4 / LCx6
P/O Joe Linthicum
Mark Lindsay WD, SD
Roscoe Lewis WD, CID
Det. Charles Lonick
Ed Libinsky TAC, SED
Paul Loomis SED
Lt. Jerry Lober WD, SED, TAC
P/O Kenny Lucus  NE
P/O George Washington Lamar
Officer Edward D. Lewis SD / DES / Class 70-4 / CR
Lyston, Jimmy Capt. Served from 1931 to 1964 (33 years) passed away on March 21, 1983 - HERE
LaMartina Ronald J.
John H Lloyd ED
Lamb Clayde H.
Lamoreaux Nathan R.
Lanahan Frank J.
Langville Wilbur T.
Latanishen Nicholas
Lauffert John W.
Law, Jr. William
Lawrence Edwin L.
L'Ecuyer Elmer L.
Lee Michael E.
Leeman Robert L.
Leftwich Robert M.
Lehman David A.
Leichling George J.
Lesniewski Edmund
Leutbecher Robert B.
Lewandowski Julius
Lewis Peggy A.
Lewis Starkie M.
Leyh Joseph F.
Lilly, Sr. Floyd
Lingner John
Lingner Francis
Lipinski Melvin J.
Lippy Gary L.
List Robert H.
Lister James W.
Livingston Arden
Lloyd, Sr. Carroll E.
Lobos Albert T.
Loetz August B,
Long Hennry F.
Long Justus L.
Longo Joseph
Lopes Manuel
Lorme John J.
Lovett, Jr. Joseph B.
Lucas Charles H.
Long, Michael J Ptl s 10/09/1890 01109/1894 Active
Lloyd, Joseph T Ptl s 08/24/1888 07/04/1889 Active
Lepson, Daniel Cpt sw 04/23/1867 04/12/1892 Retire
Lannan, John DepMar HQ 10/2011869 10/27/1892 Active
Lester, Jeanette C MAT w 06/0111892 01130/1899 Active
Langley, James K P RSgt E 09/08/1876 12112/1899 Retire
Lemmon, William T Ptl s 03/30/1870 06/05/1905 Retire
Lanahan, Michael Ptl s 02/24/1879 04/09/1907 Retire
Lanri, Henry Sgt s 08/08/1878 03/23/1909 Retire
Lucey, Jeremiah Ptl c 10/09/1903 06/20/1910 Active
Lawless, Thomas P Ptl w 04/30/1897 04/1111910 Active
Lamb, George A Ptl NW 06/13/1888 08/3111910 Retire
Lehman, John Tun NE 08/08/1883 03/18/1911 Retire
Little, Richmond T Ptl w 04/30/1885 09/17/1911 Retire
Lewis, James T Ptl c 05/06/1881 11110/1912 Retire
Leonard, John C Ptl sw 04/02/1901 08/0111915 Active
Lucke, Edward N Ptl w 05/18/1897 03/16/1916 Active
Laker, Alfred Ptl c 03/16/1885 08/25/1917 Retire
Lankford, Joseph B Ptl c 09/20/1895 09/30/1917 Retire
Latham, Charles L Ptl E 04/22/1886 02/17/1918 Retire
Lanahan, John Tun c 12/10/1900 07/03/1919 Active*
Landers, Bernard J Sgt NW 08/3111905 03/23/1921 Active
Lyons, Michael J CHFR E 03/30/1905 12/02/1921 Active
Loane, Charles M Sgt c 05/0111888 01128/1922 Active
Loudenslager, William J Ptl s 05/29/1872 12/19/1908 Retire
Lubuiski, Matthew Ptl E 11102/1895 04/1411909 Active
Lamm, Albert J Ptl c 06/10/1899 08/3111922 Retire
Latham, Frank L Ptl E 07/10/1922 03/02/1924 Active*
Liddell, Glen A Ptl N 07/0111909 03/17/1925 Active
League, George Cpt E 03/23/1870 04/24/1925 Retire
Levi, Solomon Sgt NE 06/05/1888 12/3111925 Retire
Lamar, George W Ptl s 12/30/1889 10/12/1926 Retire
Lloyd, Charles j Ptl NW 01110/1895 02/27/1928 Retire
Lewis, Catherine MAT NE 06/01/1892 06/02/1928 Retire
Lamb, Richard Ptl c 03/13/1891 08/13/1928 Retire
Lannatiwitz, Henry P Ptl sw 02/05/1913 08/26/1928 Active
Lertch, John Ptl c 04/22/1881 12/14/1928 Retire
Lisiecki, Charles K Ptl E 10/09/1903 10/29/1929 Active
Love, Marcellus W Tun w 02/07/1888 06/27/1930 Retire
Lutts, William J Sgt HQ 04/02/1883 09/27/1930 Retire
Lookingbill, Harvey H Ptl N 10/08/1902 02/18/1932 Retire
Loverton, James M Cpt NE 06/0111888 01118/1933 Retire
Livin, John F Sgt HQ 04/19/1901 01125/1933 Active
Lattier, Louis Ptl NW 05/08/1885 08/10/1933 Retire
Lurz, George E Insp HQ 05/23/1896 09/10/1933 Active
Leland, John S Ptl HQ 05/15/1930 05/23/1934 Active
Lastner, Charles Cpt NW 04/27/1898 06/10/1934 Active
Leverton, George B Pt1 c 12/05/1904 09/19/1934 Active
Lynch, Jeremiah R Ptl NW 02/0111904 05/12/1935 Retire
Lappe, Katharine F MAT sw 11127/1897 07/10/1935 Retire
Lewnon, James P Tun NW 10/05/1905 11122/1935 Active
League, Albert L Cpt c 04/22/1886 07/08/1936 Retire
Lounge, George P Ptl HQ 07/13/1903 07/09/1936 Retire
Loudenslager, Thomas Ptl s 06/07/1876 08/22/1936 Retire
Langley, Morgan G Sgt N 12/3111927 12/13/1942 Active
Lefevre, Walter H Ptl HQ 12/10/1900 08/30/1938 Retire
Lang, JohnM Ptl sw 02/11/1899 02/25/1919 Retire
Link, William Ptl s 05/20/1898 02/24/1921 Active
Leitz, John Ptl N 05/14/1885 03/24/1926 Retire
Lentz, Albert E Sgt s 05/19/1897 01/10/1935 Retire
Lederer, William Ptl w 12/0111913 06/15/1935 Retire
Lennon, James P Tun NE 10/05/1905 11122/1935 Active
Lurz, William Joseph Ptl NW 03/1111917 03/07/1940 Retire
Lynch, Joseph E Ptl w 04/27/1922 0111111942 Active
Lauterbach, Alfred Ptl NW 11110/1915 01128/1942 Retire


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Lieutenant William "Bill" Miller 
LT Gary Maratta – TAC – CD – ED – SOD – NWD - WD 
Det. Gary McLhinney, NED - CID - FOP President 
Det Mary Ann Miller NED - VCTF - TARU - P/C’s Office - Computers Crimes Unit
Sgt. Lawerence Mize  WD - Tac. - WD - BSx1

P/O Howard L. Mills SD
Robert A Miller Jr Park Police - Motors / BCPD - K9 - Tac - HERE
Myers, Donald ED James McCartin Jr CD Stephen
Daryl MartinP/O
Edward Myers P/O HERE
George C. Mister CD - CID / OOTYx7
P/O John Mellinger 
Sgt David B. Munyan WD - SD - WD - TES - Motors - CD - SSx1 / BSx3 / CRx1 / UCx1 / 1 City Council Resolution
P/O Edward Mattson SSx1 / BSx1
Sgt. Charles Megabow  CD
Patrolman Anthony  H. Maliszewski HERE

Patrolman Anthony J. Monczewski  HERE 
Det Michael Morreale, seq # 581, Eod 8/6/1979 - 8/7/1999
P/O Garrett Miller Marine Unit

P/O David Miller
Eric May, Sr Badge no. 626
Carter H. Myer ED
Bernice C. Myer, ED, ND, CID Homicide
Sgt David B. Munyan WD – SD – WD – CD – TES CD – Motors CD – CD – SOS / SSx1 / BSx1 / CRx3 / UCx1 tations, 1 unit citation, 1 City Council Resolution
P/O Edward Mattson   SSx1 / BSx1 / RRx1
Det. David McDermott
P/O Jim Mitchell NW - HERE
Det. Nicole Monroe
P/O Claude Merritt
Anthony Molesky-WD, SED- Medal of Honor  
Joseph Mueller Sr E572 SD NWD 

Jeff Marshal- WD
P/O Calvin McCleese SE HERE 
P/O Jeff McCLeese SE 

Vincent Moulter- WD, SED
Dave Miller- WD, QuarterMaster
Sgt. Brian Munyan- WD, TIS
Steve Martin- SD, WD, SWD
Amy Middleton- SED, CID
P/O John Miller
Rick Mayfield WD, CID, SED 
Det Sgt. Clifton Macer – SD - WD - Homicide 
P/O Brenda May 
Traffic Officer William R. Myers - HERE 
Sgt Peggy "Margaret" Mullen- NW
P/O Robin Mullins 
Sgt. Stan Mezewski
Ray Mills - WD
Det. Chuck McQuay - CD 
Col. Steve McMahon - CD
James Murphy Jr.  
Richard Murhy - HP
Machlinski Stephen F. 
Machovec Frank W. 
Machovec Lawrence J. 
Maciejzyk Beneduct 
Mack William C. 
Malat Lawrence J. 
Mallon Randall D. 
Markell John E. 
Markiewicz Charles M.
Markowski Valentine W. 
Marlowe Thomas 
Mason Thomas A. 
Matarazzo Leo R. 
Mathias, Jr. Earl C. 
Matteo Dominic J. 
Matthews John P. 
May Nicholas N. 
May Brenda
McCallister William M. 
McCarron Edward F. 
McCarthy Edward S. 
Michael Morreale, C581

McCarthy William T.
McCauley Robert E.
McCleese C, Kelly
McCloskey James A. 
McCoy Elmer D. 
McDonald Scottie D. 
McGee John J, 
McKay Donald S. 
McKenna Nelson F. 
McKenzie Charles P. 
McKinley,Jr John E.  
Lt. Vincent E. Moore E136 - ED, QRT, Planning and Research, NWD, ND Sgt. Major Crimes 

McKinney Carl 
McMann Joseph A.   
Det. Shawn McKnight E063. Patrol NED and ND. Detective ND Major Crime Unit.... CID Homicide  

McManus John C. 
McMasters James L. 
McMeekin Paul S. 
McMeins William W. 
McNally, Jr. John J. 
Meadows Ernie D. 
Meadows Glen E. 
Meeks Arthur F. 
Meeks Harold T. 
Metzbower Harry G. 
Mewbourne Cheryl 
Meyers Jacob E. 
Mezewski Edward J. 
Michael, Sr. Joseph G. 
Mike Norman B. 
Miller Donald 
Miller Francis L. 
Miller Paul S. 
Miller Theodore A. 
Miller Wilbur C. 
Mills Frank 
Mills James B. 
Mills Russell E. 
Mina Walter R. 
Minderlein James P. 
Mitchell John E.  
Mitcheltree John R. 
Monczewski Anthony 
Montgomery George M. 
Moody Leroy 
Moog Frederick M. 
Moore Elmer 
Morgan Donald E. 
Morgan Kenneth J. 
Morseberger John W. 
Morseberger Walter 
Mortimer Jr. George B. 
Mueller Howard 
Muldowney James D. 
Mullaney Wayne 
Mullin Joseph B.
Mullineaux William B. 
Munk August F. 
Murdock Oliver T. 
Murphy John M. 
Murray Murrill J. 
Myers Robert E.  
Miller William W.  
Donald Muir Sgt.   
Ricky Mayfield #3786 EOD 5/2/88  
Charles Megibow Sgt C346 3-1977 CD 
Brenda May Det D446 EOD 11/5/82 ND  VCTF  ECU 

Eddie Mack D891 Badge 2686. CD. Retired 6/2005

Miller, E. H. Ptl NW 04/09/1886 01106/1888 Active
Magness, Charles R Ptl c 04/09/1886 06/04/1889 Active
Moore, R. L. Ptl c 05/0111867 08/04/1889 Active
Mersman, Charles L Ptl c 04/08/1875 10/23/1889 Active
Mills, John C Ptl NW 03/25/1881 10/02/1890 Active
Mantle, William Ptl NW 04/2911867 05/07/1892 Retire
Montague, Peter Sgt s 01112/1872 07/14/1892 Active
McGee, James W Ptl w 05/06/1867 12/18/1893 Retire
McMahon, Peter J Sgt NW 04/1111882 06/15/1895 Active
Mitchell, H.H. Ptl c 05/07/1867 08/05/1895 Retire
Melville, William Ptl w 05/09/1879 11108/1895 Active
McCroey, Thomas E Ptl E 05/0111871 12/09/1895 Active
Mettee,Joseph Ptl c 03/15/1880 06/22/1896 Active
Moore, Henry B Ptl NE 04/09/1886 07/07/1896 Active
Maintz, John Ptl s 10/07/1881 06/30/1897 Active
Mitchell, Joseph C Det HQ 04/23/1867 07/3111898 Active
Maltem, William A Sgt c 07/19/1897 01106/1900 Active
Mills, Thomas W Ptl c 05/28/1870 07/22/1900 Retire
Milroy, William A Ptl c 01125/187 12/14/1900 Retire
Murray, Thomas J Ptl c 02/27/1888 08/04/1901 Active
Manger, Martin Tun N 06/0111888 01124/1902 Active
Mcintire, John A Ptl NW 04/04/1887 07/29/1902 Active
Manning, Bartholomew Ptl c 06/09/1869 08/28/1902 Retire
McGuire, Thomas W Ptl c 11128/1868 01125/1903 Retire
McCauley, John P Ptl c 05/06/1862 02/17/1905 Retire
Mears, Thomas J.D. Ptl NE 12/12/1890 09/17/1905 Active
McGee, Samuel G Ptl s 10/2111897 04/05/1906 Active
Mcdowell, William Ptl w 07/13/1867 10/0111906 Retire
McClellaud, David P Lt HQ 05/0111871 04/15/1907 Retire
McCloskey, Orin W Ptl sw 01103/1907 04/0111908 Active
Meyers, Charles H Ptl 07./30/1908 Retire
Mills, George W Sgt w 04/29/1879 08/15/1908 Retire
Medders, Caleb W Ptl NW 12/05/1878 07/22/1909 Retire
Miskelly, James Ptl c 03/09/1868 10/05/1909 Retire
McLaughlin, Mary A MAT E 06/0111892 10/27/1909 Retire
McMahon, Samuel Sgt NW 12/04/1900 11126/1910 Active
Meyers, Albert C Ptl E 04/20/1896 05/06/1911 Retire
Meekins, John D Ptl s 06/16/1876 04/1111912 Retire
McGrain, John Ptl NW 09/1111891 11124/1912 Retire
Mainster, Jacob Ptl E 05/0111867 09/04/1913 Retire
Miller, William L. F. Det HQ 05/09/1989 07/07/1914 Active
Mason, William A Ptl s 04/10/1886 04/24/1915 Active
Mittendorf, Henry Sgt NE 05/07/1867 04/10/1915 Retire
Mcintire, James H Ptl NW 09/1111903 07/17/1915 Active
Meeks, Paul E Sgt w 04/19/1901 12/25/1915 Active
Murphy, Timothy E Tun NE 05/23/1893 03/1111916 Retire
Murray, John Ptl HQ 01107/1879 05/06/1916 Retire
Monohan, John J Ptl NW 01/04/1893 07/05/1916 Active
Miskimion, Philip Ptl c 11104/1882 09/07/1916 Retire
Meehau, Edward F RSgt c 08/25/1881 04/14/1916 Retire
Meyer, George P Sgt NE 05/05/1898 01122/1917 Retire
McNeal, Michael Ptl c 06/15/1868 03/04/1917 Active
McLynn, James J Ptl E 05/26/1893 05/07/1917 Retire
Mauer, Max, Sgt NE 04/12/1886 02/04/1918 Retire
McLean, Charles H Lt N 03/30/1897 07/08/1918 Active
Morgan, Evan Ptl w 04/17/1916 10/13/1918 Active
Minderlein, Conrad Pt1 c 0113111896 12/12/1918 Active
Middendorf, John Ptl E 07/10/1872 01122/1920 Retire
McKew, Michael Ptl s 12/09/1874 02/22/1920 Active
Murphy, Michael Ptl sw 03/03/1879 05/03/1920 Retire
Moore, Alonzo A Ptl NE 11128/1899 08/29/1920 Retire
McShane, Charles J Pt1 NE 08/25/1887 08/29/1920 Retire
Malone, Daniel Tun c 10/07/1869 1112111920 Retire
McGee, Charles Cpt N 02/18/1878 01119/1921 Retire
Mills, William H Pt1 s 10/29/1872 02/0111921 Retire
Moore, Howard J Ptl NW 06/28/1888 03/18/1921 Retire
Milske, George M Ptl TRF 08/20/1902 07/20/1921 Active
Meyers, George W Ptl NW 02/25/1889 01120/1922 Retire
Murphy, William Sgt sw 0110111894 03/0111922 Active
Miller, Matthew Ptl E 11113/1888 04/30/1922 Retire
McKenna, Michael Ptl c 06/27/1881 12/26/1922 Retire
McDonnell, Harry H Ptl HQ 05/05/1897 10/27/1923 Active
McDonnell, James Ptl NE 07/14/1873 03/1111924 Retire
Moran, Thomas Pt1 s 11/0111877 05/29/1924 Retire
Mcintire, James Ptl N 12/02/1875 08/06/1924 Retire
McGeeney, James M Tun c 04/13/1886 08/09/1924 Active
Martz Irvin 'Ptl c 02/28/1924 01102/1925 Active
McLaughlin, Joseph P Ptl S · 06/23/1902 08/03/1925 Active
McGraw, Thomas Lt N 02/28/1883 10/22/1925 Retire
Mitchell, Roy L Ptl TRF 06/24/1924 1110111925 Active*
Moxley, Jonathan E Cpt N 07/30/1888 01101/1926 Retire
Merritt, George R Ptl E 01/22/1925 09/16/1926 Active
Mitchell, Joseph H Ptl E 09/07/1877 12/23/1926 Retire
Marsden, James H Ptl NW 12/30/1874 02/26/1927 Retire
McKew, William H Pt1 s 07/23/1877 02/2811927 Retire
Murphy, Patrick F Ptl NE 09/2111905 11102/1927 Active
May, George M. J. Ptl s 05/3111910 02/12/1928 Active
Mcintyre, Frank X Pt1 NE 01115/1923 03/09/1928 Active
Morgan, Robert L Pt1 w 10/16/1894 02/11/1929 Active
McGann, Michael V Pt1 E 02/12/1897 04/02/1929 Retire
Mills, William R Ptl c 02/17/1899 04/23/1929 Retire
Moore, James M Ptl sw 07/1711884 07/26/1929 Retire
McCourt, Charles J Pt1 N 01/01/1886 10/01/1929 Retire
Mank, John Pt1 E 04/27/1925 10/02/1929 Active
Murray, Louis CHFR HQ 05/26/1910 11/22/1929 Retire
McCabe, James Ptl NE 07/02/1894 05/29/1930 Retire
Martin, Thomas F Pt1 TRF 12/3111929 0110111931 Active
Mory, James R Sgt HQ 04/1111882 02/27/1931 Active
Miller, George Ptl NE 08/29/1910 04/06/1931 Active
Moore, William H Ptl NE 03/13/1903 05/17/1931 Active
McGovern, Joesph Cpt HQ 05/15/1885 10/17/1931 Active
Mannion, Martin Lt HQ 04/29/1901 10/29/1931 Active
Magee, Edward 0 Ptl c 09/24/1884 06/04/1932 Active
Miller, Richard Ptl c 12/20/1898 08/06/1932 Retire
Mulcahy, Daniel Pt1 TRF 02/05/1925 12/21/1932 Active
Musch, John Ptl E 09/03/1917 12/22/1932 Active
McGaham, John T Ptl c 12/09/1898 01106/1933 Retire
McAritiffe, Maurice HSTLR HQ 01/00/1901 01111/1933 Active
McQury, George Ptl HQ 09/26/1907 02/02/1933 Retire
Myers, George Ptl NE 11/10/1896 02/09/1933 Active
Mills, Howard L CHFR s 07/0111907 02/24/1933 Active
Manning, James DepMar HQ 04/1111882 04/17/1933 Retire
McNamee, John W Tun s 06/22/1899 04/29/1933 Retire
Moloney, May G CLK TRF 01/0111928 07/31/1933 Active
Mister, JohnS Ptl c 05/28/1902 08/01/1933 Active
Myers, William R Ptl TRF 07/14/1898 09/27/1933 Active
Miller, Jacob E Lt HQ 04/25/1889 12/26/1933 Active
Martin, William J CHFR HQ 07/11/1907 03/06/1934 Retire
McSweeney, Michael Sgt NE 03/14/1904 09/05/1934 Active
Mack, David Ptl s 05/31/1901 08/1711938 Retire
Malinofski, Arthur H Ptl MW 09/23/1926 10/3111935 Active*
Morhisir, Harvey P Cpt HQ 09/07/1881 03/09/1936 Retire
Mahoney, William D Ptl NE 12/06/1895 03/19/1936 Retire
McKillop, James E Ptl TRF 11124/1925 06/03/1936 Active
Murphy, Jeremiah J Sgt w 03/13/1893 06/20/1936 Retire
Minderlein, Gerald P Ptl NW 03/19/1931 12/06/1936 Active
Miller, George M.B. Ptl s 08/10/1893 12/15/1936 Active
Moore, Ernest M Sgt N 04/0111901 01119/1937 Active
Mayer, William H Sgt s 05/29/1901 05/20/1937 Retire
McKenna, Denis J Sgt NW 09/25/1901 05/26/1937 Active
Magaha, Harry L Ptl c 03/1111921 10/23/1937 Active
Masel, George Ptl c 10/1111904 01/07/1938 Retire
McElwee, John F Sgt E 08/12/1909 06/23/1938 Active
McNamara, Patrick J Ptl c 04119/1901 09/24/1938 Retire
Monk, James A Ptl c 04/0111901 10/14/1938 Retire
McKew, Michael J Lt c 07/23/1913 12/08/1938 Active
Moore, Alfred Sgt w 08/26/1896 12/12/1938 Retire
Mitchell, Joseph E Ptl NW 05/29/1901 12/24/1938 Retire
Mayer, John H Lt HQ 06/13/1884 01110/1940 Retire
McClenahan, Edith R MAT N 0113111900 02/2811940 Retire
Mackall, Ernest Ptl HQ 04/20/1904 04/10/1940 Retire
McClosky, James Sgt w 04/0111901 06/15/1940 Retire
Mcintyre, Ambrose Sr Ptl NE 04/10/1886 09/1111940 Retire
Meyers, George W Ptl NE 07/27/1920 09/21/1940 Active
Miller, Samuel H Ptl NW 01128/1890 09/30/1940 Retire
Moore, Henry C Sgt NW 02/28/1913 10/18/1940 Retire
McKenney, John W Sr Ptl c 02/28/1910 05/14/1941 Active
McClean, Francis Ptl w 11109/1905 06/29/1941 Retire
Moxely, Arthur J Ptl TRF 04/18/1936 09/24/1942 Active
McPhearson, John W Ptl w 04/12/1882 08/13/1909 Retire
Meisg, William Tun E 01102/1893 01/05/1914 Active
McGee, Robert Sgt E 04/30/1904 09/25/1935 Retire
McGrath, John Tun E 09/20/1901 03/17/1937 Retire


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James M. Napier – SWD – NED - E&T - Range
Nagel John M. 
Det Kenneth Nauman 
Nagle, Jr. John C. 
Nagle, Sr. Robert E. 
Julius Neveker - HERE 
Medrick Norrington WD, CID

Chester Norton WD, CID 
Lt Stephen Nalewajko NWD DEU - SED OPS – VCTF - VCD - Homicide - OPS  - SD DEU OPS - Warrant-Gun Squad - SD DDU 
John Nelson SD, WD
Nelson, Jr. James W.
Patrolman Thomas Norton SD - HERE
Neubauer Frederick 
Newberger Bernard J. 
Newberger Lola P. 
Newberry Charles E. 
Newman , Sr Merle R.  
Chester Norton E308 WD = SD - Sex Crimes and DNA Cold Case Unit -  Homicide  

Monica Nashan h965 SD  
Newnam Richard B. 
Nitsch Frederick A. 
Nitsch George W. 
Nugent James L. 
Neenan Thomas J.
Noavis, Charles F CLK s 09/09/1886 11/18/1889 Active
Neary, Michael Ptl c 10/15/1877 06/20/1894 Active*
Neubeck, Frank Ptl E 06/03/1881 03/07/1901 Active
Nippard, Joseph J Ptl c 0111111873 1111811901 Retire
Nicholson, Charles Ptl w 04/07/1873 03/17/1902 Retire
Napier, Arthur Lt HQ 05/1511885 11/01/1902 Retire
Nolan, Thomas Ptl w 05/2711869 0311711905 Retire
Noomey, John J Sgt w 01/25/1888 08/14/1906 Retire
Norton, P~trick Ptl s 12/15/1892 11128/1919 Retire
Nugent, Gerhard W Ptl w 08/25/1915 07/0111923 Active
Norton, Joseph F Ptl NW 06/03/1898 01107/1926 Retire
Norris, Louis F Ptl c 08/26/1875 03/05/1928 Retire
Nicholson, William A Sgt c 04/19/1897 03114/1928 Active
Norr, Frederick Ptl E 02/0111912 09/28/1929 Active
Noonan, Michael J Ptl NE 12/2111905 06/18/1932 Active
Nelslein, William Sgt E 01119/1904 06/30/1933 Retire
Nuth, Henry B Ptl NE 12/30/1918 07/08/1933 Active
Nelson, Martin R Lt NE 11/14/1917 01106/1935 Active
Neons, Joseph Sgt NE 04/12/1886 06/24/1938 Retire
Newman, William S Ptl s 07/22/1893 06/19/1940 Retire
Neary, Patrick J Ptl NE 11114/1919 07/02/1940 Active
Norton, J. Charles PHY HQ 07/0111940 11/0911940 Active

  Medals racked NEW


CD=Central District, SE=Southeast, ED=Eastern District, NE=Northeastern, ND=Northern District, NW=Northwest District, WD=Western District, SW=Southwest District, SD=Southern District, HP=Harbor Patrol

MCU=Major Crime Unit, DDU=District Detective Unit, TAC=Tactical, QRT=Quick Response Team, SWAT=Special Weapons, and Tactics, K9, FOX=Helicopter Unit, MU=Marine Unit, TIS=Traffic Investigative Services, TS=Traffic Section, VS=Vice Squad DEU=Drug Enforcement Unit, CS=Crime Statistics CP=Community Policing Mot=Motors Mou=Mounted FD=Fiscal Division& EPD=Executive Protection Division

MoH=Medal of Honor, CoV=Citation of Valor, SS=Silver Star, BS=Bronze Star, LSA=Life Saving Award, DSA=Distinguished Service Award CR=Commendation Ribbon, UC=Unit Citation, 5YRSD, 10YRSD, 15YRSD, 20YRSD=Years Safe Driving (5, 10, 15, 20), RR1968=1968 Riot Ribbon, SR=Special Ribbon, SP2000=Special 2000, EDI=Eastern District Incentive, CL=Commendatory Letter, OOTY= Officer of the Year. PH=Purple Heart BPDHS-SR=Baltimore Police Historic Soicety Service Ribbon

Baltimore City Police History we consider all of our brothers and sisters in the Baltimore Police Department to be heroes and would like to form a "Hall of Fame" here on the site to include each and every one of them. So if you know of an officer that isn't on this wall, bring it to our attention by writing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Just give us a name, the district(s) worked, along with any other info you may know, years worked, awards received, interesting cases etc. If you have a pic that would be nice too (the pics won't go on this page, but with luck, we will eventually have a link created so that when a name is found it can be clicked on to take you to their pic which will be loaded somewhere else on this site. That said, we will load all pictures sent to us somewhere on the site, so with pics let us know what district(s) they worked, units, etc. so we have a better idea of where to put the pic, without info the pic will still be loaded onto the site under Misc. Pictures.

TUN = Turnkey - Ptl = Patrolman - Det = Detective - Sgt = Sergeant - RSgt = Round Sergeant - Lt = Lieutenant -  Cpt = Captain - Dep = Deputy Marshall - Mar = Marshall - Com = Commissioner - MAT= Matron - HMAT = Head Matron - BE = Boat Engineer - T&S = Telegraph and Signal operator - Clk =Clerk - Phy = Physician - Chf = Chauffer - HQ = Headquarter - C =Central - SE = Southeast - E =Eastern - NE =Northeast - N =Northern - NW = Northwest - W =Western - SW = Southwest - S = Southern - TRF = Traffic

P/O = Police officer - P/W = Policewoman - P/A = Pollice Agent - Det = Detective

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P/O Carol Opher - ED - VCTF - Homicide - NE – DDU 
P/W Emma Doloris Owings Badge #17 from 1954-1957 WD

P/O Joe Oneill
Col Jesse Oden SE, WD, NW, NE, Tac, Hom, SD, DEU, CID - BSx1 / UCx3
John Peranio  WD
Darrel Oxyer WD, SD, NWD- SSx1 / BSx1
Oakjones Donald E. 
O'Hara Eugene M. 
O'Neal Louis J. 
Oparowski Edward P. 
Opolko, Jr. Connie 
Orem Louis 
Orth Charles 
Osborne James C. 
Oster Frederick J. 
Owens, Jr. Charles C. 
Darryl Osborne 82-6-B D439 EOD 11-4-1982 

O'Donnell, Michael Member the BPD from 1879 until his death at age 44 in 1883
O'Neill, John F Ptl w 10/15/1886 04/1711891 Active
O 'Keefe, David J Ptl w 02/19/1903 05/06/1904 Active
O'Brien, Thomas Ptl c 05/27/1871 05/24/1906 Retire
O'Farrell, Hugh Ptl sw 06/02/1879 05/24/1906 Retire
Owens, Henry F Ptl NW 05/07/1867 03/10/1906 Retire
O'Rourke, James H Ptl N 02/03/1904 09/09/1907 Active
O 'Neill, Frank Ptl c 07/23/1908 Retire
Owens, Gywnn F CLK c 04/06/1886 01/19/1911 Retire
O'Neill, James J Ptl E 03/15/1916 08/18/1911 Active
O'Connell, Olie MAT s 06/0111892 02/2111913 Retire
O'Neill, James Ptl c 11124/1874 02/19/1916 Retire
O'Toole, Joseph Ptl c 02/0111900 08/04/1916 Active
O 'Keefe, William J Ptl NW 03/12/1885 03/05/1918 Active
O'Neill, Thomas J Sgt N 06/0111888 06/08/1938 Retire
O'Grady, Elmer Lt sw 01113/1916 03/05/1942 Retire
O'Hara, George T Tun N 11/04/1919 06/17/1942 Retire
O'Meara, William Ptl NW 03/0111873 0112111899 Active
Osborne, Robert L Ptl w 03/28/1919 05/07/1930 Active
Ostendorf, Frank H Lt w 05/29/1891 08/13/1935 Retire
Thomas C Oliver III
Ohle, John Sgt NE 04/01/1901 04/30/1937 Retire
Oursler, Thomas F Sgt w 04/0111901 10111/1942 Retire
Ororing, Theodore Sgt s 01117/1884 10/28/1921 Active
Oelman, George Ptl s 06/0111888 05/15/1922 Retire

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P/O Warren Porter  SWD / TAC 
P/O Brian Pedrick CD   
P/O Michael Price - CD - SE 
P/O Willie Pitt CD 
Det. Donner Powell  
Lt. Richard Petrey - NED - CD - SWD - Sex Crimes – Homicide 
P/O Michael Piasecki ND

P/O Delano Pennewell Motors
P/O Stanley Parsons ED / 1968 RR
P/O Jon Pease CD - SD
Lt Joesph Peters C/D - DEU - IID - CID - BSx1 / CRx3 / CLx33 / UCx6
Det Janice Peters C/D MCU - DDU - UCx3 / OOTYx1 / 20YRSD / CLx25+ 
P/O Eric Jansen  
P/O Gary Provenzano
P/O Anthony James Panowitz 
P/O Edward A Panowitz, Sr 
P/O Edward A James Panowitz Jr. aka Skip 
P/O Edmund Panowicz 
P/O Gregory Panowicz 
P/O Raphael Panowicz 
Sergeant  Walter James Panowicz 
Sgt. Ron Pettie
P/O Julie Pritchard
P/O Tony J. Petralia Jr. TIS
Jack Patterson
P/O Aaron Perkins
Palmer Richard T.
Palmere John L.
Palmerino, Sr. Joseph L.
Panowicz Edmund J.
Panowicz Gregory A.
Paone Leon
Parks Alfred L.
Parscal Charles A.
Patten Bruce H.
Patterson,Jr. Cecil
Paulus George
Peach John
Pelsinsky, Jr. Alexander J.
Pennington William J.
Perdue John D.
Pessagno Albert L.
Phillips Mary C.
Pickering Cortez
Pinkerton,III William K.
Plantholt John W.
Podzimek,Jr. Charles J.
Pomrenke Norman
Ponder Nathaniel L.
Popilok David J.
Porter Joseph J.
Portera Samuel A.
Poseno Harvey
Posey Donald F.
Potter Earl J.
Potter Vernon A.
Preis, Jr. John
Prescott Robert A.
Price Eugene M.
Pritchett William L.
Prkna Richard J. 
Poole, Henry Sgt E 05/07/1867 02/16/1895 Active
Puotier, John S Det HQ 04/22/1867 07/03/1899 Active
Powers, John Ptl c 05/17/1872 07/22/1899 Retire
Pearce, William J Ptl c 02/1111899 08/20/1900 Active
Paff, John J Ptl E 05/07/1867 06/12/1901 Retire
Putsche, Frederick Ptl NW 10/18/1875 08/1811905 Retire
Pierce, John T Ptl NE 06/10/1868 08/0111906 Retire
Perry, William H Ptl s 11118/1875 02/0611912 Retire
Pasterfield, Charles L Ptl NE 11104/1874 04/06/1912 Retire
Plum, Frank J Sgt NE 05/0111888 07/20/1913 Active
Parks, John A Lt s <') /1/1'6~1 05/20/1914 Retire
Patton, Charles A Cpt w 07/27/1883 11112/1915 Retire
Parker, William A Ptl w 06/09/1899 08/06/1917 Active
Pemiar, William R Pt1 N 12/1111900 09/15/1917 Retire
Pearson, William H Pt1 s 05/06/1867 07/07/1918 Retire
Pollock, George Ptl c 07/27/1898 10/2811919 Active
Pyles, William W Ptl NW 07/07/1891 02/02/1921 Active
Pfister, Nicholas Sgt s 10/20/1880 08/23/1921 Active
Pratt, James W Ptl c 07/23/1892 07/19/1922 Active
Parbutton, Edward M Ptl TRF 05/13/1914 09/26/1921 Active
Parks, Edward M Ptl N 04/27/1922 09/10/1922 Active
Perry, Charles E CBE HQ 03/02/1892 11108/1922 Active
Punken, George H Ptl NE 1011611879 01122/1923 Retire
Puele, Henry W Ptl NW 06/24/1897 02/02/1923 Retire
Piemey~ Patrick E Sgt N 02/26/1880 04/0111923 Retire
Pumphrey, Aquilla Cpt HQ 02112/1876 02/21/1924 Retire
Pohler, Herman Lt HQ 06/1111883 02/18/1924 Retire
Pyles, Francis T Ptl N 04/22/1886 05117/1924 Active
Pfeifer, Henry Ptl NE 01/03/1903 12/02/1924 Active
Pick, William A Ptl c 11112/1878 09/25/1925 Active
Patterson, Peter J Sgt N 09/12/1896 1110611925 Retire
Penn, William Ptl NW 04/01/1925 12122/1925 Active
Peregoy, John H Lt NW 01110/1895 10/17/1926 Retire
Pilsch, John Tun E 12/26/1918 02/12/1927 Active
Parlett, Daniel Tun NE 06/01/1888 04/0111927 Active
Potter, Charles B Sgt E 09/19/1881 04/04/1927 Retire
Perkins, John H Ptl s 08/17/1901 06/2111921 Retire
Poske, Herman H Sgt NE 05/23/1907 11/09/1929 Active
Pendergast, Thomas Ptl c 06/28/1894 12/22/1930 Active
Pitts, Howard L Ptl sw 09/07/1913 12/06/1931 Active
Peeples, Paul F Ptl TRF 06/28/1920 04/06/1932 Active
Parr, Frank Lt NE 12/2411898 01108/1933 Active
Peregoy, George K Ptl NW 06/1111875 10/2111933 Retire
Parks, Zephaniah HSTLR HQ 05/0111925 03/12/1935 Retire
Phillips, Marcy B Sgt c 10/12/1903 11111/1936 Retire
Pfaff, William H Ptl s 07/27/1891 07/12/1937 Retire
Patterson, John Pt1 NE 07/13/1903 09/28/1937 retire
Pfening, Daniel W Cpt E 04/23/1898 08/19/1938 Active
Pruett, Walter F Pt1 NE 11124/1922 08/13/1941 Active
Pfiefer, Philip Pt1 sw 0110111894 09/15/1941 Retire
Pusey, Jacob M Ptl NE 08/29/1881 . 04/05/1921 Retire
Patterson, Anne E MAT E 06/0111892 01107/1933 Retire
Powers, Thomas Ptl Ptl c 10/05/1883 12/1411901 Active
Puan, William P Ptl NE 06/17/1897 07/27/1921 Retire
Piefner, William H Lt E 07/03/1879 02/06/1923 Active

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Quandt, Rudolph 0 Ptl s 05/28/1902 10/02/1932 Retire
Sgt. Dave Qualls- WD, ED
Quinn, Matthew E Lt NW 04/29/1867 03/23/1892 Active
Qua, Patrick F Pt1 NE 04/2411880 04/22/1897 Retire
Quinn, William A Ptl E 10/12/1903 12/26/1910 Active
Quirk, Thomas W Lt HQ 07/18/1899 02/13/1924 Active
Quinn, Matthew Lt NW 10/10/1893 04/29/1931 Retire
Quinn, John E Det HQ 07/2311920 09/0111935 Active

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John F. Rupertus - SD / SW/ CD / CRX3 / SSX1 
Sgt James Joseph Roach - Marine Unit HERE
Sgt. Kurt Roepcke - ED / CD / TAC 
William Robbins - P/O - SGT - LT - NWD - ED - CIB
P/O Americus Rambeau - NWD / TAC 
Det Jeffrey D Redd - NED - IID - E&T - Community Affairs - Past President VJS - CSA - UC  

Sal Rivieri CD / HP
P/O Lawrence Reid - Motors Unit - class 70-7 - Retired 1994 - CRx3 - SSx1
Jim Rhoden - Major - E911  

Sgt. John Reuling
P/O Fred R.E. Rundberg 
Sgt. William G. Rowland ND - SE / BSx2 / UCx1 / LSx1 / CRx4 / 15YRSD / Governors Commendation - 1
Sgt Scott Roper
Jeffrey Redd NED - IID - Police Academy - CAD - Past President VJS UC - DSA - FTO
Sgt. Lee Rodgers SE / E -  HERE
Jason Rathell - ND
Det. Eric Ragland
Raivel William
Susan Reitz
David Reitz
Ratcliffe Raymond
Rawlings, Jr. William L.  
William Roberts – P/O – SED - B492

Readmond Ronald J.
Reedy Donald L.  
Gregory Robinson F488  NWD Det NWD/DDU Sgt SWD Det Sgt SWD/DDU and ED/DDU  

Reichelt Carl H.
Reichelt Naomi O.
Reinsfelder Paul F.
Reitterer Frank H.
Reuling Charles L.
Reynolds Joseph E.
Richburg,Jr. Julius
Ries, Sr. Martin K,
Rife Walter E.
Riley III Thomas L.
Rimkevicius Algirdas
Ritter, Jr. Robert F.
Rizzo Carmelo J.
Robar Arthur W.
Robertson John C.
Robinson Julian T.
Robinson Luther
Rock Edward F.
Rogers Allen
Rogich Michael A.
Rollins, Jr. James
Rose Thomas O.
Ross Robert J.
Roth Henry P.
Rowzee Floyd
Roy Clarence E.
Rozanski Albert S.
Ruby Edward
Rudolph Charles J.
Rudolph, Sr. Matthew J.
Ruppert, Sr. Francis L.
Ryan Herbert L.
Ryan John C. 
Ritzel William P. 
Russell, William H Ptl NE 04/25/1867 06/25/1901 Retire
Rockfoot, Robert J Ptl E 06/29/1885 11104/1888 Active
Rodgers, George Ptl NE 07/26/1876 02/20/1892 Active
Roberts, Washington Ptl c 05/02/1868 09/29/1892 Retire
Reilly, John E Det HQ 05/0111867 01130/1896 Active
Rice, William A Ptl NW 01125/1889 12/02/1896 Active
Ruckle, James S Ptl c 09/02/1884 04/1011897 Active
Rubey, William W Sgt sw 04/04/1884 10/23/1897 Active
Rodgers, John Ptl NE 04/29/1867 08/13/1898 Retire
Ryan, Michael W Ptl w 05/12/1891 06/1111900 Active
Roycroft, J. Andrew Sgt E 10/27/1871 12/2311902 Active
Rauh,AdamG Ptl E 05/14/1885 11/02/1903 Active
Raur, Carroll Ptl w 10/23/1899 03/06/1904 Active
Ryan, Peter Ptl s 09/17/1880 05/30/1904 Retire
Rudolph, Martin J ENG HQ 11/20/1904 Active
Riley, Peter RSgt s 04/18/1873 03/17/1905 Active
Reinhardt, Charles Sgt c 12/02/1871 08/15/1905 Retire
Reed, Joseph H Ptl w 05/24/1869 03/0111906 Retire
Renehan, Joseph W Ptl NW 01/15/1889 02/1111907 Retire
Rafferty, John Sgt c 04/10/1886 05/09/1907 Retire
Roney, Peter F Ptl c 05/3111901 07/1811907 Active
Richmond, Samuel W Ptl w 09/04/1906 11127/1907 Active
Ross, Perry S Ptl s 05/05/1898 12/2111907 Active
Ray, Vernon L Ptl NW 04/0111901 05/2911908 Active
Rodger, John E Ptl NE 06/0111882 01126/1909 Retire
Rourke, James Ptl NW 09/15/1870 07/18/1891 Active
Robinson, J.Q.A. COMM HQ 11117/1894 Retire
Rowe, William B, Lt w 04/29/1867 11/10/1910 Retire
Roth, John Ptl E 10/27/1879 01130/1914 Retire
Reynolds, Michael J Ptl sw 12/20/1887 04/2111914 Retire
Ryan, Alban A Ptl c 04/22/1881 10/23/1914 Retire
Ramsay, Thomas Ptl s 04/01/1901 01/0111915 Active
Ryan, Timothy Ptl sw 05/30/1892 0111111915 Retire
Reth, John. Sgt NW 09/2911884 06/08/1915 Retire
Rockfort, Thomas C Ptl E 08/11/1875 07/12/1916 Retire
Riordan, Michael Tun sw 05/07/1867 12/3111916 Retire
Reynolds, Henry M Sgt sw 05/05/1898 01/13/1920 Active
Rielly, Michael J Ptl w 09/0111874 06/28/1920 Retire
Rannis, James Ptl NE 02/25/1886 01112/1921 Retire
Roimer, Henry J Tun s 01113/1896 06/20/1922 Active
Robb, Charles W Pt1 N 12/22/1922 10/3111926 Active
Ryan, James J Pt1 TRf 07/02/1891 04/15/1927 Retire
Reynolds, George W Ptl E 04/14/1885 07/30/1927 Retire
Randle, William H CLK HQ 05/26/1913 02/19/1928 Active
Ripplemeyer, Leo A Ptl sw 06/19/1911 06/17/1928 Active
Roycroft, Howard F Sgt N 07/12/1912 12/0111928 Active
Rivers, Joseph Ptl s 05/05/1921 09/30/1929 Active
Rudolph, Virginia M MAT s 08/0111908 11104/1929 Active
Roesler, Herman Jr Pt1 NE 10/22/1920 01125/1930 Active
Ruth, Perry W Pt1 sw 12/16/1882 10/18/1930 Retire
Raff, Raymond Ptl E 04/08/1873 05/20/1911 Retire
Roth, George Ptl E 09/11/1905 12/25/1930 Retire
Redrick, Edgar V Pt1 w 10/24/1927 04/02/1934 Active
Rever, Louis G Ptl NE 02/07/1887 11/06/1934 Retire
Roberts, Harold R Ptl N 02/25/1925 07/11/1935 Active
Ramsey, Edward N Lt c 05/2111898 03/02/1936 Retire
Rudel, Martin W Lt NW 11103/1904 05/1611936 Retire
Roche, Edward Ptl E 04/0111901 07/1111936 Retire
Roth, J Charles Ptl NE 12/3111898 12/08/1936 Retire
Robb, Joseph Ptl w 07/07/1919 03/3011937 Active
Ryan, JohnJ Ptl HQ 04/2311896 04/0111939 Retire
Ryan, William L Ptl c 03/1111921 06/13/1940 Active*
Rittle, George Ptl NW 12/26/1911 06/04/1940 Retire
Ramser, Guster Lt NW 02/28/1913 06/18/1940 Active
Rixham, John Pt1 NE 05/06/1919 12/01/1940 Active
Rohlfmg, Charles F Sgt w 09/02/1914 12/14/1940 Active
Rogers, John H Ptl s 03/28/1919 03/30/1941 Retire
Ritz, Frank Ptl N 07/07/1926 04/08/1941 Active
Ruhl, George M Sgt NE 01/08/1894 02/20/1942 Retire
Robinson, Charles E Ptl w 02/24/1928 06/0111942 Active
Rider, William H Ptl NW 04/09/1878 07/29/1918 Retire
Reilly, Hugh L Ptl NW 08/06/1908 10/16/1912 Active
Rimbrandt, Augustus Ptl c 03/02/1899 01/28/1922 Active
Ryan, Ambose J RSgt c 12/2111895 06/27/1923 Retire
Rogers, Coke E Ptl w 01103/1907 08/19/1928 Retire
Roche, Cornelius F Lt HQ 07/13/1903 03/08/1933 Active
Ray, Charles M Tun c 02/01/1900 03/21/1937 Active
Rider, William E Pt1 sw 11124/1898 01109/1942 Retire

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Sgt. Larry A Salmond - NED - ED - CID
Det Aaron T Swanson Sr - Central Records - C.D - N.W.D - N.E.D - V.C.T.F - P.A.L - Community Affairs Division. CRx2 - 15 YRSD - SP2000 – DSA 
P/O Larry J Sanders - WD - SED - TAC - CRX2 - UCX1 - 20 YRSD 
Det Leo Smith - WD / K9 - Fugitive - HERE
Gary Smith P/O NED 
P/O Bill Stanton   
Asa T. Sedicum - HERE
P/O Paul M. Scardina C157 - CD - SE - SW - SE 
P/O Charles Stahm – NW - NE - TAC - K9  
P/O Sam Scardina - SD 
Jim Schular P/O CD MCU
Frank R. Siminski Sgt. Traffic
James Schank P/O  NE
Alan E. Small Agent – WD – SWD – SD – TAC - CID – FD – YS - CRx2
Timothy M. Small Officer – NE  
Mack T. Smith E116 ND - NWD  

Paul Sheppard
Norman Stamp - HERE 
Ronald Shepke
Mervin Spiwak Maj
Jim Shea
John W Stallings    
Howard R. Stansbury Sr.  

Howard R. Stansbury JR.  
Vernell Shaheed Lt. C991 SWD, Tactical Div, Central Records, WD, Personnel DIV, SD, CID. Retired 
David Marshall Simmons - HERE 
Donna Stauffer D103 EOD 8/31/1981, Badge #251 Patrol WD, Tac, COMM, SWD, CAD, CD, ND 

Cindy Root Weinstein Osborne Sobotka Det. E518 1/1990 SD CID Shootings  Juvenile Booking 
Martin Seltzer 1975 C266 CD NWD ND Crime Resistance Unit
James W Starleper D259 EOD 1/6/82 ED NED and SD. 
P/O Patrick Sellers F422 ND and SOS Aviation 6/6/1994 to 6/7/2014 
P/O Norman Sauter A655 ND 10/5/1961 to 6/29/1999 
Scott Serio Sgt
Kevin Shillenn
James Shields
Richard Steelman
Kim Starr
Jose T Smith
Howard Stansbury  
Jeffrey Soule G240 Badge 911  
Aaron Stewart Det.  SD/CID/Retired; (Awards) 1 Silver Star, 2 Bronze Stars, Unit Citation, 2 Commendations  

Scott Sewell
Barbara Halpern Schlereth P/O
Ed Snediker
Aaron Swanson Sr.
Carlos Simmons  
Aaron Stewart Det.  SD/CID/Retired; (Awards) 1 Silver Star, 2 Bronze Stars, Unit Citation, 2 Commendations  

Gary Sisserman
John Szuba
James Starleper
Jeff Soule
Brian D. Schwaab P/O WD, SD, CID - CRx4 - BSx3 - OOTY 1992
Shawn Smith
Sam Shipley 
Edward Stefankiewicz 
Andy Stefankiewicz P/O
Richard Smith P/O
Erich J Slaughter
Heather Scott
Gregory Shuttleworth
Alesha Salyers


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P/O Kevin R Turner - WD - CID 
P/O Ronald H. Teufer Sr HERE  Mounted Unit
P/O Ronald H. Teufer Jr
P/O Denise Lazzara Thompson
Tawney Lawrence A.
Major Michael Tomczak WD, NED
Taylor Norman J.
Dave Turrini WD
Det. Wallace Therien CD, CID HERE
Lou Trimper WD
Angie Triplin SED
Terranova Dante
Thayer Richard G.
Thieman William M.
Thomas Joseph L.
Thommen Charles P.
Tiburzi George D.
Tiburzi Salvadore A.
Tiell Terry N.
Tilghman Edward J.
Det. Sgt Mark Lucas Tomlin
Col. Tomlin Leon N.
Det. Nicholas J. Tomlin, SED - Tactical - CID, Silver Star
Tomshack Joseph J.
Trapasso Frank
Trcka Frank G.
Treherne William V.
Triplett Larry E.
Tscheulin Herbert   
Tyler Tyson Sr., Det.  B122 7/22/1968 CD, NED, Executive Protection Unit. Badge 1754 
Samuel Taylor III C140 75-3 P/O - Sgt ND – SED – CSD Communications – ECU – JD – ND - MIS EOD 2/25/75 
Tyrone "Troy" Tillery Det - F120, May 1993 - Aug 2016 

Tracey, James S Ptl s 05/0111867 07114/1892 Active
Tinsley, Charles E Ptl NW 09/2311875 08/04/1893 Active
Tomer, Francis J Cpt c 05/1211871 01107/1896 Active
Tritell, Jeremiah W Ptl c 09/14/1868 06/11/1896 Active
Tipton,Alfred Ptl NW 05/17/1867 01118/1897 Retire
Tighe, John Ptl NW 05/3111872 12/3111904 Retire
Treadwell, William A Ptl NE 05/05/1898 03/05/1906 Retire
Tydings, John T Ptl w 09/23/1891 07/23/1906 Active
Tawney, Jacob F Ptl c 06/0111888 07/07/1909 Active
Townsend, Joseph D Ptl s 02/25/1875 01106/1910 Retire
Tress, Washington Ptl c 04/30/1867 08/0111914 Retire
Teves, John F Sgt NW 11130/1900 09/14/1923 Retire
Tighe, John B Sgt NE 09/08/1904 03/1111925 Retire
Todd, JohnD Ptl N 06/02/1888 06/16/1925 Retire
Todd, Edward D Ptl NW 06/2111886 09/27/1926 Retire
Tabeling, Edmund G Ptl w 03/29/1923 08/20/1927 Active
Tarbutton, Joseph M Ptl sw 04/19/1926 11103/1927 Active
Trott, Joseph E Sgt sw 04/2111886 01117/1928 Retire
Tarr, Richard S Ptl sw 05/02/1885 03/17/1928 Retire
Taylor, Owen M Ptl NE 04/10/1886 10/29/1930 Retire
Tighe, John F Ptl TRF 06/26/1930 04/07/1933 Active
Tenryson, John F Sgt N 11130/190 09/23/1934 Active
Tighe, Annie MAT c 02/04/1904 04/2111935 Retire
Talbort, Lawrence Ptl s 05/02/1888 10/03/1922 Retire
Tanney, Dennis Ptl NW 04/0111901 03/360/1936 Active
Thompson, Charles E CLK HQ 01109/1914 07/28/1937 Active
Tiell, John C Ptl N 04/0111901 02/19/1938 Active
Talbott, Edward J Ptl NW 06/30/1892 07/23/1938 Retire
Tippett, Leo Ptl c 03/14/1904 08/17/1939 Retire
Thinley, Francis Ptl NW 06/20/1893 12/16/1940 Retire
Trageser, Albert Ptl N 09/30/1924 02/25/1938 Retire
Toner, Hugh Ptl c 07/06/1881 11/2811900 Retire

Medals racked NEW


CD=Central District, SE=Southeast, ED=Eastern District, NE=Northeastern, ND=Northern District, NW=Northwest District, WD=Western District, SW=Southwest District, SD=Southern District, HP=Harbor Patrol

MCU=Major Crime Unit, DDU=District Detective Unit, TAC=Tactical, QRT=Quick Response Team, SWAT=Special Weapons, and Tactics, K9, FOX=Helicopter Unit, MU=Marine Unit, TIS=Traffic Investigative Services, TS=Traffic Section, VS=Vice Squad DEU=Drug Enforcement Unit, CS=Crime Statistics CP=Community Policing Mot=Motors Mou=Mounted FD=Fiscal Division & EPD=Executive Protection Division

MoH=Medal of Honor, CoV=Citation of Valor, SS=Silver Star, BS=Bronze Star, LSA=Life Saving Award, DSA=Distinguished Service Award CR=Commendation Ribbon, UC=Unit Citation, 5YRSD, 10YRSD, 15YRSD, 20YRSD=Years Safe Driving (5, 10, 15, 20), RR1968=1968 Riot Ribbon, SR=Special Ribbon, SP2000=Special 2000, EDI=Eastern District Incentive, CL=Commendatory Letter, OOTY= Officer of the Year. PH=Purple Heart BPDHS-SR=Baltimore Police Historic Soicety Service Ribbon

Baltimore City Police History we consider all of our brothers and sisters in the Baltimore Police Department to be heroes and would like to form a "Hall of Fame" here on the site to include each and every one of them. So if you know of an officer that isn't on this wall, bring it to our attention by writing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Just give us a name, the district(s) worked, along with any other info you may know, years worked, awards received, interesting cases etc. If you have a pic that would be nice too (the pics won't go on this page, but with luck, we will eventually have a link created so that when a name is found it can be clicked on to take you to their pic which will be loaded somewhere else on this site. That said, we will load all pictures sent to us somewhere on the site, so with pics let us know what district(s) they worked, units, etc. so we have a better idea of where to put the pic, without info the pic will still be loaded onto the site under Misc. Pictures.

TUN = Turnkey - Ptl = Patrolman - Det = Detective - Sgt = Sergeant - RSgt = Round Sergeant - Lt = Lieutenant -  Cpt = Captain - Dep = Deputy Marshall - Mar = Marshall - Com = Commissioner - MAT= Matron - HMAT = Head Matron - BE = Boat Engineer - T&S = Telegraph and Signal operator - Clk =Clerk - Phy = Physician - Chf = Chauffer - HQ = Headquarter - C =Central - SE = Southeast - E =Eastern - NE =Northeast - N =Northern - NW = Northwest - W =Western - SW = Southwest - S = Southern - TRF = Traffic

P/O = Police officer - P/W = Policewoman - P/A = Pollice Agent - Det = Detective

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Uhlik, Jr. James F. 
Unger Joseph 
Utter, George W Sgt c 02/0111888 02/14/1893 Active
Ursprich, Louis Sgt SW 09117/1898 12/13/1931 Active
Uphoff, William F Ptl s 05/29/1901 07/28/1902 Active

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LT Jo Ann Voelker – CID  
P/O Everett Voelker NWD - NWD 

Sgt. Don Voss CD HERE
P/O Nick Vaughn CD
P/O Leak Vanlandingham CD
Valentine William C.
Vaughn Walter A.
Venglarik Michael G.  
Sgt. L. Gary Yamin  

Voelker Everett E. 
VonNorbeck Charles   
Buford Viars  - B343 - ED - badge 1217 - Sgt badge #461 - Tactical - ND   
Michael Vaughn Sr. C977 03/23/80 ED, ND, NED BADGE 2152  2xBS 

Vogelman, William Ptl s 01/2111897 0112611922 Retire
Voegelein, Charles Ptl c 01/22/1899 07/16/1922 Active
Vickers, Benjamin Ptl E 12/03/1895 10/20/1922 Retire
Vohden, Samuel Ptl c 01103/1907 12/17/1922 Active
Vogt, Henry J Ptl E 01101/1909 04/13/1926 Retire
Vincent, William P Ptl TRF 04/1711901 03/10/1927 Active
Vaurina, John F Sgt NW 04/0111901 02/0111931 Active
V aira, Frank Pt1 NE 05/28/1902 02/17/1932 Retire
Vocke, Ludolph Sgt HQ 12/0811902 08/11/1939 Retire
Vogt, George W Ptl NW 04/26/1923 12/06/1940 Active
Volkert, William Ptl SW 10/05/1922 10/0111941 Retire
Vinyard, George F Ptl SW 11/30/1900 04/2511936 Retire
Vanhorton, Harvey Cpt HQ 06/19/1911 01114/1941 Active

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Sgt. Vanera (Drennon) Williams - SD - SWD - Recruitment - SED - Records
P/O Harold O. Wertz Jr - D256 - ED - Tac Inner Harbor
P/O Nancylee Wilhelm
P/O Addison Willie - WD - Tac - K-9

P/O Bernie Wehage -   HERE
P/O Paul P Wingate CD - CID / OOTYx7 
SGT Boysie Watkins WD - ND
P/O Arthur E Westveer Jr CD - SW / CRx2
P/O Valerie Jean Westveer 
Lt. Jim Wells WD
Michael Werdin SWD
Sgt. Ernie Wright WD, SED, SWD

Donna Worthy SED
Richard Waybright WD, SED  
Ray Wheatley -Seq # 82464 5/16/1963 till July 29/ 1977 

August T. Waldsachs SW 
Brian Wassum - Marine Unit
Patrick Wheeler - Marine Unit
P/O Robert D Weitzel NWD - HERE
Joseph C. Waldsachs NW
P/O Mike Wolferman

P/O Tom Wohkittel CD
P/O Donna Watson
Doug Womack
P/O Arthur Wynn
P/O Ed Wolf  CD - NE
Sgt. Jay Wiley CD
Lt. Robert Wilson ND - HERE 
Lt. Ted Weintraub

Officer Brian Wissner SW 
P/O Timothy Williams CD
Sgt. Frank Wagner CD - NE
P/O Edward Wagner CID - CD
Det. Kate Wood CD
P/O Donna Worthy
P/O R Scott Wills - NWD - TIS
P/O Dan Waskiewcz SD
Wagner John R.
P/O Wayson Donnie NED - MIS
Francis Wade SD
m Wade Sr.

Tom Wade Jr.
Joe Wade ED
Wancowicz Charles E.
Officer Charles Bunky Welsh SWD Tac
Officer William J Welsh ND ED
Sgt William Waldo Walters SD
Warren John F.
Watkins George N.
Watkins James H.
Weber Norman W.
Wehn, Sr. George S.
Weichert Edward J.
Weichert Lawrence
Weidenhoft Ejmer H.
Weih, Sr. Joseph C.
Weimer,Sr. Robert H.
Weir, Sr. Robert E. 
Weisberg Maurice F.
Wells James K.
Welsh Edmund L.
Wendricks Cliffprd P.
Wenzel Charles W,
Whalen Thomas W.
Wheltle John C.
White Dale V.
White Kenneth R.
Whitehill John T.
Whitehill Martin H.
Wieber Paul V.
Wiegard Norbert M.
Wilkens Albert
Williams George E.
Williams Leroy
Williams, Sr. Anthony C.
Willis James
Wirth Robert
Wise Carroll H.
Wisniewski John M.
Wright F. William Sr.
Wojtek Richard J.
Wolchik Frank J.
Wondolowski Joseph
Woren Nicholas
Wratchford Raymond W.
Wrzosek Frank A.
Wrzosek Stanley
Wysocki Eugene 
Wittler Wilbur 
Wilhelm, Sr. James K.  
Jonathan Walter E561 ND  
Donna L. White - E189 - E.O.D 11/3/1987 - Seq. Retired:11/3/2012

Watkins, Willaim McK Lt NW 09119/1872 11/28/1890 Active
Whalen, Phillip Ptl NW 10/15/1877 08/3111891 Active
Wenzel, Henry 0 Pt1 NW 0112111887 07/01/1893 Active
Welsh, John J Ptl s 06/14/1892 06/13/1894 Active
Wright, William 0 Lt w 05/0111871 12/09/1895 Active
Williamson, Charles H Lt sw 04/0811874 03/16/1898 Active
Wolfe, Henry Tun E 08/3111870 08/03/1897 Retire
Wood, William H Ptl s 04/27/1867 10/27/1898 Retire
Wright, John W Pt1 c 01/02/1872 12118/1898 Retire
Walsh, Maurice D Ptl E 05/14/1885 01/09/1899 Active
Weaver, JohnH Ptl w 11127/1875 09/13/1901 Active
Wess, Julius G Ptl c 06/27/1888 11114/1902 Active
Wilson, George E Ptl sw 01/17/1900 12/13/1903 Active
Whitley, Joseph Ptl c 05/13/1868 03/04/1904 Retire
Whitmer, Philip Ptl NE 07/15/1896 06/23/1904 Active
Wentz, George CLK HQ 07/14/1870 10/19/1904 Retire
Williams, William Ptl s 09/24/1869 08/30/1908 Retire
Walters, John A Ptl s 07117/1876 09/10/1908 Retire
Worthington, Thomas H Ptl c 08/29/1890 03/14/1909 Active
Wilson, John F Ptl c 07/22/1885 04/13/1911 Active
Williams, George T Ptl s 10/2011884 01103/1912 Retire
Wildberger, Frederick W Pt1 N 01103/1900 03/28/1912 Active
Wagne'r, George L Pt1 w 05/05/1867 12/18/1913 Retire
Wright, John W Sgt NW 04/12/1886 03/28/1915 Active
Walsh, William J Ptl w 08/08/1881 06/28/1910 Retire
Walmsley, Clarence Sgt c 09/17/1889 08/16/1915 Retire
Whaley, William T Ptl w 0112111891 03/0511916 Retire
Walsh, J avirs J · Ptl NW 04/12/1886 04/20/1918 Retire
Wirgaud, George P Ptl sw 05/01/1914 10/27/1918 Active
Wallace, William A Ptl s 04/25/1867 12/09/1920 Retire
Wallace, Nicholas L Pt1 sw 07/27/1919 10/25/1921 Active
Worden, Edward G Sgt NW 05/0111897 05/19/1922 Retire
Wonderly, William R CLK N 01/31/1900 12/3111922 Retire
Ward, Michael E Lt N 10/15/1892 09/22/1924 Active
Walsh, Michael Ptl sw 07/27/1868 09/26/1924 Retire
Wess, Bernard P CLK N 05/12/1900 10/05/1924 Active
Walsh, John J. Sgt s 01/1711898 12/23/1924 Retire
Werner, William F Lt HQ 10/28/1899 05/07/1925 Retire
Wolfe, Nicholas Ptl E 12/30/1918 05/18/1925 Active
Wess, Mary MAT E 08/29/1907 07/1511925 Active
White, John J Ptl E 11118/1903 10110/1925 Active
White, Howard Ptl s 07/13/1903 10/26/1925 Retire
Whittle, William H Cpt HQ 07/2011883 04/12/1926 Active
Welliner, Basil S Lt HQ 04/2111881 01123/1928 Retire
Wankmiller, John F Sgt E 05/17/1898 02/1111928 Active
Wisner, John T Tun w 09/20/1901 1110111928 Active
Wischbusen, Henry M Ptl E 03/17/1919 07/22/1930 Active
Warnsman, William Ptl c 08/23/1887 09/1111931 Active
Weller, Henry R Ptl s 04/0111901 01123/1928 Active
Wicks, Henry Sgt TRF 01115/1891 0112111921 Active
Weber, George E Sgt sw 01103/1907 12/12/1932 Retire
Warfield, William L Sgt c 12/14/1887 05/04/1933 Retire
Ward, Joseph L Ptl s 10/22/1920 06/09/1933 Active
Wingate, Harry C Ptl NW 0113111900 06/2111933 Retire
Welsh, Randolph G Ptl sw 06/2511888 06/27/1933 Retire
Welsh, Elmer F CLK s 05/12/1910 07/02/1933 Active
Watson, Walter C CLK w 07/30/1898 07/15/1933 Active
Williams, Frederick J Pt1 NW 09/14/1903 08/02/1933 Retire
Welden, Charles A Ptl N 02/28/1924 08/04/1933 Active n 
Wedi, RoseE MAT sw 07/12/1912 04/22/1934 Retire
Watkins, Millard F Tun NW 07/15/1881 07/1711934 Active
Wilkins, John C Pt1 NE 10/05/1905 10/08/1934 Active
Way, John A Lt TRF 05/29/1901 01108/1935 Retire
Wilkinson, John Ptl E 05/01/1888 06/2111936 Retire
Wilson, Samuel J Ptl c 0411111882 10/18/1936 Retire
Woelper, George T Sgt NE 12/17/1898 08/15/1937 Retire
Will, George J Tun N 01/18/1904 10/1611937 Retire
Waldschmidt, William Ptl s 01108/1912 04/12/1938 Active
Wheattley, James W Ptl NE 05/08/1890 05/03/1938 Retire
Wulfert, Julius Sr Ptl TRF 07/13/1903 05/04/1938 Retire
Weber, John Sgt NE 10/06/1902 09/2111938 Retire
Wilderson, Richard R Ptl NW 07/16/1887 12/08/1938 Retire
Wortman, Howard L Det HQ 04/17/1922 04/29/1939 Active
Weaver, Charles H LT HQ 07/25/1896 06/25/1924 Retire
Williams, Jesse A Ptl HQ 0113111910 05/2411939 Active
Woodall, Edward T Det HQ 07/06/1932 01/28/1940 Active
White, William M Lt N 09/05/1899 10/05/1934 Retire
Walstrom, John Ptl NE 06/24/1924 11124/1940 Retire
Webster, Henry W Ptl w 11102/1898 03/25/1942 Retire
Warthen, Harry S Lt HQ 09/26/1913 12/29/1942 Active
Wedi, William L Ptl c 05/13/1890 11/10/1909 Retire
Woods, John J Ptl c 01/27/1902 09/21/1931 Active 
Watt, Eugene Ptl NW 10/30/1914 09/19/1942 Retire
Witters, Thomas D Ptl c 04/28/1867 12/01/1900 Retire

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Yanchoris Edward
Det. Robert B. Yamin –DEU – WD – ND – Com - Special Ops - OIC - SED / CRx1 / RR1968x1 / BSx3 / Double BSx2 / Triple BS (Special Commendation) CL=Commendatory Letter  
Younger, Jr. John G.
Det. Loretta Young CD - DEU
P/O Lawrence Yinger TIS
Young, Oliver J Ptl w 03/26/1913 10/05/1918 Active
Yost, Henry Ptl NE 09/30/1901 11/27/1923 Retire
Yeagle, Charles L.D. Sgt NW 10/03/1898 12/22/1938 Retire
Yorlc, Benjamin W Sgt NW 05/13/1884 06/24/1890 Active

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Zawadzki Stanley
Zechman Paul
Zeinog Robert A.
Ziegler Howard M.
Zukowski Henry J.
Zeawick, Frederick Ptl s 01/02/1875 04/18/1889 Active
Zapp, Jacob Ptl s 08/27/1872 07/15/1891 Active*
Zeutgraft, John L Pt1 NW 06/09/1899 11124/1916 Retire
Zimmerman, Charles W Sgt c 0911111903 0311111920 Active
Zimmerman, Frank A Ptl N 01/13/1868 04/14/1923 Retire
Zehner, Louis Sgt NE 04/19/1881 09/08/1938 Retire
Zehner, William 0 Pt1 s 01/04/1906 06/29/1918 Retire
Zeiler, George Pt1 E 01/25/1899 06/23/1937 Retire 

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Medals racked NEW



CD=Central District, SE=Southeast, ED=Eastern District, NE=Northeastern, ND=Northern District, NW=Northwest District, WD=Western District, SW=Southwest District, SD=Southern District, HP=Harbor Patrol

MCU=Major Crime Unit, DDU=District Detective Unit, TAC=Tactical, QRT=Quick Response Team, SWAT=Special Weapons, and Tactics, K9, FOX=Helicopter Unit, MU=Marine Unit, TIS=Traffic Investigative Services, TS=Traffic Section, VS=Vice Squad DEU=Drug Enforcement Unit, CS=Crime Statistics CP=Community Policing Mot=Motors Mou=Mounted FD=Fiscal Division & EPD=Executive Protection Division.

MoH=Medal of Honor, CoV=Citation of Valor, SS=Silver Star, BS=Bronze Star, LSA=Life Saving Award, DSA=Distinguished Service Award CR=Commendation Ribbon, UC=Unit Citation, 5YRSD, 10YRSD, 15YRSD, 20YRSD=Years Safe Driving (5, 10, 15, 20), RR1968=1968 Riot Ribbon, SR=Special Ribbon, SP2000=Special 2000, EDI=Eastern District Incentive, CL=Commendatory Letter, OOTY= Officer of the Year. PH=Purple Heart BPDHS-SR=Baltimore Police Historic Soicety Service Ribbon

Baltimore City Police History we consider all of our brothers and sisters in the Baltimore Police Department to be heroes and would like to form a "Hall of Fame" here on the site to include each and every one of them. So if you know of an officer that isn't on this wall, bring it to our attention by writing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Just give us a name, the district(s) worked, along with any other info you may know, years worked, awards received, interesting cases etc. If you have a pic that would be nice too (the pics won't go on this page, but with luck, we will eventually have a link created so that when a name is found it can be clicked on to take you to their pic which will be loaded somewhere else on this site. That said, we will load all pictures sent to us somewhere on the site, so with pics let us know what district(s) they worked, units, etc. so we have a better idea of where to put the pic, without info the pic will still be loaded onto the site under Misc. Pictures.

TUN = Turnkey - Ptl = Patrolman - Det = Detective - Sgt = Sergeant - RSgt = Round Sergeant - Lt = Lieutenant -  Cpt = Captain - Dep = Deputy Marshall - Mar = Marshall - Com = Commissioner - MAT= Matron - HMAT = Head Matron - BE = Boat Engineer - T&S = Telegraph and Signal operator - Clk =Clerk - Phy = Physician - Chf = Chauffer - HQ = Headquarter - C =Central - SE = Southeast - E =Eastern - NE =Northeast - N =Northern - NW = Northwest - W =Western - SW = Southwest - S = Southern - TRF = Traffic

P/O = Police officer - P/W = Policewoman - P/A = Pollice Agent - Det = Detective



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Copies of: Your Baltimore Police Department Class Photo, Pictures of our Officers, Vehicles, Equipment, Newspaper Articles relating to our department and or officers, Old Departmental Newsletters, Lookouts, Wanted Posters, and or Brochures. Information on Deceased Officers and anything that may help Preserve the History and Proud Traditions of this agency. Please contact Retired Detective Kenny Driscoll.

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Devider color with motto


How to Dispose of Old Police Items

Please contact Det. Ret. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department.

Anyone with information, photographs, memorabilia, or other "Baltimore City Police" items can contact Ret. Det. Kenny Driscoll at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. follow us on Twitter @BaltoPoliceHist or like us on Facebook or mail pics to 8138 Dundalk Ave. Baltimore Md. 21222


Copyright © 2002 Baltimore City Police History - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll 










WD ( Officer and Sergeant), SWD, CCT#1, 
Tac QRT, NWD, E&T.